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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E41

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E41

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 41

Jenifer:l will make you dead today! (She scowled out in horror)

Summayah:Let me go! (She yelled back admist tears as she quivered)

Jenifer:Not until when I finally have the chance to kill you!

(An evil smirk crept on her face as she brought out a knife, Summayah shaked In terror as she began to step back away from Jennifer slowly)

Summayah:Somebody help! (She screamed admist tears)

Jenifer: There's no one to help you my dear, you and I are all alone.

(Jenifer stepped forward to Summayah as she laughed hysterically).

Summayah: No! Step back!

Jenifer: I'll slit off your throat If you dare

She drew the curtains before moving closer to her, after much struggle she was able to open her eyes. Seeing the nurse, Summayah remembered Jennifer's last word and she was scared and restless.

"Is the last, right?" And the nurse nodded. Jennifer smirked and said "It should do it, right?" And again the nurse nodded.

"Poor Summayah. you thought those injections would make you better, but what better way to put to sleep forever and the best part is that no one would know what killed you...it will be dismissed as an illness."

Summayah:No! No!! Stay away from me.

Nurse:I am here to take care of you.

Summayah: You are lying, you are here to kill me and my unborn child.

Nurse:Calm down,please.

Summayah:I beg of you, don't kill me. My child is innocent.

Nurse:l promise you that i won't hurt you or your child.

Summayah: That's not true, you are all liars.

Nurse:You are at the hospital, a doctor rescued you yesterday.

Summayah: (Her body trembling in fear, she wasn't convinced that the nurse was only trying to help her get better.) Don't! Don't move closer to me, I beg of you. Don't kill me, I know she sent you here to kill me.

Nurse:Calm down.

Summayah:Please, Let me go.

Nurse:You can't leave here until the doctor arrives.

Summayah: (She was so tensed and weak) Is the nurse trying to delay her till Jennifer return? Is she trying to cajole her so that she can kill her? I have to run away from her, I shouldn't trust anyone. If she was planning to kill me then she would have done it since yesterday or she is just waiting for the right moment. I have to leave!


Summayah: (She was so lost in her thoughts, thinking of possible ways to run away.)I have to distract her so that I can escape from her. (The nurse called her again, this time she looked at her.)


Summayah:Please come closer.

Nurse:(She moved closer to her.) Are you okay?

Summayah:I need some water, i am thirsty.

Nurse:(Looking at the bedside table, there was no water_so she decided to help her get one from the reception.)I will be back very soon.

Summayah: Thank you. (Trailing her movements with her eye, she made sure she had left before she tried to get down but she couldn't. She hasn't tried to move her legs since she was conscience and now when she tried to, she couldn't. Her legs are numb,it was so heavy making it very hard to even move. It dawned on her that her legs might have been paralyzed, she let out a scream.) No! No!! No!!! My legs.

The nurse heard her scream since she was already closer to where she was, she ran into the ward.

Nurse:Why are you screaming?

Summayah:My...le... legs....

Nurse:l can't understand you, what happened to your legs.

Summayah:My...legs... What did... you... do... to... my... legs.

Nurse: There is nothing wrong with yours legs.

Summayah:Something is definitely wrong with my legs, i can't move it. I can't feel my legs again, tell me right now. (She shouted)

Nurse:You have to be calm, miss. The doctor Before that, I can still message your legs__it must have been the position you slept in since yesterday but we are still going to be carrying a lots of test on you.

Summayah:(Letting her tears flow freely.) Please, don't touch me... What did you do to my legs, i will be crippled from now on. l want my legs back, please.

Nurse:l amnt trying to hurt you, I am here to help you. Just trust me.

Summayah: You are all the same, very selfish. I cant trust anyone_you want to kill me.

Nurse:l have to call the doctor, he should be here very soon. She might be having some psychological problems. (She tried her best to calm her down but all she did was all in vain.)

Summayah: This is too much for me to bear, please. I cant endure this pain anymore, Ya Allah. (She sobbed quietly, the nurse moved closer to her tried to soothe her but Summayah was so draumatized.)

Nurse:l know you are going through a lot but you have to think of your unborn child. Your child should be your top priority right now, he is also suffering since you aren't happy or taking care of yourself. You are at the verge of death yesterday when the doctor brought you to the hospital. Your blood pressure was high, i am sure it will still be the same right now since you have not had a proper sleep. or rest. You are very young__i don't understand why you have a high blood pressure.

Summayah was so lost, she wasn't listening to her. Her life has no meaning to her anymore, she felt like a living corpse. She was only trying to live for the little thing growing in her womb, that innocent soul is the only one that gave her hope.

Nurse:(She understands why she is so quiet and not ready to answer her question. She checked her drip, making sure everything is in order__she injected her so that she can sleep peacefully before the doctor gets here. Summayah was drowning in her own sorrow that she couldn't feel any pain when she was Injected.)Get some rest.

(When the injection shows effect, Summayah fell into deep sleep. The nurse made her way to the door to check on other patients. She reminded herself that she needs to call the doctor, he was never late.)

Fadilah: Yes... You did the right thing papa. You are the best papa in the world, i want to be like you when i grow up.

Uthman You want to be a doctor?

Fadilah:Yes papa.

Uthman Masha Allah baby. So...Am... I... Forgiven?

Fadilah:Yes papa.

Uthman:Alhamdulilah, we have to pray fajr and i will dress you for school today. I am making up for yesterday, In sha Allah i will be back home soon.

Fadilah:Okay papa.

(They performed ablution, prayed together.

Uthman made sure he dressed her up for school and he also went into his room to get dressed up for work.Glancing at his wife's picture, he picked it up and placed a soft kiss on the picture.)

Uthman Salam Alaikum Warahmotulah Wabarakatuh Habibty. I am getting dressed for work, you know our adorable baby is going to be six years old in three months. She is now a big girl as she always say. (He smiled to himself.)I wished you are always there by my side, Alhamdulilah you are in a better place__In Sha Allah. Do you know what our little baby told me today? She said she wants to be a doctor too. I will continue to make her happy, Husna. May we all re-unite in Jannah and i will continue to pray for you.

(He heard Fadilah's tiny voice from downstairs, he quickly placed her picture on the bedside before rushing to the bathroom.)

Fadilah:Papa, you have to be fast. You don't want to be late, remember you have to feed me. I don't want sister Maryam or grandma to feed me.

Uthman (He shouted) I will be downstairs very soon.

Fadilah Okay papa.

Uthman: (He looked at the frame in his hand) You can see how naughty she is, she is just like you. I have to go now, Husna. Salam Alaikum.

(He rushed to the bathroom and within few minutes he rushed down to feed his baby. It was already 7am,he picked her up and placed her on the chair.)

Uthman:What do you want to eat.

Uthman:What do you want to eat.


Uthman Ohh no, you should have just drank tea with bread for breakfast. I am already getting late for work, i have to check on the lady.

Fadilah: (Looking sad) Okay papa.

Uthman:l will prepare the indomie for you...

Fadilah:(Her face lit up) Thank you papa.

Uthman You are welcome, Mai Lady.

(While preparing her breakfast, he got a call from the nurse assigned to take care of her. He quickly picked up his phone, he placed it between his ear and shoulder He poured the noodles in a plate. He sat her down quietly.)

Uthman:l will be back soon to feed you, sit quietly baby.

Fadilah:(She nodded quietly.)

(Uthman sat down and listened to what the nurse had to say.)

Uthman:Good morning.

Nurse Good morning doctor.

Uthman:I hope she is doing great. Any Improvement?

Nurse:She isn't in a good state, she can't feel her legs. You wouldn't let me come closer to her, but i have given her some sedatives. I think she is traumatized but she is sleeping right now, I need you to be at the hospital.

Uthman Her legs? How come? I saw her walking before she fell to the ground yesterday.l will be there very soon.

Nurse:Okay sir.

Uthman Her legs? How come? I saw her walking before she fell to the ground yesterday.l will be there very soon.

Nurse:Okay sir.

(He ended the call, fed his child. He wondered why everybody was still asleep, after feeding her__he placed the plate into the sink and moved towards his mother's room to greet her before going to the hospital. The school bus will be there to pick her up. He knocked on her door when he heard her voice indicating he can enter.)

Uthman Salam Alaikum mama.

Hadiza:Walaykum salaam.

Uthman Why are you not downstairs this morning.

Hadiza:I am a Lil bit tired, i had to take care of your daughter yesterday since she cried a lot.

Uthman:I am so sorry mama.

Hadiza: You shouldn't be sorry my son, She is my grandchild_that means she is also my responsibility.

Uthman:What about Maryam and Iman?

Hadiza:Ohh, she is having a serious stomachache.Alhamdulilah, she is getting better. Iman must have gone to school.

Uthman Alhamdulilah...Ohh, I forgot he had a lecture very early, he must have gone when i was busy taking my bath. Fadilah is ready for school, when the bus comes_please make sure she picks up her ice cream and food pack. I will be going now, I have a patient i have to attend to right now.

Hadiza:Okay son.

Uthman (He rose to his feet) Salaam Alaikum warahmotulah wabarakatuh mama.

Hadiza Walsh kun salaam warahmotulah wabarakatuh. May you be protected from evil eyes.

Uthman Amin, see you in the night mama.

(He picked up his bag, rushed downstairs and kissed his baby on her forehead before heading to the door.)

Fadilah Papa.

Uthman (He turned to face her) Yes?


Uthman: (He turned to face her) Yes?

Fadilah:Promise me you will be back home soon, very early.

Uthman (He sighed) In sha Allah dear, i will be back very soon.


(He rushed to his car and drove off to the hospital.)

Good morning guys, this is the unedited chapter and this is how it is going to be for noelw, maybe till the end of the book.

So bear with me.

Just tell me if you cant understand.

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E40

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E42

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