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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E40

Story 2 days ago

Tears Of Summayah - S01 E40

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 40

For all the light in her, She kept on going.

For all the strength in her, She kept on trying.


Uthman had just performed a surgery on a patient, so he went straight to his office, very tired. He picked up his phone and saw a lot of missed calls from his mother, so he called her back immediately.

"History must never repeat Itself." He muttered and soon his mother picked the call.

"Salam Alaikum."

"Walaykum salaam my son".

"I saw a lot of missed calls on my phone, is everything okay?"

"Alhamdulillah, everything is fine. Your baby has been disturbing me all morning. She said she needs to talk to you

. I think it is one of those father-daughter secret talks." Hadiza chuckled

Uthman sighed in relief. "I was so scared. I thought something happened. My apologies for not picking up."

"it is okay my son, I understand you are a busy man. Taking care of your daughter shows how responsible you are. May Allah grant you more strength, my son."

"Amin mama. So, where is she?"

"Put the phone on loud speaker, when she hears my voice, she'll stop crying."

"Okay sir."

"Stop this your sirs, drama queen."

Maryam did as she was told, and immediately Fadilah heard her father's voice, her mood changed.


"My baby girl, tell me who hurt you and I promise to hit them very hard."

Fadilah sniffed. "It is you papa."

"What? Me?"

"Yes, you. You refused to pick up my calls when I called you. Grandma tried calling your line repeatedly as well"

"I am so sorry, I will have to hit myself then

"No! You can't do that."

"I am so sorry, I will have to hit myself then."

"No! You can't do that."

"I promised to do that, remember?"

"I know you are already tired, I don't want you to ever hurt yourself, papa".

"I can see my baby is already grown up. I am so proud to be your father."

"I am a big girl Papa and I am proud to be your daughter too."

"So why did you call me earlier?"

"I want you to come home early. I missed you so much."

Uthman knew that she had other things to say. "And?


"Just say it."

"Ice creammmmm!"

Uthman laughed. "Is that all?"

"Yes, papa. Make sure you come home early. I want to tell you a lot of things. About school and my friends.

"Okay, I am done for the day. I will get my baby lots of ice cream at the supermarket before driving home."

"Okay papa, make sure you don't disappoint me. And know that I won't sleep until you get back."

"I won't do that in shaa Allah. Pray that I get home safe."

"I will in shaa Allah"

"Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaykum salam." She ended the call and was so happy that she could finally eat. Aunty Maryam, I want to eat."

"Daddy's girl, let's go into the kitchen and get some food to eat." Maryam picked her up from the bed.

"Put me down. Didn't you hear what papa said?"

"No, I didn't."

"He said I am grown up already which means I am a big girl and I can walk all by myself."

Maryam laughed. "In your dreams. Your papa still calls you a baby, remember?"

"I will forever be his baby, but I am still a big girl." She stuck her tongue out.

Maryam flipped her hand back. "Whatever."

"Put me down or will report you to papa."

"I don't care."

Fadilah resigned herself to fate when she realised that Maryam wasn't ready to put her down. They went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family.


Uthman carried his office bag and went straight to the neighbourhood mosque to pray Asr before heading to the supermarket. Iman was already at the mosque waiting for him so that they could go home together.

Praise be to Allaah.

What the Muslim is obliged to do is to offer the prayer on time and not let himself be distracted from it by anything, unless it is something urgent that he cannot do anything about, such as saving a person from drowning or rescuing people from a burning house, or warding off the attack of an enemy that is feared. In such cases there is nothing wrong with delaying the prayer for that reason, even if the time for the prayer ends. But with regards to ordinary matters in which no danger is involved, it is not permissible to delay the prayer because of them.

It is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), when the people of Makkah besieged Madeenah on the day of al-Ahzaab, delayed Zuhr and 'Asr prayer until after Maghrib. According to another report, he delayed 'Asr prayer until after Maghrib, because he was preoccupied with fighting. It is also proven that when the Sahaabah besieged Tastar, dawn came when the fighting was still going on and the people were scaling the walls and were at the gates of the city, and they delayed Fajr prayer until conquest was granted to them, then they prayed at the time of duha (forenoon) so that they would not miss out on the opportunity to conquer the city. In such situations it is permissible to delay the prayer. If there is a fire in which Muslim people are trapped, it is permissible to focus on rescuing them, even if that means that you will miss offering a prayer on time, because saving Muslim lives which are protected by sharee'ah is very important, and because it may not be possible to deal with this danger except by delaying the prayer; the prayer is being missed for a valid reason, so it is permissible to delay it. A person may also delay the prayer and join prayers because of sickness and travelling, so it is permissible to delay prayers until after their time or to delay Asr or Fajr prayers from their times in order to save one who is drowning or burning and so on.

Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him.)

NB: It is permissible for a doctor to save a life, then he can pray his missed prayers later in the day.

Allah knows best.

"Assalam Alaikum, Iman."

"Walaykum salam brother Uthman." They shook hands.

Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani:

Hudhaifa ibn Al-Yaman reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Verily, when the believer meets another believer and greets him with peace and shakes his hand, the sins of them both will shed like the shedding of the leaves of a tree."

Source: al-MuÊ»jam al-Awsatl£ 253

It is very beneficial to shake hands with our Muslim brother if you are a male and vice versa. Not with a non-mahram, because shaking hands with a non-mahram is haram. (i.e. "A male with whom she can get married to." e.g cousins.)

"Alhamdulilah. I am so happy you used the word "brother" today." Uthman said Iman laughed. "I am glad you are happy. So are we going home straight away or..."

"I want to get ice-cream for my baby before going home."

"But that supermarket is a long way off and in the opposite direction from home. Trust me, she'll be asleep before we get home."

"Just chill man, she promised to stay awake for me. I would do anything to make her happy. Fadilah is the only reason why I want to move on in life and to be honest it has been a long time since we sat down to talk. Even though she is still a child she understands me so much."

"I understand brother, Allah has blessed you with a beautiful daughter."

"She got the looks from her mother and don't forget I am so handsome too so you should expect nothing less."

"Let's move on sir."

They got into the car he drove off to the direction of the supermarket. When he made a U turn, he noticed a girl from afar who was struggling to walk. She seemed like she was in a trance.

"Iman! Iman! Iman wake up." Uthman gently shook his friend awake.

"Yes, yes."

"Sit up, you sleepyhead. We haven't even reached our destination and you are already sleeping. Look at that lady, she is staggering. I think she needs our help."

Iman yawned. "It might be a trap, it is already late. You know how Nigeria is, if we get out of the car and we are robbed, it will be our loss."

"What if it is not a trap? Besides if my car is stolen, I have other ones and i can report at the police station."


"No, but iman, this is why Nigeria isn't moving forward. We are too selfish and ignorant and refuse to help one another. You can sit in the car if you want."

He parked his car and went straight to see what the problem was. Iman followed him. They ran when they saw Sumayyah slumped on to the floor. Uthman couldn't recognize her since it was so dark. Iman was already scared, not knowing what is in store for them.

"Let us go she is dead. If the police or another find us here, we are going to be in trouble."

"No, I can still feel her pulse. We should take her to the hospital right now. Just think positively Iman. She is going to be alright, In shaa Allah."


Uthman carried her fragile body into the car and drove back to the hospital. He took her straight into the ward to examine her. When he removed her hijab from her face Uthman was shocked. He couldn't believe they could cross paths ever again. Since iman had called the hospital and the nurses had done the necessary arrangements, he started her treatments. After an hour, he came out of the ward to see iman pacing back and forth.

Uthman beckoned to Iman.

"How is she?"

"She is getting better, she needs rest. Can you believe she is the same girl I met at the hotel?"


"Wallah, she is the one. She has high blood pressure and is very weak. I am going to be checking on her tomorrow, but I asked the nurse on duty to monitor her very well. The girl is suffering from malnutrition too and it is very dangerous to her and the baby." His phone rang, and he picked up immediately without checking the caller ID. "Hello."

"Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaykum salam mum."

"Your daughter said you promised to be back home soon. She has refused to sleep without seeing her father, she is going to school tomorrow so she has to sleep early. Are you almost home?"

"Oh no, there was an emergency, so I had to stay. I will be home soon, In sha Allah. Tell her I will get the ice-cream too." Uthman ended the call and beckoned to Iman so they could leave.

"Are we still going to the supermarket?"

"Of course, we are."

"Uthman checked on Sumayyah for the last time before leaving the hospital.

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E39

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Tears Of Summayah - S01 E41

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