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The devil's pact - S01 E44

Story 20 hours ago

The devil's pact - S01 E44

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44

"Just like I said," pointed out Mary.

"Sorry if I didn't want to trust Vampire: The Masquerade for my information," I apologized, testily.

"Just Wikipedia."

"It's pretty reliable," I said defensively. "Fine, I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

"Good" she said, nodding and smiling.. "As long as you remember that I'm always right, things will go smoothly for you, Mark."

Wisely, I choose not to dispute that. "So, why would I need a monster mother's help?" I asked, changing the subject.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know, maybe..."

We talked for a while longer, going round in circles about theories and speculations. In the end, we gave up and promised to keep the crystal with me at all times, just in case. Mary snuggled up against me and feel asleep without a problem. And it turned out she snored. It was soft and kinda cute. And as I grappled with dark thoughts, trying to sleep, I found her snores... comforting. I wasn't alone in the dark. Mary would be there with me to face whatever danger the Devil saw in my future.

When I finally fell asleep, it was a shallow, restless one, plagued with a reoccurring nightmare. I was surrounded by shadowy monsters, holding a crimsons crystal in my hand, Mary pressed behind me as I tried to protect her. I would say the words, "Lilith, appear before me." But nothing happened and the monsters would swarm in and I would wake up, breathing hard. Mary would snuggled tightly against me, somehow instinctively consoling me in her sleep, and I would drift back off to sleep to experience the nightmare all over again.

I tried to ignore my worries and go back to sleep but it was too bright and my bladder was too full, so stumbled towards bathroom. On the way, I noticed Mary out on the balcony and... I blinked, was that an easel in front of her? I had to pee to bad to find out, and kept stumbling to the bathroom. I braced one arm against the wall and started pissing, hoping I was getting it in the bowl. I was too tired to aim. After pissing, I fumbled with the shower controls. A hot shower always helped me wake up.

I leaned against the tiled walls of the shower, mauve and gray, and let the warm water pour over me. After several minutes of warm,

luxurious bliss, I was finally feeling alive. I grabbed the soap and washed my body and then shampooed my hair. I stepped out of the shower and shaved my face and combed my hair. I slapped on some spicy aftershave Mary had bought me and spritzed some bodyspray in my armpits.

Yesterday, Allison and Desiree and cleared all of Desiree and her husband's clothes and personal effects out of the master bedroom and replaced them with Mary and my clothing. I found some clean boxers, jeans, and a maroon polo shirt. Dressed, I grabbed my phone and sent Allison a text, before heading out to the master bedroom's balcony to see what Mary was up to.

Mary stood before an easel and a large canvas, paintbrush in one hand and a wooden palette in the other, covered in smears of paints. She was dressed in one of my white, buttoned down shirts that fell down to mid thigh on her. Mary's auburn hair was tied back and fell in a loose ponytail down her back. Her legs were long and gorgeous and she was barefoot, her feet small with cute little toes. She appeared to be painting Mount Rainier with the sun rising over the mountain's shoulder.

"Hey, Mare," I greeted, sitting down on the loveseat, admiring the way her shapely rear shifted about beneath the shirt tails as she painted. Looking good!"

"Morning, hun," Mary answered, not even looking at me. She was too fixated on her painting.

"Painting the Mountain?" I asked. God, what a stupid question. What else could she be painting. "It's looking pretty."

"Oh, thanks," she said, absentminded.

"Any plans for today?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No, not really. What were you thinking."

I started to speak when someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in, Allison!" I shouted.

Allison padded through the room. The pink-haired teenage slut was dressed in a sexy, french maid outfit that she bought yesterday. The bodice of the dress was made of a transparent, black material that showed her hard nipples and the silver barbell that pierced each one. The skirt was made of many layers of white, lacy petticoats covered by the black, lacy material of the skirt. It was short, barely covered her ass when she stood straight, and when she bent over her ass and pussy would be on display.

"Good morning Master, good morning Mistress," Allison said politely as she stepped out onto the balcony.

"Good morning, slut," Mary said, still concentrating on her painting.

"Did you make the arrangements I asked you to," I asked. Yesterday, I sent her several texts while Mary and I were shopping.

"Yes, Master, I made all the reservations and programmed the GPS, Allison answered.

"Good slut," I praised, and pulled my cock out. Allison knelt before me and sucked my cock into her warm mouth.

"What arrangements?" Mary asked, curiously. She glanced behind her and shook her head in amusement when she saw Allison blowing me.

Allison was a pro at blowjobs. She had a tongue stud, and the metal was a small spot of hard pressure, rubbing across my dick. "An orca tour," I answered. "And then dinner in Seattle, at the Space Needle. If you want to?"

"Are you asking me out an a date while some sluts sucks on your dick?"

"Oh, yeah!" I moaned as Allison started bobbing her head on my shaft. I ran my hand through her bubblegum pink hair.

"Okay, sounds fun," Mary answered. "When do we leave?"

I looked down at Allison. "Well, slut?"

Allison popped her mouth off my cock, You need to leave within the next ninety minutes or so," she answered then sucked my cock back into her mouth.

"Well, then I need to get ready," Mary said. "Slut, when you finish blowing Mark, clean up here and take everything to my studio."

Allison moaned around my cock that could have been, "Yes, Mistress."

Mary bent down and kissed me on the lips. "Have fun," she said with a smile, stroked Allison's hair, and walked inside, I followed her ass with my eyes, enjoying her hip's sway, before she disappeared into the bathroom. I closed my eyes, and enjoyed Allison's wet mouth and tongue on my cock. She was bobbing her head rapidly on my dick, my sensitive head brushing the back of her throat. My balis tightened, and came in her mouth.

"Thank you, Master, for your yummy cum," Allison said, semen staining her lips, then she gently licked my cock's mushroom head, lapping out all my cum, then zipped my pants back up.

I went downstairs and heard Desiree cooking in the kitchen. Desiree was an amazing cook, and I wondered what delicious food she was making for breakfast. My stomach rumbled, clearly just as eager for her cooking as I was. Still to tired to do anything constructive, I turned on the TV and saw a blurry, black and white image of my face off a security camera.

"The fuck," I murmured to myself, turning the volume up.

"Authorities are asking for you help in identifying this man," the news anchor reported, "wanted in connection with the a series of strange events that happened in the South Hill Bestbuy on Thursday and robbery of a jewelry store in a local mall, as well as several other strange occurrences. Eye witness place him in the company of two young women, one with red or auburn hair and one with hair dyed pink. Call Crimestoppers if you have any tips."

Wow. I guess I made more of ripple than I thought. Well, I did start an orgy at the Bestbuy. I snorted, gas, huh. I guess that's one way to explain a bunch of people fucking in the electronic aisle. Could this the danger the Devil was warning me of? shook my head. No, that couldn't be it. If any police showed up to arrest me, I would just tell them to let me go. And if Mary or Allison got arrested, I could just walk into the jail and free them.

The news then started talking about some stupid bullshit a dog did, so I turned it off. I stared at the blank screen of the TV and pulled out the red crystal, studying it. The gem appeared to be a perfectly ordinary crystal. It didn't burn with that crimson light like last night, it was cool in my hand, and smooth as glass.

"Master?" I jumped. Desiree was standing in front of me, peering worriedly. She was dressed in the same maids outfit that Allison wore and her large tits covered by the sheer bodice dangled in front of my face. "Mi Rey, are you all right? You didn't answer me."

"Sorry, I was just thinking," I replied, slipping the crystal back into my pocket, next to the engagement ring box. I needed to get my mind off what the Devil said. I hoped today was going to be a fun, romantic day with Mary that went perfectly. "What did you want, Desiree?"

"Breakfast is ready, imi Rey," she answered. "Shall I go let Reina know."

"Yeah, she's probably getting out of the shower now," I told her. "Desiree, what does, uh, mi rey mean?"

"My king," Desiree answered, then a pained look frowned her face, "do you not like it?"

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E43

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E45

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