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The devil's pact - S01 E43

Story 20 hours ago

The devil's pact - S01 E43

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 43

we slipped into bed and talked about what happened. Mary had made her pact with the Devil, like had days earlier. And then the Devil handed me this red crystal that glowed with scarlet light, and told me if I was ever in trouble to hold up the crystal and say, "Lilith, appear before me." A fear clenched at my stomach. Why would I need this. Mary sensed my fear, and so we talked and theorized what the Devil meant, What danger lay before us. And who or what was Lilith.

"That name is famillar," Mary had murmured, snuggled naked against me. "I think its from Vampire: The Masquerade."

"Wait, what?" I asked, starring incredulously at her. "You played that?"

Mary laughed. "Yeah, there was a six months or so in my junior year of high school that I really got into Twilight. And a friend introduced me to the local Vampire: the Masquerade Coven and I spent Tuesdays and Thursday nights LARPing as the Vampiress Damona."

"Wow," I grinned, amused. "You LARPed."

"Yeah," she admitted, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"Although, we just hung out and dressed in just the awfullest black clothing and wore too much black makeup. With my pale skin I looked like a corpse. Which I guess was the point, but I never really liked it."

"I don't know," I said, "I bet you were real sexy as a goth."

pictured Mary, black dress contrasting to her pale skin. Black lipstick staining her lips and her auburn hair aiding an exciting splash of color, draped over one shoulder and falling down into her cleavage.

"Anyway," she said, frowning at me. "I'm pretty sure Lilith was the mother of monsters, or something like that. Some demon, or something like that. One of the cults had something to do with her."

I got my smart phone out and googled Lilith. "Huh," reading the Wikipedia page. "She was a Canaanite goddess and, according to Jewish mythology, was Adam's first wife but refused to submit to his authority so he divorced her and married Eve."

"Good for her," Mary said.

The fact I initially used my powers to control Mary was still a sore subject between us, so I didn't rise to her bait, and continued reading, "Then she became the mother of monsters and a


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The Devil's Pact - S01 E42

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