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Potential - S01 E90

Story 4 hours ago

Potential - S01 E90

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 90

"Hold on."

"Just wait, let me finish. You're pretending you think it's me, then you freak out on him when you realize it's him."

"How is that going to get me-

"Let me finish."

"Sorry, go on."

"He'll feel really bad, you know how he is. You don't speak to him and make him come to you. He'll want to try and make things right. You play hard to get, but make sure he sees a bunch of you. Don't flirt, but, you know, towels, short shorts, boob slips and maybe another charlie horse. Draw him in and get cozy and before long he'll be the one to-"

"You're bad, very bad...and devious." She actually liked plan B. "I love it, and I love you, too."

When he got home, Evan had considered parking down the block and coming through the backyard to avoid his father's stupid cameras, but if his mother happened to be in the kitchen, he'd have to explain not having his car. That would be digging an even deeper hole, so he decided to take his chances and parked in the driveway. If she was in her office working, she might see him, but he thought he could get into the bathroom to shower off the evidence before she came out of her room.

Now that he was in the shower washing away the dirt and smell, he realized the excitement bubbling inside him would be more difficult to hide. Cindy was impressed and proud of him, and she never mentioned his father or getting permission. All he had to do was play it cool and hope his father went to China before his race. In his mind, it would be better to do it and get in trouble later, than be told not to and do it anyway.

After his shower, he was less paranoid, but not confident that he could pull it off. If Cindy really did know, that meant there was a chance his mother knew. Once he saw her she would look at him and start asking questions. Lying about a lie was worse than just lying. Maybe telling his mother the truth was the way to go?With her on his side-No, his father wouldn't change his mind, especially

when he found out how far things had already gone. His mother

might be on his side and tell him to just do it. No, he couldn't

implicate her in the dishonest act. Keep the secret, he told himself, then take your lumps after. That was the only way to go. Now, how could he avoid his mother?

Evan opened the bathroom door. Shit, how does she do that? "Mom" He wasn't ready to face her with his clothes on, this was worse.

"Hi," his mother said.

"I forgot," he said. "TII-"

"When did you get all these muscles?" Her hand moved from his bicep to his chest. "And hair, it's very sexy."

His chin hit his chest and all the blood rushed from his head. She was touching his nipples. "I, um."

"You have a six pack down here." She traced the grooves between his muscles. They got deeper as she moved lower. He commanded his penis to stop, but it kept swelling. The ends of the towel barely overlapped and he expected his erection to lift between them.

"This little towel isn't enough for a man like you."

His heart thudded against his ribs. His mother was going to kiss him. It was worse than he had imagined when he had to kiss Ms. Tonya. He refused to look and see if his cock was pushing the towel up because if he knew for sure he would faint before her lips touched his. She said, "I told you you were tempting fate,' then started laughing. "You should see the look on your face."

She's not trying to seduce me. "That's not funny," he said. He was more sad than relieved.

"I made my point, didn't I? Imagine you ran into Rebecca like that or your towel falls off in front of your sister."

She made a point all right, and he was glad it was going down. "Okay, I won't forget again."

"I bet," she said

He'd never forget what just happened, that was for sure. Probably be fantasizing and dreaming about it, too.

"Good" she said and kissed his cheek. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

Shit, he knew that look. His mother suspected something. If he told her and she didn't know, he was in trouble, but if he lled and she did know, there was no hope. Could she have talked to Cindy? That was the only way she could know. Cindy used to come over all the time, but not lately. "No, mom," he said. "Why?"

"It's just one of those things mothers ask now and then."

"Okay, can I go get dressed? Hate it if Rebecca showed up."

"I bet you would."

"Speaking of the tumbler, is Deana coming home tonight?"

"Why, you miss her?"

Actually, he did, but he said, "No, I was only acting like I cared so you would be happy."

"Smart ass," she said. "She isn't, said they were having a foursome with the other tumblers."

He might have shivered. "That's great, more food for me."

"Gloria Isn't here either," she said.

"Oh, where is she?"

"Spending the night with Jayda."

Great, that wasn't something he wanted to think about. "Even more food for me. See you at dinner."

"Jason said he figured you didn't bring your phone with you today, so he asked me to have you call him when you get home."


That night, after dinner, Evan finally remembered to call Jason.

"It's about time," Jason said. "It would never have happened if you had your phone with you today."

"What wouldn't have happened?"

"Remember when you told me you saw your mom without a bra?"

The last thing he wanted to talk about was his mother's tits. He was still trying to forget the incident outside the bathroom door "Yeah, why?"

Jason asked, "Are you sure they're real?"

He stared at the phone for a second then said, "Yes. Why the hell would you ask that?"

"I guess you would have noticed if they suddenly got bigger, but you sure?

He had been looking at her tits as long as he could remember, and he was still amazed by them. "Of course!"

"Don't get mad at me," Jason said. "If you had your phone we wouldn't be having this conversation. They don't have cords on them anymore, that means you take it with you."

"Wouldn't have mattered, I couldn't have answered it while driving a race car."

"Driving a race-Shit, that was today. Damn it."

"Yeah, it was, but what does this have to do with my mother?"

"I was worried...worried that your mother had talked to my mother about the races. She told me she saw her at the library. I wanted to warn you in case it came up, so you would know.


"The other day."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? What have you been doing all week?'

"I could ask you the same question,' Jason said. "The summer is going by and we haven't done anything."

Evan wanted to say, are you serious, I fucked Miss Tonya for two hours, but he had promised. A blabbermouth could spoil all the fun, just like when those idiots who were having orgies with their hot teacher had to talk. Now she's in jail and nobody is receiving the special education only she was giving. If he ever got to have group sex with Mrs. Beck, he'd never tell anybody. Would he?

"I had to work, and man, Miss Tonya is demanding. She worked my ass off." Knowing the true meaning of his words would have to do. "Hopefully she'll have lots more for me to do, so I can work there all summer. Now, why did you ask me that?"

"Oh, yeah, like I was saying, it is totally your fault that this happened. I only went to your house because your dumb ass didn't have a phone."

"Get to the point."

"Not really a point," Jason said. "My mother's tits are pointy, but your mother's are more like cantaloupes with peanut M&Ms on top of them. How do they do that?"

"Do what?" Evan asked. Jason had noticed how pointy his own mother's tits were. "Jeez, why are we talking about our mother's boobs, anyway?"

"I've been trying to tell you that since we got on the phone. Now shut up and let me finish."

"Go on."

"I went to your back door and saw your mother in the kitchen, so I knocked and went in. I surprised her, but she wasn't mad."


"Dude, her tits are huge, bigger than ever thought, and they don't hang, not even without a bra. It was incredible. I popped a boner before she finished telling me you were working, except you weren't. Does she know?"

"She had a bra on. She never goes without a bra." Thank God, he thought. That day at the kitchen sink when his arms touched therm and he saw them swishing under her shirt, nipples bulging, was too much to endure more than once.

"Maybe it was because nobody was home and she wasn't expecting anybody, or maybe she was expecting you, but they were free, Dude, I swear."

He wanted to know what kind of shirt she was wearing and if the dark outline of her nipples could be seen, but he wasn't going to ask Jason. 'It doesn't matter,' he said. "Stop staring at my mother's chest. How would you like it if I was checking out your mother's or your sister's?"

"Becky, I check hers out. You can look all you want, they're amazing. Shoot, if my mother wanted to, I wouldn't mind if you fooled around with her. That's the kind of friend I am. You should show me some of that kind of friendship."

"Just keep staring at Becky's, and leave my mother out of it." He wished it had been him who caught her off guard without her bra. "I hope your mother didn't mention us going to the races. That could raise a flag and maybe that's why she asked me if I needed to tell her anything."

"She did, oh, I hope that wasn't her giving you enough rope to hang yourself. What if she tells your father?"

"I'll worry about that later, for now, I'm happy that I'm going to get a chance to do what I love and I'm good at."

"So you think you're better at racing than sex? Does that mean the porn career is out?"

I'm living in a porno already, he thought. "That's Plan B. I gotta go."

"Wait," Jason said. "Just in case you get killed, I better tell you something. I hate holding onto things and you would want to know this before you go to the great porno in the sky"

"I am not getting killed."

"Then I better not tell you I saw Darlene, in high heels and a micro- skirt."

"You just told me, so now you might as well give me the details."

"There're no detalls," Jason said. "I saw her. She was actually hanging with my sister and I gave then a ride home. Well, I gave her a ride home, Becky just rode with us. Did you know she lived in that crappy trailer park?"

"I guess, but who cares. What was she, um, what were they doing together?"

"Can't really say, Becky's door was closed, but they fingered each other while I drove Darlene home.

"Whatever, now I really have to go before the bullshit reaches my knees."

"I figured you would say that, but sometimes the truth is harder to believe than my bullshit. Goodnight and good luck. Make sure you let me know if you're dead."

To Be Continued...

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Potential - S01 E89

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