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Potential - S01 E89

Story 4 hours ago

Potential - S01 E89

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 89

Dale was on the flag stand, waving a green flag. Cindy and Elliott rocketed away from him and he realized they had still been running slow laps. He wasn't sure he had any more to give, but he held the accelerator down a split second longer and pressed the break less going into the turn. The additional pressure on the seat belt was obvious. The car squealed. Cindy and Elliott were already flying down the back straightaway. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and pushed more, more, more.

Too much, he felt it in his gut. The car was in a four-wheel slide towards the wall. Loose, tight, push, spin... Cindy's words swirled around in his head, but they couldn't help now. He was going to crash Dale's car and his racing career would be over before it started.

The right rear wheel caught on the dirt berm, he hit the gas and seesawed the steering wheel. He was halfway down the backstretch before he exhaled. Had he saved it or gotten lucky?

It only took two laps and the near wreck was forgotten. Cindy and Elliott flashed by, lapping him. It made him mad and embarrassed, even though there was no realistic expectation that he should be able to keep up. He pushed even harder. Was he even close to qualifying lap speed?

He finally caught up to Cindy and Elliot coming out of turn four, then he saw the red and white flags waving together. They had already finished their last lap and were slowing to leave the track. He hit the brakes and followed them. He was hot and his muscles ached, but he still regretted having to stop. If he drove too slow of Dale was pissed that he almost crashed, he might not get another chance in a race car.

The adrenaline rush was over and he was exhausted by the time he parked behind the hauler and switched off the engine. There wasn't an ounce of energy left to give and getting out of the car was difficult. Cindy was already out of her car and looked a lot better than he felt. Dale and Bear were hustling over from the grandstand. Evan leaned on the car and waited for the critics, hoping he didn't get his ass chewed.

Cindy looked at Elliott and said, 'Dammit, you drove me hard."

Evan asked her how many laps she ran. He knew she had lapped him six times.

Cindy shrugged. "I don't know."

"You don't?"

"No, never do," she said. "I watched the flag stand. When the flagman shows five to go, I start counting."

"Thirty-six laps, Dale said. "Evan, you ran thirty."

Thirty, he thought, it felt like five-hundred. He looked at Dale and said, "Sorry about almost-

"Son, only thing you got to be sorry for is wasting time. You shoulda been in a car as soon as you hit legal age." He held up the stopwatch. "Bear, you ever seen a thing like that?"

Bear smiled and said, "Once, and I been drivin' her hauler ever since." He poked Evan's chest with a beefy finger. "Kid, you drove the piss outta that car. Only problem you got, is figurin' how to get your old man to buy you a car."

Cindy asked, "Did he make qualifying laps, three?"

"Three?" Dale said. "More like a dozen, maybe more. I stopped countin' and enjoyed the show. Took ya'll a bunch to put em a lap down."

Cindy smiled. "I'm going to get out of this suit."

Evan felt his pride swell. His dreams of racing were within reach, but he had one huge obstacle left.

After Rebecca recovered from the orgasm Deana had given her, she sat up and said, "Pow-wow," then she folded her legs.

Deana got in the same Indian style position with her knees touching Rebecca's. "You got the peace pipe, Tonto?"

"Kemosahbee, no wacky weed for us today. We have to make a plan.

"Ooh, can we ride Silver together?"

Rebecca bounced up and down. "Mm, that would be fun, but no. Maybe later you can ride me, though."

"I won't even need a saddle for that."

"Pow-wow, let me get to the point. I told you I would help you and I've been thinking about it. got some Ideas. You ready?"

Deana closed one eye. "I bet you'll tell me whether I'm ready or not."

"Of course. My first idea is this, you catch me and Evan having sex and you demand he stop because he promised. Then he has to make it up to you by-

"No, not a good idea."

"I figured you'd say that, so how 'bout I make him think he's going to have sex with me, but I blindfold him and you come in and sit down on-"

"No," Deana said. "I hope you have a plan B. I want it to happen because he wants to, and I'd like us to be alone.

"That sucks."

"At least the first time," she said and her face got warm.

"Mm, okay, so here is my real plan. It starts a little like the first, so hear me out before you reject it. You'll like it, promise."

She didn't expect she would, but she agreed. "Go ahead, but it better not involve any of your mother's stuff."

"Nope, it's the perfect plan. You'll get to have that special moment, you and Evan, making love. It'll be beautiful and you'll remember it for the rest of your life."

"I'm actually listening to you...to a plan you thought up, so I can lose my virginity to my brother. This is insane," she said. "What is wrong with us?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. Love is blind, so don't worry about how it might look to somebody else. Let me work my magic."

"I love you, but your magic still scares me a little."

"Your first time would be scary even if it wasn't Evan, believe me, I was scared."

"At least I'm not going to have him put it in my butt."

"Are you ever going to let me live that down?"

"Honestly, Reb, I doubt it. Now tell me plan B."

"Alright, the first thing we need is a day when my parents aren't home, which is pretty much every week day. Then I'll get Evan to find us tanning. I'll get him to touch you...Inappropriately."

"Hold on."

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