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The Love Of Money - S01 E134

Story 1 day ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E134

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 134

I reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up just enough to expose her ass, showing off the high-cut emerald panties she wore. The faded marks Helen had given her last night peeked out from underneath her emerald panties. I ran my fingers gently over some of them, getting a little jump from her. I released the shirt, letting it fall back over her ass as I tugged at her hip, turning her back around.

"Not putting up much of a fight," I observed.

"Compared to last night" she snapped, "I'm getting the royal treatment."

"Having Erin here doesri't bother you?"

"She's already seen everything," Bobbi said.

"Fair enough," I said. "Kiss me. Then clean this." I gestured to my coffee cup.

Bobbi regarded me for a full thirty seconds, and I could see her working through the scenarios of how to obey my orders. Then she leaned forward and placed her lips on mine for a quick peck. She straightened, clearly waiting for my response.

I sighed and decided not to push it. She was being relatively tame this morning, and I had already asked Helen to take it easy on her. When I didn't ask for more. Bobbi grabbed the coffee cup and dumped the hot coffee on my lap.

"Fuck!" I said, jumping out of my stool. Erin gasped and was Immediately on me with a towel.

"Oh shit! You okay, Marcus?" she asked as she dabbed at my pants.

"Yeah," I said, taking the towel from Erin so could clean myself. "It's not that hot."

We both looked up at Bobbi and saw that she had the mug dangling from one finger, as soon as we made eye contact, she let the mug slip from its perch. It fell to the floor and shattered and shattered into countless pieces.

"Shit!" Erin exclaimed.

"It's fine," I said to Erin, backing us both away from the shards as they skittered across the floor. "Go ahead and go downstairs. I'll be there in five minutes."

Erin glanced between me and Bobbi and then backed away before turning around and heading for the elevator,

I turned back to Bobbi and gave her a sickly sweet smile. "Looks like you just made more work for yourself."

"I'm not cleaning up shit," Bobbi sald as she calmly walked back around the counter and sat back down. She took another sip from her mug

"You will," I said. "I have a feeling it'll be clean before I get back."

"We'll see," she said, giving me a sickly sweet smile in return.

"Have a good week, Bobbi," I said and left, heading to my room to change my pants before meeting the rest downstairs. I had to admit, she got the best of me that round, but we were far from through.

Wednesday 8:54 am

I assumed we would pull into a parking lot and take a tram or bus to my plane, but I was dead wrong. After being cleared at a special gate, Chloe drove onto the tarmac and stopped about ten feet away from my plane.

My plane. I had my own personal plane. I was having a hard time getting over that fact. No more going through security checkpoints. No sitting in economy class with barely enough room to move. No more cramming myself in a gross bathroom and having to sanitize the entire thing before doing my business. What I was about to do could easily be ranked in the top three-right behind buying my apartment and having orgies.

The trip had been uneventful, with Erin and I mainly talking in low tones about what Helen and I had done with Bobbi the night before. She sounded a little scandalized, but the way my assistant adjusted herself in her seat was telling; she was more than a little Interested in our project.

Erin also filled me in on the new hires, letting me know that the chef would start this week, as would the new groundskeeper. She left Helen an email with the specifics and Chloe had informed the team she'd left behind at my apartment building. She had anticipated that I would want the chef to go ahead and prepare meals for Bobbi and Helen and had told her to have something ready for when we returned Sunday evening. She had also hired a housekeeping service to temporarily take care of the place until we decided to get a more dedicated cleaning staff. I told Erin to make sure they didn't touch the broken mug Bobbi had dropped.

As I stepped out of the SUV, a man in full uniform walked up to me from the bottom of the plane's steps with an extended hand. "Mr. Upton?" he said. "Quinn Ryan. Miss Malik hired me to be your pilot.

My first thought on meeting Quinn was to ask him for his pot o' gold. He was the most ginger man I'd ever met, with orange-red hair, and freckles covering his face. They even dominated the back of the hand he'd offered me. His accent, however, was mid-west American..

"Good to meet you, Mr. Ryan," I said, shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Quinn," he said.

"Only if you call me Marcus."

"Sounds like a plan," he said grinning ear-to-ear. "So, it looks like clear skies all the way to Vegas. The flight plan's been logged and we've been cleared for take-off. We're ready to leave whenever you are.

"No issues with the registration or anything?" I asked as I climbed the stairs, trailing just behind by the pilot.

"Took some doing," he said, "but your man Mr. Suhr helped us get everything settled."

"Good deal," I said as I stepped into the plane, my eyes taking a moment to adjust from the bright morning light outside to the Interior as I looked around. "Has everyone else arrived?"

"All but one" a pleasant voice behind me said.

I tumed and stopped in my tracks as saw a stunning woman standing in front of me.

She was five feet tall with dark brown hair that fell down her back in soft waves. Her skin was nearly Erin's shade of olive, but her eyes weren't quite as dark as my assistant's. Her full lips, dark, mono-lid eyes, and cute button nose made it plain as day that her family was from the Pacific region. She wore a blue flight attendant's uniform, with a hip-hugging skirt that stopped just above the knees and showed off a beautiful, plump little ass. The double-breasted top created a sharp V that stopped about mid- breast, showing the inner slopes of breasts that looked to be slightly larger than what her height would suggest. If I had to guess, they were somewhere between Erin's and Helen's in size.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E133

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