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The Love Of Money - S01 E133

Story 1 day ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E133

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 133

"Listen," I said, ignoring her question, "I need to leave soon, so I want to make this quick. Here's the deal. Helen's staying here while I'm gone, and she's in charge. As far as you're concerned, if she says jump, the only thing you need to ask before jumping is how high? I don't know what she has planned, but you're to participate."

"This isn't what I signed up for," she said.

"This is exactly what you signed up for," I replied, staring her down.

We gazed silently at each other, challenging each other to break. I took a sip of coffee without breaking eye contact, and then she finally looked away

I didn't know there would be other women," she muttered.

"Would you have been more comfortable with men?"


I hadn't expected her to answer like that; it gave me pause, and I wondered how I felt about sharing her with other men. I considered how would feel sharing any of the women in my life with another guy. The thought of a different cock being anywhere near Erin immediately set off a visceral reaction. Question answered, which could be a problem down the road. When I hired her, Erin pointed out that if she became serious with another man, we would have to revisit our relationship. After what happened with Natalie, the very thought of that twisted my stomach.

Helen was a tricky situation. As far as I knew, was the only man she had slept with in the last two weeks except maybe her husband. For some reason, the thought of Roger and her together didn't summon the green-eyed monster like with Erin, but I hated injecting anyone else into the equation.

So, I clearly wasn't into the idea of sharing Erin or Helen with other men. What about Danni?

I immediately hated the thought of her being with anyone else, but unlike the other two, we didn't have an understanding. As far as I knew, she could find Mr. Right tomorrow and disappear from my sex life just as quickly as she appeared. Was there a future for me and Danni? Did I want that?

As I sipped and navalgazed, the elevator doors in the living room rolled open and footsteps sounded on the hardwood floors as someone approached. A moment later, Erin entered the kitchen with a bright smile and said, "Chloe's got the car parked out front, bags are packed, Ray and the Johns are ready, and no paps in sight

"Paps?" Bobbi asked.

Erin mimed taking a picture as she made a clicking sound.

"Ah," I said, looking back at Bobbi. "Paparazzi."

"Oh," Bobbi said. "Fuck 'em. One of them ambushed me yesterday outside of Marduke. I told him to fuck off, and he wouldn't leave."

"What did you do?" Erin said, a bit of wariness creeping into her


"Broke his camera across his nose," Bobbi said, taking another sip of coffee.

"Hal" Erin said.

I watched Bobbi thoughtfully, realizing this may have been the closest thing to a normal conversation I'd ever had with her. True to my natural tendencies, I had to stop myself from actually feeling some kind of human connection with this swamp hag of a woman, reminding myself how loathsome she had treated everyone we worked with.

"Okay," I said, putting my coffee on the table, "We need to go."

"Okay" Bobbi said dismissively. "Bye."

"Come here," I said.

Bobbi stared at me for several unnecessarily long moments, then got up and slowly walked around the countertop to stand in front of me. The pace she set was sending a clear message - she was taking her sweet time and if I didn't like it, then I would have to do something about it. Sure, I needed to leave soon, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of telling her to hurry up. She stopped less than a foot away and looked at me with a dead-eyed expression on her tired face.


I placed a hand on her shoulder and gently turned her around, facing her away from me. Surprisingly, she didn't resist at all.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E132

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The Love Of Money - S01 E134

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