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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E06

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E06

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 6

(Anger, Pain)

Writer’s POV

Pink’s eyes flu-shed open, she turned to look at the person holding her. She g@sped on recognizing the man’s face.

He was the one that paid the highest amount of money last night and he had taken her away to a h0tel.

She slowly re-moved the man’s hold on her b©dy, then jumped out from the be-d.

She started putting on her clothes, quic-kly but quietly. After that, she picked up the small purse which contained her phone, she was able to pick it with her.

Her eyes wi-de-ned on seeing the time. 5:30 in the morning.
“Oh $h!t! $h!t $h!t!” She cussed lowly. She made for the door but st©pped to look at the man who she had her first night with as a S-x worker, he wasn’t that old but he was around 38, 40.

She just closed her eyes throu-ghout her time with him, she was grateful he didn’t really complain and just did what he wanted to do with her.

She thought on informing the man that she was alre-ady leaving but decided against it in the last minute.

She opened the h0tel door slowly, ti-ptoed out, then closed the door again.

Immediately, she ran to the elevator which it took her down. She was grateful that she also had few cash left inside her small purse.

She waited there for long before seeing a cab to board.


Pink rushed out of the cab after paying the cab man off.
She has been thinking on what to tell Derek, she has planned to just leave the same night after the man must have finished with her but she fell asleep.

She gulped down repeatedly wondering if she should just go ahead and reveal everything to Derek or tell him that she sle-pt off at one of her p@rt time working place due to excess stress. She got into the building, took the elevator which took her to the floor her ap@rtment is built on.

She got to her ap@rtment, imputed the pas-sword, still thinking.

She opened the door and started walking in after closing the door.

She got to the sitting room, she dropped her purse then walked to Derek’s room. She opened the door but found the room empty, the be-dsheets were still neatly spre-ad meaning he didn’t sleep there.

She closed the door, her palm finding her temples. She ru-bbe-d her temples in thought.
“Derek?” She called out but didn’t get a respond. She walked back to her purse, took out her phone and dialed Derek’s line.

She called him up to five times but he didn’t pick. She went into her room to change into a more decent dress, she c@m£ back and started calling him again.

She started hearing Derek’s ringing tone outside the door, she walked to the door and opened it to see Derek standing there. His phone in his hand.

“Derek?” She called.

“You’re back” he said walking in.

Pink closed the door then turned to follow Derek.

“Where have you been to?” Pink asked.

“No! Where have you been to? The question is for you, not me” Derek answered.

Pink perceived the smell of alcohol from him.

“Have you been drinking?” She asked.

“That isn’t even a problem, the problem here is you. Why didn’t you tell me you joined a S-x club?” Derek asked. His questions took Pink by surprise.
Her fell open, it fell close back.

“Why?” He asked again.

“Don’t Derek me, ok? I asked you a question, I deserve an answer. A good one at that, because I actually don’t recognize you anymore” Derek snapped.

Pink took her eyes to the floor wondering how he found out about it.

“How did you find out?” She asked without replying his questions.

“Tess told me. Will you answer me now? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because, I know you wouldn’t support me. You’ll get mad, the way you are now” Pink replied.
“Were you hoping your secret was gonna remain hidden forever then? I clearly told you to stay away from that bit-ch but you didn’t listen, she has now made you to be like one of them. You sell your b©dy for money now” Derek said.

“Look, I did it for us, I did…”
“Don’t say that. Amanda, no matter the $h!t we are into, no matter the amount of money we nee-d, selling your b©dy to get money isn’t an option. It’s never an option, being a slut is not a way to get money. You’re doing it for yourself, not us, not me” Derek snapped interrupting her.

Pink lowered her head.

“I’m sorry for not telling you this. I didn’t want you to get angry at me” Pink apologized.

“Its too late. I did something I shouldn’t do in other to find out what you were hiding, if you had just trusted and told me, things couldn’t have taken this turn.”

“What do you mean, Derek? What did you do?” Pink asked curiously.


Pink matched angrily to Tess’s ap@rtment.

That bit-ch! How dare she? How could she? Pink thought angrily.

She got to Tess’s ap@rtment, knocked on it and waited. Few minutes later, the door opened revea-ling Tess.

Pink didn’t let her say a word before landing a heavy sl@p on her face. Without sparing her another second, she gr@bb£d Tess’s hair and started pu-lling her down to the floor.

Tess who wasn’t expecting that action from Pink didn’t know what else to do when Pink overpowered her.

Pink sat on Tess’s b©dy, she started dealing her b!ows, p@rticularly her face. She wanted to ruin Tess’s face and make sure no man ever looks her way again.

Tess kept screaming at her to st©p but it was as if something had possessed Pink, she kept punching her face not minding that blood alre-ady stained Tess’s whole face.

A neighbor ran out, he gr@bb£d Pink away from Tess, but while moving away from Tess, Pink held the door, she used the door to hit Tess’s head so ha-rd that Tess fell unconscious on the floor.

“For heaven’s sake! What is wrong with you girls?” The man asked running to Tess on the floor.

“I swear I’ll kill her the next time she fv¢ks my brother. I’ll kill her, tell that to her when she wakes up” Pink yelled before taking the elevator to her floor.

She got into her ap@rtment, her hair was messy and all over the place.

She kicked the couch repeatedly in anger. Derek left few minutes ago with some clothes because of what happened.

She doesn’t know when he will come back, she is very scared of losing her only brother.

“Oh $h!t!” She cried out squ-atted down on the floor.

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