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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E05

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

Writer’s POV

“Make love to me, I’ve been dying for a t©uçh from you” she whispered.

Derek took a step back ma-king her hand fall off his b©dy.
“What??” He half yelled.

“If you really wanna know what she is doing, what she has been up to, Derek. I’ll tell you because sooner or later you might regret finding out late” Tess said with a devilish smile on.

“But…” Derek whispered.

“I can’t do what you asked, change the condition” Derek gro-an ed lowly eyeing her.

“Why can’t you?” Tess asked.
“Because, I have a girlfriend, I can’t cheat on her” Derek replied him.

“Is your girlfriend more important to you then your sister. If yes, I’ll take my leave now” Tess said fuming inwardly, at the knowledge that he actually has a girlfriend.

Derek looked at her for a while, a cold expression covered his feature, but, it was clear that he was in de-ep thoughts.

“Ok, but you’ll have to take me to wherever place she’s working. Don’t just tell me” Derek gave in.

Tess smiled. She made to hvg him but he moved back again.
“Don’t t©uçh me, I asked to be taken there. Not to be r0m@nç£d” Derek spat.

“Ok, but we’ll…”
“No, until you’ve taken me there. I give you my word, I’ll do whatever you want after then” Derek interrupted knowing where she was driving at.

Tess thought for a while.

If I insist then I’ll likely miss this opposite forever.

“Ok then, let’s go. I’ll show you and immediately after that, you’ll do whatever I ask you to do” Tess agreed.

“I’ll be back” Derek eyed her again before going in to his room to gr-ab a t-shi-t.
He c@m£ back and they went down the building.

“We’ll go with my car, Derek, it’ll be fas-ter that way” Tess win-ked at him happyily.


Tess parked in front of Mama Cas-sy X2 bar, she lowered the window.

“This is a bar, there is nothing to see here. If she works as a bar girl then it’s ok” Derek said.

“Then why do you think she’s hiding it from you?” Tess asked.

“Hold on, you see that car over there?” Tess pointed at the Mercedes Benz parked just ahead of them.

“See that man and that girl there, in the dark. What do you think is happening?”

“Well, let me tell you the secret you can’t tell a soul. Behind that bar, there is a bigger bar, more like a club. It’s a S-x club – a S-x house” Tess explained.

Realization dawned on Derek at what Tess was driving it.
“What? A S-x club?” Derek farrowed his brows.

Before Tess knew it, he opened the door and stepped down, he started going into the bar.

Tess immediately c@m£ down and ran after him.

Derek was just at the entrance, about to enter when Tess caught him.

“What are you doing?” She hushed at him.

“Well, I’m going to confirm if what you are saying is true” Derek replied trying to free his hand from Tess’s grip.

“You can’t go in there, Derek. Do you have money? Millions to spend in there?” Tess hushed at him again.

“Well, I don’t care. I just wanna go find my sister”:Derek was about yelling it out but Tess placed her palm on his mouth.
“I didn’t bring you here to get killed ok?” Tess said, she started dragging him away to her car.

The bouncer standing around the entrance kept glaring at Derek, so he had no choice but to follow Tess back into her car.

“This is a secret club, the public doesn’t know that club exit. If they realize you know of it – someone like you then….I don’t know what they will do to you. Derek plea-se don’t ever come back here, you might get beaten to death” Tess pleaded.
“Then let me report it, I’ll do just that, so my sister won’t ever go there again” Derek fumed.
“Your sister will get arrested, I’ll get arrested too, a lot of people will get affected” She muttered the last p@rt.

“Wait, you are one of them?” Derek sniggered.

“I should have known, you acted just like a bit-ch, then it only means you were the one who introduced her to the damn club” Derek asked.

“Yes, I did. Your sister worried herself too much, she was about worrying herself to death on how to get money, do you know that the building owner wanted to have S-x with her to clear the bills? I bet she won’t tell you that p@rt” Tess folded her arms.

“But still, you should have just lended her some money or something. Why introducing to that $h!t of a club?” Derek frowned.

“I know where to take you so you can cool down a bit, you look so pissed” Tess smiled at him, driving out into the road.


Pink panicked at the knowledge of what was gonna be happening to her. Kara was leading her out from the makeup room to the club room so the interested men could see her.

She wished and prayed silently, praying that no man should find interest in her but she herself doubted it.

She knows that she is beautiful. Aside that, the makeup applied on her and the S-xy revea-ling dress she was putting on could make men definitely look her way.

Her hands started shaking but she joined them together to prevent them from shaking too much, she doesn’t want kara knowing or Kara might get annoyed or disappointed at her.

They got to the blooming club, different colours of flashing lights were everywhere. The men was sited watching some of the girls dance around a poll on what seems like a stage.
Different men the age of her father were there. Some were sited at a corner alre-ady down to business.

She saw the red haired girl she saw on her first day at a side with a man around 40. The man’s c0ck was alre-ady ha-rd and standing, she was ri-ding him to which ever place he wanted to be.

The man held onto his sit, his mouth slightly p@rted, m0@n ing loudly without any shame.
Pink re-moved her eyes from them. Kara walked her up to Mama Cas-sy who was conversing with a man there.

Kara bent down and whispered something to Mama Cas-sy and Mama Cas-sy gave her a go ahead.

Kara turned towards Pink, she gr@bb£d her hand and started approaching the stage.

Pink shook a little, she tried withdrawing her hand from kara but kara didn’t give her a chance.

The dancers seeing Kara and pink approaching, st©pped dancing, they left the podium.
Kara held onto Pink as she started.

“Gentleman I’m sorry to interrupt your enjoyment but…” she looked at Pink and lifted her hand a little.

“The highest price on her will take her for the whole night” Kara said.

Pink could see the men staring at her, tho they weren’t all old men. There were young and handsome men there too.
Pink kept swallowing her saliva as Kara continued.

“She’s our best as of now. And she is well trained, she’s very obe-dient too so the….” Kara didn’t finish her speech before men started saying the amount of money they could pay to have her for the night.

The way and manner which they spilled the millons they could pay to have her terrified Pink a lot.

What if they end of eating me after paying such hvge amount of money? She wondered.

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