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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E33

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E33

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 33

"Merry Christmas Eve!" Mom yelled as Lucas and Annie walked through the door, followed by two loud 'Merry Christmas Eve'. I grinned from where I was at in the kitchen as I heard my two nieces.

"Get ready." I warned Olivia and Knox. "Three....two..." I counted down. As soon as I reached one Sophie and Charlotte came running into the kitchen.

"Bre!" They both yelled my nickname. I squatted down in time to catch both of their little bodies in hugs.

"Are you guys ready for Santa to come tonight?" I asked.

"Yes!!" They cheered.

"We wrote him a wetter." Sophie struggled to say.

"Oh wow you wrote him a letter." I made my eyes go big." And he replied?" They nodded their heads so fast I was worried they'd get whip lash. "As long as you two have been good girls he'll bring you everything you want." I tapped their noses and made them giggle.

They moved away from me. Sophie going straight for Olivia and Charlotte went right for Knox, who scooped her up in his arms.

"What did you wish for?" He asked the little girl in his arms.

"A pony!" She grinned at him.

"A pony." He echoed looked over at me. I grinned myself. A pony was a huge ask and I can hundred percent guarantee Annie and Lucas didn't get her one.

"What would you name him?"

"I name her Bre like Bre." As if these two girls didn't already have my heart.

"Well that is a very beautiful name." Knox met my eyes once more as he spoke. I ducked my head at the heat in his stare.

I could feel Knox's eyes on me all morning and every part of me wanted to just go over to him and finish what we never got to last night. I wanted to kiss him and all the passing glances he gave me was not helping the matter. Now the sight of him holding Charlotte was doing things to me.

"Are you guys ready to go the festival?" My mom asked the two girls. With the festival going all day and into the night we decided to go this afternoon so we could still spend the rest of the night together at home.

"Jackson, Knox, Aubrey and Olivia will go together in Jackson truck. I'll go with Lucas and Annie. Everyone can do what they want but meet back up at my booth at 4 o'clock. Sound good?" Like always my mom commanded the room.

After a chorus's of yes all of us made our way out of the house and to the cars my mom practically assigned us to. I laughed at the expressions on both Knox's and Olivia's faces. They were not use to the way my mom commanded things.

It took us no time in getting to the festival but it did take us ten minutes just to find a parking spot. It seemed the entire town had the same idea of coming earlier since the sun was finally shining.

"What should we do first?" Jackson asked as soon as we got out of the truck.

"I want to go sledding." Olivia piped in.

"Oh yes!" Jackson immediately agreed. I found myself glancing up at Knox as I waited to see what he would want to do.

"I'm good with sledding." He gave me a questioning look as well that somehow made my lips tug upwards.

At Knox's approval the two them cheered and lead us towards the huge hill that was used for it. As I walked beside Knox I kept my hands in my pockets as they itched to reach out and hold his hand. I was quite possibly insane because in some odd way I liked holding his hand.

The closer we got to the sledding the thicker the crowd got making it harder to weave through. I could barely see Olivia and Jackson up ahead as I side-stepped a couple in front of me. As I was in the middle of trying to break through a family, a hand grabbed mine and easily yanked me through.

Knox's back came into view as he easily lead us through the crowds. I wasn't sure if it was his tall frame that was helping or the glare that I was pretty certain was on his face. Either way I was grateful for how he easily got us through the thickest part.

I fully expected Knox to let my hand go as soon as we got through the crowd but instead he held on tighter and lead us towards the line for sledding. I just prayed that anyone who saw my red face thought it was from the cold not the simple act of him holding my hand.

"So why are we waiting in line to sled? Don't you own sleds?" Knox asked.

"We can easily grab our sleds from the garage and go find a hill to sled on but this," Jackson gestured behind him. "is totally different."

"This looks like a regular hill, right?" I asked Knox and Olivia who nodded. "You haven't seen the other side." Jackson and I shared a grin.

The reason we always came to sled at the festival was because it wasn't just a normal hill you go to the top and slide down then hike back up. No, this one was 10x better. On the other side of the hill was a sledding course. Yep, a course.

Once you get your sled you can slide down in different directions. One side is a bit easier with a few little man made hills you can go off, cute christmas decorations on the side to look at. It was mostly one for little kids.

Now the other side was way more advanced. You had big hills, different lanes where the snow was bumpier or smoother to go faster. Little things popping up so you had to move. The best part was you could go up and down it all day if you wanted, there weren't any limits.

The sledding 'track' was built ages ago to put to use the giant hill that just sat there. It was off a little to the road and the festival but it was the best thing.

I could tell Knox and Olivia were confused since Jackson and I didn't elaborate more but as soon as we got to the top it finally clued in. The look on Olivia's face when she finally saw what our type of sledding was hilarious.

It took us a few more minutes to finally get our own sleds, which really were big purple plastic like discs. Nothing too fancy but perfect for sledding.

Olivia and Jackson went first, Olivia slightly yelling followed by a loud 'Whoop' from Jackson. Next was Knox and I's turn. I had to cover my laugh with a cough at him trying to sit in the sled, his body almost too big to fit. He was almost too ripped for his own good.

"Good luck." I smirked over at him once he was finally situated. With a single wink I pushed off and left Knox sitting there.

I let out a loud laugh as I rode down the mountain with the sled. It felt just like old times. Up ahead I could barely make out Olivia and Jackson and a quick glance over my shoulder I saw Knox coming up on me.

Doing this was exactly what I needed today.

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E32

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E34

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