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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E32

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E32

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 32

As soon as we got back to the house and warmed up, Olivia tugged me upstairs to her room to finish the photo album for Knox's Christmas present. With Christmas literally being a day away the two of us locked ourselves in the room to finish it.

It took us well over an hour to finish up because every picture I found myself staring at. Seeing Knox transform from a little baby to a lanky teenager then to an attractive 18 year old. I saw the pictures of him with his parents and the sight of them made my heartache for both him and Olivia.

Their parents looked like a perfect couple. Olivia clearly took after their mom with her blonde hair and green eyes. She was an exact replica from the pictures she showed me. And Knox looked like his father with the same dirty brown hair, wide shoulders, and even the grin his father had seemed to match Knox's.

The few pictures that did catch my attention were of Knox in his military uniform. The first few were clearly from when he enlisted at eighteen then they progressed over the years. I could literally see from the pictures as Knox grew and matured. As the years went on the look on Knox's face changed. He went from optimistic to determined to....nothing.

The last picture of him in his uniform he was standing with a group of guys out in the middle of nowhere. He stood at the center with his arms crossed over his chest and a bland look on his face. The longer I stared at that photo the more I wanted to learn why he seemed so...distant than the rest.

Even after we had finished and went back downstairs to be with the others I kept thinking about Knox's expression. But I forced the image out of my head as all of us sat in the living room, with homemade chocolate and a bunch of pastries in front of us. It may have been close to 9 o'clock at night but my mom forever the hostess always had something for everyone to eat.

I was perfectly content sitting there listening to everyone talk while I sipped my hot chocolate, finally warm after being outside for so long. I leaned against Knox while he made conversation with my mom about owning a business. The two of them going back and forth and Knox asking my mom for tips since he was still new to it all.

Across from us Olivia and Jackson were playing on their phones and occasionally showing each other something. I knew by watching them that they were already friends despite it only being a few days. I wondered if after they left if the two of them would still stay in touch. It made me feel even worse about this whole situation. In just three days Olivia and Knox would go back home and this deal would be done.

I didn't want to think about that right now. Not when things are going really well and that maybe, just maybe things between Knox and I can grow into something different. So instead of thinking about it I snuggled closer into Knox's side and enjoyed my time with my family.


The next morning I woke up a bit later than usual, exhausted. I ended up staying up late trying to finish the other present I made for Knox. After hearing Knox and my mom talk about business I knew this last present would be the best one I would give him for Christmas. So after last night all I needed was to add some last finishing details and it would be good to go.

It was well after 8:30 when I stumbled into the kitchen. I probably looked like a homeless person with my hair almost completely out of my bun and still clad in my pajamas. Knox was long gone from the bed when I woke up and I half expected to find him in the kitchen but it was only my mom.

"Morning." I yawned, heading straight for the coffee pot.

"Someone was up late last night." I glanced up to see my mom staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ew mom! God no." I scrunched my face up.

"Hey I didn't say anything you went there yourself." She put her hands up. "I just saw the light under your door."

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E31

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E33

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