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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E19

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E19

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 19

Exactly ten minutes later Knox was cursing next to me. The turkey bacon popped sending little bits of oil out towards his bare chest. I couldn't help but laugh every time he jumped backwards, now too stubborn to put a shirt on.

"I told you."

"So you said ten times already." Knox gritted through his teeth.

"You'll learn that I am almost always right." With the bacon almost done I finally opened the carton of eggs. "How do you like yours?"

"I'll have them whatever way you have them." Knox shrugged.

"You don't have a preference?"

"You learn to eat whatever others do in the military. Don't really have the luxury of gourmet meals." His words made my chest squeeze. It said it so casually but it had to have sucked. He did three tours.


"Not gonna happen." I shook my head. Not on my watch. "How would you like your eggs?"

"Aubrey-" I ignored the way my name sounded on his lips.

"I'm the one cooking the eggs so what I say goes. Now, how do you like them?" I placed my hand on my hip, facing him with a hard look. He was quiet for a minute, staring right back at me, before he sighed.

"Over easy."

"Good." With a nod I turned away and cracked the eggs. I felt his eyes on me the entire time but I ignored it. Inwardly I was cheering at myself for breaking him down. I've only known him a few days but I knew he was as stubborn as they come. Getting him to agree was a feat in itself.

While I hated runny eggs my best friend Leah loved them, so over the years I have perfected how to make them. As his eggs were cooking I got to work on my scrambled ones.

Knox was quiet as we finished making breakfast. For a split second I was concerned I pushed too far with him but when I placed the plate of eggs in front of him and saw the appreciation in his eyes, I knew it was okay. It wasn't a big deal making two sets of eggs anyways. I always do when Leah is around.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Knox suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Well," I took a big bite of my bacon. "We need to get stuff for gingerbread houses tonight."

"We don't have to do gingerbread houses because my sister wants to."

"Of course we do! We haven't done them in ages either and its fun." I shook my head at him. "Whatever Olivia wants to do we will." Knox opened his mouth to argue but I quickly cut him off. "It's only fair. I dragged you guys here for Christmas. The least we can do is do some of your traditions."

I think Knox knew better than to argue with me on the subject for he quickly shut up, eating quietly. He was going to learn this week that once I make up my mind I won't stop until I do it. And this was one thing I wasn't going to let go of.

I knew Knox wasn't much of a talker so despite my need to always be talking, I managed to stay quiet as we ate. Surprisingly it wasn't that awkward sitting there in silence. The silence actually gave me time to think about today.

Since we needed to go into town for gingerbread houses we might as well do some other stuff while there. Maybe I'll show Knox around and we can get to know each other a bit more. I know my family will start questioning us a bit more today. So we needed to know more than we currently do about each other.

Once we were both finished I leaned forward, my elbows on the table.

"I know its only 9 o'clock but should we go get ready for the errands we need to run?"

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E18

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E20

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