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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E18

Story 8 months ago

Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E18

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 18

I'm never moving.

That was all I could think as I slowly woke up the next morning. I was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to get out of bed. Nope I am going to stay exactly where I am all day. I snuggled closer to the warmth, still half awake.

My head suddenly vibrated as a groan sounded above me. It took a moment for the sound to register in my half asleep mind. Slowly cracking my eyes open I took in my surroundings with blurry vision.

Remembering I was in my old bedroom I calmed down a little until I felt something on my waist.

My vision cleared as I looked down, finally noticing what I was laying on, or more precisely who I was laying on. The covers were pushed to the side exposing Knox's and I's lower half tangled together. His big legs were wrapped around mine.

My upper body practically on top of his and my eyes widened as I took in the shirtless chest. Somehow in the middle of the night he must have taken it off. Now his abs were on clear display. One of my hands must have found its way to his stomach and was laying flat against his abs. The muscle hard under my palm.

A pair of muscled arms were circled around my waist, keeping my body pressed tight to Knox's body. My head was still laying on Knox's chest which was once again vibrating from a groan. Ever so slowly I tilted my head back until I came face to face with Knox.

His eyes slowly opened until they met mine. We stared at one another, neither moving.

Move Aubrey! Move!

Before either of us could either say anything or even move, a knock sounded on the door. I don't know how it was possible for my eyes to get wider but they did.

"Honey?" My mom's voice sounded on the other side of the door. If the situation was different I would have laughed at Knox's expression but when the door knob started to turn it wasn't funny.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Became a mantra in my head.

The door opened as Knox and I stared at one another, not even sure what to do. While we weren't doing anything it was still embarrassing as hell having your own mother walk in on you in bed with a man. A shirtless man to boot.

"Good morning you two." My mom appeared in the doorway, looking at the two of us with a wide grin. My mom knows no bounds. "Just wanted to tell you two love birds that Olivia and are heading out to the bakery."

All Knox and I could do was lay there, my head still on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. It was so awkward. I could feel my face heating up and all I wanted to do was crawl under the covers; away from my mom's piercing gaze. She was staring at the two of us like she just found gold or something.

"There is plenty of stuff for breakfast if you want. We'll be back later this afternoon, so go out and have some fun." My mom stood there waiting for an answer.

"Uh sounds good mom." I coughed. Inwardly screaming at her to leave.

"You two are so cute together." She gushed. "Have a fun day you two." My mom even had the nerve to wink before she finally left and closed the door behind her.

As soon as she shut the door I let out a loud groan. Moving off of Knox I grabbed the comforter, yanking it over my head.

I can't face Knox. I just can't. Not after that. Not after that...wink. I'm never leaving the covers. I'll stay here until I die. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Knox started laughing above me.

"It isn't funny." I groaned, my voice muffled by the blanket.

"Your mom has no filter doesn't she." Knox chuckled, sitting up in bed. My face was going to be permanently stained red, Knox's laughter not helping. Even if his laughter was somehow sexy.

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E17

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Boyfriend For Christmas - S01 E19

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