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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E35

Story 1 year ago

The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E35

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 35


What is this wicked son of Jezebel doing infront of my room? Why is this guy bothering my life? I thought he said he doesn’t need me…

He finally knocked on my door and the following conversation ensued…

Peter: who’s there

Akor: is me Akor…

Peter: What can I do for you?

Akor: Can you please open the door and let me in

Peter: I opened the door for him and he came in with a nylon bag in his hand… Immediately he entered he brought out what was in the nylon and said he has come to apologise…Is that wine alcoholic? I asked

Akor: Yes

Peter: before you start the apology go and change the wine to a non alcoholic wine, I don’t take alcohol

Akor: na wao, you don’t even know if my apology will be satisfactory and you are already interested in the wine?

Peter: have you come here to insult me or what

Akor: no, I will quickly go and change it to non alcoholic…

Peter: so this guy still have small sense in that his head, he bought me wine for an apology? I am just scared Vicky might not like this idea… Common Peter, why are you always acting like a weakling, why are you letting Vicky to be the man? You are about to be a husband and a father, oh God, am I ready for this responsibility? Will she join me here or we are staying at her place, who will be paying the bills? This my work is not paying me, I think I will tell her to find me a job but which certificate will I use? Oh God, help me not to just be a “$perm donor”… I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Akor’s bike…

Akor: I am back…

Peter: start talking, I am listening.

Akor: I want to sincerely apologise for being a bad friend, I know I have offended you by my words and actions… I didn’t realize how empty I was without you until the past months when you weren’t talking to me. Peter, I’m truly sorry for everything I did and said to you at the hospital, you are a good person with a heart of gold, I was so foolish to think I don’t need you. Give me one more opportunity and I promise to be a better person… I said and knelt down with one of my legs

Peter: you are not serious Akor, I don’t think you are ready for forgiveness, how can you be apologising and kneeling with one leg? What do you take me for? Please kneel down properly and start the apology all over…

Akor: nawao…

Peter: what did you say?

Akor: nothing oooo, now my both knees are on the ground, please find a place in your heart to forgive me, I brought you this wine and chewing gum for reconciliation

Peter: what kind of person are you? Buying chewing gum for me? What am I supposed to do with that? Please go and change it to Tom Tom

Akor: your mouth dia like Tom Tom, come lick Tom Tom na, shuuuuuuu… Shey I kill person ni?

Peter: get out of my room

Akor: I was just kidding, let me quickly go and change it… I left his room and went into my room stomping my feet and grumbling. I kept the chewing gum in my room and went to out to buy Tom Tom… I went there and I was told one Tom Tom is 30naira, I told the woman to give me the cheapest one but she said that’s the only type she has. I bought 9 and went back to peter…

Peter: why did you buy 9? Why not make it 10… Anyways, I have heard you. You can now go, I will think about it and give you the feedback and some rules that you must abide by… Remember I am taken and no more in the market

Akor: how can a man be taken? Shame no the catch you?

Peter: what’s your business? Did you come here to ask for forgiveness or teach me how to live my life? You weh shame the catch where is your own woman? Please you can go now, I am expecting my woman…

Akor: okay ooo, I will be expecting your feedback, I opened the door and was living when I saw Vicky coming, she saw me coming out of Peter’s room and her mood changed immediately, I greeted her but she ignored me completely.


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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E34

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The Adventure Of Akor - S01 E36

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