Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 34
I started hearing strange sound coming from behind my fridge, I jerked up and climbed my chair, I started wailing and asking myself how only me could be experiencing all this in a single day… I was still on my chair not knowing what to do next, I then put myself together and decided to check what’s behind my fridge…
It was a very big rat, I screamed but held my mouth because I don’t want anything that will make Peter to think I am missing him… I tiptoed to my door and opened it very wide, I started chasing the rat but it seems like the rat was determined to stay with me for the night…
At some point I was tired of the chase and I went to take my bath, after bathing I went straight to the fridge and took out the peppered fish I had there, I didn’t even warm it before eating… I finished eating, took some pain killers and went to bed.
I woke up in the morning feeling a very sharp pain in two of my fingers, I checked and saw some blood, I looked closely and realized that the stupid rat ate my fingers because I didn’t wash my hands properly after eating…
I started packing everything out of my room because I can’t allow common rat to bite me and go free in my own house, I took most of my things out but didn’t find the rat, I opened my small cabinet were I keep my garri and saw the rat jumping out of the bag, I started chasing it and it was running around with no where to hide… After sometimes, the rat ran out of my room and enters Peter’s room.
Immediately the rat entered Peter screamed and ran out…
He came and told me I have just 5min to get my rat out of his room… I looked at him and ask him why he is still so mad at me. Could you believe that, that common boy called Peter ignored me completely?
I hissed and went into his room only to realized how much Peter has furnished his room, I was surprised to see the furnitures and the new plasma TV… I was staring when he came in and told me to stop my evil thoughts and get the rat out of his room… I started looking for the rat and found it behind his bed, I immediately told Peter to open the door, he did and climbed his bed… I threw a stick at the rat and it ran out of the room…
Peter went to the door and started showing me the way out… Guy what is wrong with you? Guys don’t keep malice na, whatsup with all this attitude?
Akor, can’t you see I am better off without you? Please I am engaged and about to become a husband. The friendship we had in the past should be in the past, the only thing that can join us now is our neighborship… he said
What is neighborship? Do you even think I have your time? Who do you think you are? You think I don’t know it’s Vicky that is paying your groom price and sponsoring the wedding?… He was silent and this made me so upset.
I left him and prepared for work, I went to work that day and while having lunch at mama odashi’s kitchen, guess who walked in? It was Betty…
She saw me but hid her face, after buying what she came for and was about leaving, I quickly rushed to meet her up…
Hey, how are you doing I said smiling…, she asked me if we have met, I looked around to see if she was talking to someone else… I told her it’s me Akor…
Is Akor, a name of a person, animal, place or thing she asked… I was silent for some seconds but before I could give her a befitting answer she already left… huh Women!
While sitting there, I was just feeling so empty without Peter to talk to… I thought about the whole thing and realized I have done him wrong, I went to a supermarket close by and bought whine am chewing gum… I went home immediately to deliver the whine and tender my unreserved apology… I stood outside his room for planning on what to do to make the apology worthy of his forgiveness… Do you think Peter will forgive me?
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