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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E31

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E31

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 31


"umm, ofcourse you can. its just that we were not expecting any

company" Steven replies while rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"but you said we should meet often to mend the rift our dad tore

between us. I'll just leave then" nelly says and pout. I just keep

quiet and watch their exchange.

"its just i want-" Steven says and nelly cut him off.

"yea, i totally understand

. What was i thinking? You guys probably

want me gone so you can continue that thing you were doing."

she winks at us and i start coughing.

"no, w-e were just cooking" I sputter out still coughing. Steven runs

to my side and starts patting my back.

"antonia, are you okay?" i raise my hand to signify that I'm okay. I

turn to look at nelly who is making kissing gestures with her hands.

My cough starts again and she giggles. Steven glare at his sister and

she stops immediately then bring me a glass of water. Her baby starts

crying and Steven takes her from nelly.

"thank you"

"no need to thank me. I caused it

. You guys are just so adorable. I

cant believe Steven actually blushed." she whispers.

"you know i can hear you right?" Steven says while rocking the infant

in his arms. Nelly grin at him while Steven shakes his head and leave.

"i like this new Steven."she says which pique my curiosity.

"what do you mean, new?"

"he's normally so serious and distant. Can you believe, we lived in

the same house for years but i can count the number of times he smiles

with just one of my finger. That once being the last day he left the


"really? So he wasn't close to his family?" i ask

"yea. So i am happy that he has found someone he could love."

"i don't think what he feels for me is love"

"look girl. He has been grinning like an idiot ever since i walked in.

That smile is for you. I can see that you're holding back on my

brother. Please, let go and love him. This is going to be the first

real family he'll have."

"umm-"i say but she continues

"our father had never let him get close to his family. He always set

up things that would drive a wedge between us. The last competition

killed my brother." she says and close her eyes at the painful thought.

I pat her shoulder to console her even when i know that brother almost

killed me and Steven.

"am sorry for my outburst its just that i cant believe my brother died

because of a stupid land and Steven almost got killed too. Thank God

its over and that curse land isn't needed anymore" she says and my

hand stop moving.

"its not?" i ask

"no, my dad was the one after that land so now that he is dead, its

not needed. It was not even necessary. My dad knows the land owner

won't sell so he used it as a challenge for his sons. God, i am so

happy that i am not a boy."she says and wipe her tear eyes. She

doesn't even notice my stun expression. How could a father be so

cruel?. I really pity Steven. Growing up in that kind of a family

wouldn't be easy. I look at where he is sitting on the couch and sigh

in approval at the sight of Steven with nelly's baby on his chest. I

imagine nelly's daughter as ours and the image is so perfect in my

mind. If only he loves me sincerely, everything would be perfect. Wait

a minute. Nelly just said Steven doesn't need the land. That means he

wants me for me. Not for my land. Could this be real. Does Steven

sincerely want me and our children?. I am so lost in thoughts that i

forget nelly until she snaps her fingers in my face.

"girl! Where's your mind?"

"oh am sorry. Did you say Steven doesn't need that land anymore?"

"yes. Why?"

"nothing. So what were you saying?" i ask. I feel so excited right now.

My hope is high. Steven might sincerely love me and the thought is

making me giddy. Why did i even doubt him when he has been so sweet

and caring to me?. Mom told me, he never left the hospital except for

some minutes every day for the two months i was in a coma. She said he

brought his work to the hospital.

"the actual reason i am here is to invite you and Steven to Jessica's

birthday party tomorrow. Here is your invite" she hands me an invitation

card then sashay out of the kitchen and I walk behind her with a big

grin on my face. She takes her baby from Steven who burst into wails.

"shh. Jessica, its mommy" she coo to the baby and the baby falls back asleep

"what did you give my daughter that she does not want to leave you"

she scold steven playfully.

"what can i say, i am a chick magnet" Steven says and smile at me. I

cant help but smile back.

"hey, love birds. Let me leave before you start giving each other love

stares."she says then drag me with her.

"antonia, walk me out.

. You Stay" she says to Steven and he pout.

"antonia shouldnt be out of the house, she's supposed to be on

bedrest" he yells after us but nelly ignore him. We take the elevator

and we are out in the street in no time.

"i just have one advice for you, let yourself fall in love with Steven

he loves you. I know it"she says and i sigh.

"I'll give you one expo. Serve your dinner in the same plate and if he

leaves the last spoon of food for you, that's true love sweedy. Men

don't joke about their food except the one they love. Goodbye antonia.

See you at the party" she hug me then hop into a taxi which just

stopped at our front. I stare at the taxi as it carry her away. I

start walking back into the hotel when a drop of rain hit me. Before i

take another step, it starts raining heavily. I shriek at the coldness

of the rain then start walking faster. Before i reach the hotel gate,

i see Steven running towards me with an umbrella and i smile.

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E30

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E32

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