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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E30

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E30

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30


"shut up, i cant hear the movie" i say to shut Steven up. I don't want to hear him talk about his ex fiance. He probably loved her sincerely.

Maybe he still loves her. Unlike me, who he wants just for selfish

reasons. I am trying to hide my jealousy and if he talks about Jane right now, i know I'll burst out in tears. His closeness is already playing tricks with my senses

. We watch the movie in silence for almost an hour before Steven breaks it.

"so how's your ankle?"he asks and i turn to him.

"its fine. No need to worry" but before i finish my statement, i find my legs on Stevens lap.

"we should massage it to prevent it from getting swollen" he says.

"don't!"i scream because my feet are really ticklish. My shout turns into giggles as soon as he places his hands on my right foot.

"sto-p i-t. It tic-kles"i laugh out and Steven grins.

"hmm, so you are ticklish on your feet. Where else are you ticklish.

Wait, let me find out myself"he says then starts tickling my sides. I laugh so hard i almost pee my pants and memories of this same thing happening just few weeks ago bombard me

. Alot has happened ever since.

I missed this and i want it again but not at the expense of a broken heart.

I don't think i can take it this time. Steven keeps tickling me and i laugh crazily. His hand moves upward on his way to tickle my armpits and it brushes my breast. He freezes and look into my eyes.

Our eyes lock but i break the speed as i look away. 'You cant get sucked into his life. He is a liar' i repeat continuously to remind


"antonia, please-"Steven says but i stand up quickly from the couch

and run into the room. 'don't get sucked into his life. He is a liar"

i murmur to myself as i throw myself on his bed. The bed smells like

him and i take comfort in one of his pillows. I remain like this, with

my face pressed to the Steven-scented pillow for a long while before i

hear Steven walk in. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

"antonia, are you awake?" he asks cautiously.

"i just wanted to tell you the food is in the kitchen if you get

hungry. I have to go out. I'll be back soon." he continues but i don't

stir. I remain silent. His footsteps starts getting closer and i feel

his weight on the bed. It takes everything in me to not open my eyes

to see what he's doing. I don't wonder for long as i feel one of his

hand caress my cheek.

"you look so peaceful right now. I am sorry for all the stress and

pain you had to go through because of me. If i could take all your

pains i would. Am so sorry and i love you. I love you with every

breathe in me. I need you and our babies. Please open your heart to

me" he says then chuckles.

"i should be saying this when you're awake." i hear him sigh after

saying this then feel his lips on my forehead. Something wet falls on

my face. Is he crying?.

"now i am crying like a girl."he says then stand. I want to kiss him,

hug him and console him but i also don't want to. I am so confused

right now. Is this acting or real?. Steven walks out of the room and i

let my tears fall.I sob into the pillow. I am so confuse right now.I

don't want to make the wrong decision because i know I'll regret it

for life. What do i choose now? A career in Paris or a family in

Nigeria. Well, i cant make a decision right now. My head hurts and i

am so hungry. Steven did say the food was in the kitchen.

"let's go get some food" i say while rubbing my round tummy. I walk to

the kitchen/dining and find food lined on the table. I quickly sit on

one of the chair and rub my hands together. The thought of food has

cheered me up considerably.

"i bless this food and sanctify it in Jesus name."i pray then grin at

the food. A paper under one of the plates catches my eyes and i pick

it up. Its a message addressed to me.

Going out for a while. Will be back before you know it. I know you

couldn't resist the food.winks

i smile at the paper. He actually wrote winks. How old is he?. I

roll my eyes at the paper then place it carefully on the table before

i dig into the meal. After eating, i move to the sitting room and

watch 'blank panther' on mbc2.

The delicious smell of stew permeates the air and i open my eyes.

Everywhere has gotten dark. I must have fallen asleep during the

movie. I sit up and notice a small blanket covering my legs.

. It wasn't here before i dozed off. The smell of stew meets my nose again and i stand up and follow the aroma to the kitchen. I see Steven filtering spaghetti.

He doesn't see me as am behind him so i just watch him as he moves around the kitchen with ease.

"like what you see?"he asks then turn to face me.

"ho-w did you know?"

"oh, i can feel you. Whenever you are close, my blood just fizz in excitement"he says and i blush.

"hope you guys are hungry, because daddy just finished cooking spaghetti"he says while looking at my baby bump. I smile at him and he looks stun.

"did you just smile at me?. Halleluyah. Its a miracle"he says and i laugh.

Steven serves some spaghetti and stew on a small plate and pass

it to me.

"appetizer"he says and wink.

I laugh as he turns back and put finishing touches to the meal.

Once in a while, he'll turn back and open his mouth for me to feed him.

I was hesitant the first time but its too fun, i continue. A knock at the door stops us and i get up to go check since Steven is a bit pre-occupied. I open the door to see a very beautiful woman.

She's carrying a baby in her arms.I look from the woman to the sleeping baby.

"you must be steven's fiance.He told me so much about you when we

talked after our dad's funeral. Wow, its true, you are beautiful.I

hope you are using your pregnancy to get whatever you want from

him"she says and i frown.

"no sweetheart.I meant, pregnancy is an opportunity for us women to

control our man"she says and i laugh.

"oh forgive my manners, come in"i say and direct her in. Steven is already walking towards us.

"sis. Nelly, what are you doing here?"

"just wanted to see my sister-in-law or cant i?"she winks at me and i

smile.Steven looks at me but i just shrug.

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E29

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E31

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