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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E22

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E22

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22


"come on antonia. Listen to me!. Please!" i yell as she walks inside her house leaving her things scattered on the floor. Something among her things gets my attention and i pick it up. Its a pamphlet on a chef internship programme in Paris. Wait a minute! According to antonia's mother, antonia had always wanted to be a chef and this would be a great breakthrough for her. Oh no! If she goes to Paris, we will not be able to be together

. What do i do?. This is a big opportunity for her but i cant let go. What about our baby?. I have to talk to her. I make to follow antonia inside the house but her mother block my path.

"young man, you need to lea--" her mother says but i cut her off.

"i cant leave ma. Cant you see i am going crazy because of your daughter? I just need a chance to explain myself. Can you please beg her to meet me?. She cant go to France." i plead.

"why would i do that after what you did to her?. I cant believe i welcomed you into our home just for you to hurt my daughter."

"am sorry ma. Please tell her i am sorry and i love her and our baby"i sob and antonia's mother rub my shoulders awkwardly.

"come on, lets talk somewhere else so you can explain yourself to me. Maybe i can help you

. You look hungry so let's talk at a restaurant so you can eat" i nod my head then walk behind her. I really am hungry. I cant even remember the last time i ate something. After antonia left me at the airport yesterday, i rushed back to the hotel to retrieve our things. In twenty minutes, i was done and back at the airport where i waited frustrated for hours. I didn't eat anything on the plane and as soon as my plane touched down, i boarded a taxi to antonia's house. She wasn't here when i got here but her brother and father were present. Antonia's brother who seemed animated with me the last time we met was furious when he saw me. He even punched me and for a teenager, he packs a mean punch. I had begged him to tell me where i could find antonia but he wouldn't bulge. I had to stand by the corridor screaming for antonia to talk to me before antonia's father told me she went to the hospital. My mind had immediately gone to our baby. I prayed that they were both alright. That was how antonia came to find me there. We get to the restaurant and even though i tell antonia's mother that i wasn't hungry, she ordered alot of food. I look at all the food on the table and my eyes water. I blink my eyes rapidly to stop the tears. Why am i so close to tears nowadays? Antonia is the pregnant one but it seems i have caught her emotional sickness. I look at all the food before me and wonder what why a woman would still offer food to someone who hurt her daughter. No wonder antonia is so nice. Her mother is amazing. I devour all the food on the table in minutes then i explain myself to antonia's mother. I tell her about everything. my previous plan of stealing their land and my change of heart when i got to know antonia better and fall in love with her.

"beliway. me ma'am, if i knew who antonia really is, i wouldn't have planned it.I love her and our child"antonia's mother places her hand on mine and squeeze it.

"i believe you.You shouldnt have plotted something like that in the first place.

Nobody deserve to be deceived and duped no matter how they live their lives.I'll prefer if you give her space to think but if you insist, I'll find a way to get her to meet you. I hope you can convince her because i can see that you really love my girl.I have to go now." she says and stand up. I stand up with her.

"one more thing. If you hurt my baby again, I'll cut off your egg-rolls" she blushes at her words and for a second she remind me of antonia. My sweet antonia. Antonia's mom hugs me then we bid each other goodbye.

Talking with her has lifted my spirit a bit. I feel that there is still hope for me. I just have to prove to antonia that i love her. I need to prepare for our next meeting. That may be my only chance to explain to her.

I board a taxi to my suite to catch some sleep before i face my father. I have to make everything right. Once i get to my suite, i plug my phone to charge it. It has been off for a day now. I switch it on to check for any messages and that's when i see a video message from an unknown number. I click on it and my brother's face appear on my screen. I watch the video and listen to my brother talk about killing kacy and his pregnant wife. He also threatens to kill antonia after he gets her land. I cant believe it! Kacy must be antonia's dead fiance. So my brother is responsible for all this.

. I have to stop him before he hurts antonia. This video would serve as evidence against him in court. Who could have sent me the video?. I dial the police and inform the of my brother's involvement in the death of two people. I am asked to come to the police station for my statement. I abandon all thoughts of sleep and head out to the police station.

At the police station, i give my statement and they assure me that they would find my brother. I hope they do.



The voices in James' head was getting louder.

'we are going to get caught by the police'

'daddy would be so disappointed at us'

'we couldn't even beat your bastard brother' the voices keep repeating. The doctors promised James that if he took his pills religiously, the voices would all go away, so why are they back? He wondered.

James walk to the bottle of whiskey on the table and grab it. He tosses the cover on the floor and drains the bottle into his throat. Some of the contents fall on the floor but he doesn't even notice.His eyes meet his reflection in the mirror and he throws his bottle at it.

"stop following me!.I wouldn't get caught.I have to win Steven." his hands start shaking and he brings a paper containing a white substance from his pocket. He lines some on the back of his palm and inhale it.His eyes go foggy and he slumps on the bed with thoughts of making his father pay for making him this way

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E21

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