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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E21

Story 2 years ago

Intoxicated Romance - S01 E21

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21


I hold myself from running back into steven's arms and walk away on unsteady legs. I finally locate my seat and as soon as I'm sitting, i cover my face with my hands and cry. I don't even remember to be nervous during take-off. I just cry.

"are you okay, miss?" i hear a voice beside me and i turn to see a French man sitting beside me looking uncomfortable.

"I'm fine sir" i say and the smell of something great hits my nostrils. I sniff the air to find the source of the smell.

"what's that smell?" i ask the Frenchman and notice the plate he's carrying.

"its lasagna

. You want some?"

"umm no thanks." i shake my head and my stomach growls as if to call me out for my lies. The Frenchman smiles then calls a stewardess to get me a plate of the lasagna. Few minutes later, I'm stuffing myself with the lasagna.

"oh my God, its so good. What's it made of?" i ask the Frenchman. He goes to answer but i raise my hand for him to stop.

"wait don't tell me. Hmm. I taste noodles, parsley, nut-meg and maybe cheese?"

"wow, you knew that just from eating it?"

"i have a sixth sense when it comes to food and i love cooking" i say smiling

"well, you are good. You should harness this talent." he brings a pamphlet from his suit pocket and hand it to me.

"I'm actually going to lagos to recruit chefs for the catering programme I'm organising

. It'll take a year and half, then you'll become a professional chef. Its in Paris."

wow. Is this the new beginning i need?. I have always wanted to be a chef. This is a big opportunity. And I'll be far away from Steven if i take the offer. I take the pamphlet.

"I'll think about it sir. Thanks for the offer."

"alright sugar. Just make sure to get in touch with me before the end of two weeks. My number is on that pamphlet" he says and i nod.

The rest of the flight is quiet as the French man makes multiple video calls and i doze off with thoughts of my parents. Would they receive me if i go home?. I send a silent prayer to God that everything would be alright.


i get to warri the next morning and i drag my jet-lagged body out of the plane. I probably look like a walking zombie right now, with my swollen eyes but i don't care. I don't have any luggage so i walk straight and board a taxi home. Its fairly early so i don't see anybody in my compound after i am dropped off. I knock on our gate and wait with bated breathe. Thankfully, my brother is the one who comes to open the gate.

"sister toni!" he screams and i wince. He cant just be quiet for once. I enter into the house and see my parents rushing out of their room. My mom gets to me first.

"oh lord thank you for bringing her back, safely" she says looking me all over.

"where have you been? You got us all worried" my dad asks immediately my mom is done fawning over me.

"toni, why do you look like you've been crying?"my brother chips in. I look at their worried face and my lips tremble. I burst out in tears and my mother hugs me

"oh my baby" she pats my baby"i- i'm pregnant mom" i sputter out and i feel my Mom's body stiffen.

"what?!" my father yells and i wince again. All this shouting is giving me an headache.

"is that why you wanted to get married quickly?. Who's the father? Please tell me its not kacy" my mother rambles.

"am sorry mom. Am sorry for leaving. Am sorry for not listening to you and jumping into another engagement. Everything is just so complicated right now and worst of all, am not sure if I'm still pregnant"

"i don't understand. What do you mean by 'you're not sure if you're still pregnant'?" my mom moves back and look at my stomach.

"i had an accident in Paris and there was blood coming from my crotch. I don't really know anything for sure"

"an accident? Oh my God. What were you doing in Paris?"my brother asks

"we were supposed to get married there".

"was?"my dad inquires

"not anymore. Dad, mom, I'll explain everything to you later but right now, what i need is sleep"

"yes yes. Go and sleep my child. But once you wake up, we'll go to the hospital for an ultra sound" my mom says and walk me to my room. I look back at my father and he looks so worried. My brother just stare blankly.


At the hospital

My mom holds my hand as the doctor raises my shirt and apply some cool liquid on it. He places the weird looking device on my stomach and a blurry image fill the monitor screen beside me. The doctor smiles and touches something on the monitor and a weird noise fill the room. My heart beat speeds up as i hear the sound.

"that's your babies' heart beat" the doctor says smiling down at me.

"so, everything is okay?" i ask

"yes, they seem to be doing well" my mom squeezes my hand and gives me a big smile.

"wait! Babies?. They?"

"yes, you're having twins"

"wow" my mom exclaims

"are you sure doctor?" i ask. My brain is having a hard time processing this. How did i go from having one baby to none then to two?!

"I'm sure. By the looks of it, you're about 6 weeks gone and i can see two heartbeats." the doctor explains. I lie there as tears of happiness falls down my cheeks. I hear my mom thank the doctor and he leaves.

"are you ok?" my mom asks me and i give her the biggest smile ever.

"i am more than okay mom. I am so happy" i squeal.

"i am too. Twins! Wow." my mom squeezes my hand again and smile at me.

"we'll help you through this baby girl". I know they will.

. Before coming to the hospital, i told my parents everything. From the day i was drugged to this morning. They were outraged that i kept them in the dark all this while but they consoled me. I am so lucky to have such a supportive family.

We leave the hospital after collecting the ultra sound pictures and i cant wipe the grin off my face. We board a taxi and my smile is wiped off my face as soon as i alight. Steven is standing in front of me looking like he hasn't slept for days. I brace myself and walk straight pass him. He tries to block my path but i bypass him but my bag clash with him and its content spill everywhere. I abandon my bag and flee into the house. Steven goes to follow me but I hear my mom stop him. Thank goodness.

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E20

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Intoxicated Romance - S01 E22

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