Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E16 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E16 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 16
Am not chance to chat with caro since, i open her chat first.. Just four unread messages and her last seen was 2:27pm…
The four messages read thus… 7;36 goood morning babbbbby…. 7;40 how was your nght ?…. 12;31 hiiii. … 12;32 whats going between you and sharon ?? I just ignore all the messages. U still remember sharon right ??..
Mums friend daughter.. I proceed to the next chat this time its sharon name that i tapped on , her own message read thus.. Is anything on between you and caro ??
Thank God she is online.. I repLy no.. But she has been acting funny since i let her know we do chat and talk on phone everyday, she reply almost immediately…
There is nothing i reply puuting her off.. Its when i proceed to the next chat that i realized i was the cauuse of tania state
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