Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E15 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E15 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 15
I was in the bathroom when she enter the room…. Good morning and thanks for yesterday… Ohhh its nothing i reply not looking her face, i got this for you she said this strecthing forth a nylon towards mee..
You shouldnt have bothered about me..
“i need to, well i got this for when i went to get breakfast for my visitors” ohhh thanks but i just dont have appetite this morning…
She laugh freely
Why are you laughing, i fired the question…
U thought i poisoned the food, anyways lets eat together” better i let out with a sigh of relief… She went to the kitchen to get a plate and two spoon while i continue with my prep…
I had fully dressed up before she went to the kitcheen, i was zipping up my backpack when she comes back to dish the food..
We ate silently for about two minutes stealing glances at each other before i broke the silencccce….
Why did you get yourself drunk yesterday…
Its richard she reply weakly… Who is Richard i inquire further asking who is richard…
“my boyfriend” ohhh that guy that stays in the state..
“yea” ohhh sorry about that, but what really happen, “he call yesterday and call it quit” ohhh sorry about that but dont get yourself drunk today” thanks i wont, am over it already” better i said to her before leaving for tutorial that morning, that morning happens to be the last time i stepped into the tutorial premises… Tutorial was fun that friday,
i chiLLed at woith some friends before heading back home at some minutes past six, i get home only to meet tania sobbing profusely
I met her sobbing, whats wrong with you i asked with real concern, but she shocked me as she cry the more… I let her be, i dont have the strenght to console anybody….
I change my trouser and shirt to something more casual, i headed to the nearby eatery, i order for chicken and juice…
I order for two bowls of ice cream when leaving, one for me one for tania…
On getting home tania, i met tania still weeping, whats wrong with you i ask with rage, she still did not reply, i drop the ice beside her thats for you…
I went to the kitchen to get two spoons, one for me and the other one for her..
Halfway eating my icecream, i brought out my phone switching on my data for the first time that day, i dropped it on the bed allowing the messages to all flow in before i start replying… Am not opput.
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