Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E09 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E09 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 9
Now its another bright monday morning, its past 8 already, im getting ready for tutorial thats the last, i still have two weeks afterwards before the exam but have made up my mind not to renew my clearance…
About to step out when caro call me back, i stop my track, giving in that whats wrong look in the process…
She repLy me saying “i want to discuss some things with you” ohhhh i let out but we both slept in this room.. Pls just five minutes she countered back pleading.. Ok am all ears…
Actually did you remember you met tania here the sunday you came back when you travelled home.. “yea i do, what happen to her?” i had let her know few days before that sunday that you are not related to me biologicaly, she paused while i show her the sign to continue…
It is not like i let out to her intentionally, i confide with her because i want advice on how am going to get you back when you started acting strange, it was in the process i discover how you both have been bleeping and she revealed to me that she had a se.xtape she recorded so that she can always use it against you anytime you trying to form crrok.
Honestly all she has said have seen no sense in it, but i keep nodding frequently to show am following her, so whats the solution to getting the tape from her because if i told you am not aware of this; then i should be a good nominee +f not winner for liar of the decade, my problem now is how to rob her of the tape i let out with fear..
Well she clears her throat and said she has since retrieved the tape but bigger problem looms:. Aaand whats that i ask her with 6alf joy half sssadess:…
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