Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E08 (Story Episode)
Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E08 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 8
I stood stiLL not honouring her order to get out of her room, get out she barked the second time, i called her names three times she did not, wasn’t expecting a reply though, you tried to slap few minutes ago now u barking on me to leave your room, its no problem but, we you pls let me say this few words before chasing me out, she did not let me complete my sentence before pushes me out of her room furiously.. She Slammed her door afterwards.. Oopps i let out when i left her door… I dash in to go and prepare for my post utme tutorial.. The day wasn’t eventful… how am i going to retrieve the se.x tape in Tania’s possession keeps alarming in ma head
Nothing eventfuL happen throughout that week.. Now its another bright monday morning which happens to be my last week of attending post utme tutorial classes… If you are foLLowing the story keenLy, you we notice I have not been updating about the activities since i started attending the tutorial; if you notice hvae not been writing anything about sharon, bisola, ayomide,lincoln, sheyi, the buLLy lady “i mean the one that sLap” its not like they are complete out of the story, its just i dont want things to get complicated… Because its been long we started this story so merging alot of scene could cause confussion, Now back to the story, after narrating how i retrieved the se.x tape from tania..
I we be flashing backing to the day i came back from home after my fallout with caro…
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