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Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 14

Episode 5 years ago

Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 14


Whoa, that one is a dragon’. Tayo felt Ada was being insolent to Aniekan.

‘Well, when things don’t go your way, it could transform you to a dragon’. Aniekan smiled.

He was still trying to figure out why Tayo had visited him. He was closer to her brother, the King. Tayo was just an acquaintance.
‘I know you’re surprised to see me here. I would go straight to the point. I heard about Elena Benjamin and what she did to you. I know what I am about to ask is huge, but you have to help me Aniekan’.

‘Help you’? He wasn’t following.
‘Please don’t sue her’. Tayo begged.
For Tayo to “beg,” for a favor meant Elena was special to her. It made him curious.
‘Why? What is she to you’? He asked calmly.
Tayo smiled, ‘you’re a very smart man, I must say but this matter isn’t about me. I just want you to do me a favor. You may need my help sometime’.

Aniekan shrugged, ‘I changed my mind about suing her. I offered her a job instead. Trust me princess, I am not that heartless. ‘
‘You did’? Tayo couldn’t believe her ears. She got up and moved over to where he sat so she could hug him.

Aniekan thought he had enough of the appreciation. It wasn’t long before Elena’s parents moved over to where he sat and began to shower him with blessings.
All through their prayers, his eyes were fixed on Elena’s. He noticed she was shy, but he found it difficult to take his eyes off her.
A week after had passed since Aniekan had taken the decision of hiring Elena without consulting her. Ada couldn’t believe that her plans to getting richer by millions had been jeopardized by Aniekan. In a few days, Elena was going to return to the white house with her belongings; this would mark her appointment as a worker in the Games Village.
‘What’s on your mind? You’ve been very quiet darling’. Ese glared at Ada’s naked back from where he lay. He was also upset about his brother’s decision, but he didn’t know what else to do. Ese noticed that Ada had become more withdrawn and quiet since Elena’s release. He knew she wasn’t happy about Aniekan’s decision, so was he.
Ada had tried logging into the Games Village website for some information, but she wasn’t able to. She felt frustrated after being automatically logged out twice.
‘I give up. I am tired of working with your brother’. Ada slammed the table with her palms and quickly pushed the laptop away.
Ese sighed and rolled out of bed to meet her.
‘Are you giving up on our plans already’? His hands caressed her delicate shoulders.
Ada closed her eyes, as she re-imagined how humiliated she had felt when Aniekan had announced the news of Elena’s recruitment to Games Village.

‘He has started keeping secrets from me. I no longer control his decisions and movements. That is not a good thing, Ese’. Ada released the breath she held, and slowly opened her eyes.

Before now, Aniekan always consulted her before taking any major life decision or professional decision. Why had he suddenly changed at the sight of Elena?

‘I told you that girl was no good. She has dark powers and she is clouding his judgment. Now that he has hired her and invited her to live here with us, her presence would make things more difficult’. She reached out for Ese’s comforting hands.
Ese lowered his lips and pressed it against her bare skin.

‘I’ve been waiting all these while for you to come up with a new plan. Obviously, you don’t have one. You feel defeated. You feel our plans to conquer my brother and take over his company would never materialize…’
Ada was skeptical their plans would ever come to pass.

‘Look Ese, let us be real. Aniekan’s move has put us in a very bad place. What if he knows about our relationship? What if he knows we are plotting against him? He didn’t have the courtesy to tell me of his plans; we don’t know what his next move is.
He could get me fired tomorrow and get a new lawyer. You don’t understand how deep in s--t we are’. Ada complained.
But Ese understood. He had been very shocked at his brother’s decision, but he wasn’t the type to give up hope easily.
‘I have a new plan, one that would benefit us more than the former plan’. He released her shoulders and pulled the computer towards himself.

Ada scoffed; she had always been the one with the ideas, while Ese did the dirty work.
‘What do you have in mind’? She couldn’t think of any smart plan that Ese would come up with. Killing Aniekan at this point was meaningless. He may have written a new will that wouldn’t have his brother’s name on it. They were sitting on a time bomb. They had to be careful.
Like Ada who’d tried to log in, Ese’s password was declined.

‘What sort of s--t is this’? Ese frowned.
‘I experienced the same thing. Do you think Aniekan has blocked us from assessing the Games Village site’? Ada asked in a shaky voice.
Ese scratched his head and glared at the site, ‘I don’t know. But I have a plan, you should hear it’.

Ada decided to distract her mind with this new plan of Ese’s. Currently, she was lost on how to handle Aniekan. Maybe this plan would help out.

‘We both know he has been working on a new game. Demon Hall would be the biggest game the world has ever seen. It would secure his title as the best game creator in history, and this would come with a lot of profits. Already, investors are interested in the game, and multinational companies are willing to partner with this brand’. Ese paused and watched Ada’s face closely. It seemed she didn’t understand where he was going.

Ada knew of Demon Hall, it was the next biggest thing after Luciferon.
‘How do we come in here? I can no longer tell your brother’s next move, what part would we play here’?

Ese smiled and continued, ‘Demon Hall would be released in a few weeks. If we can steal the prototype of the game, we can sell it off to rival game companies…’ Without waste of time, Ese moved over to the laptop and typed in some words.

‘I did my research and I have found several Asian Video Game specialists who will be interested in buying Demon Hall. All we have to do is steal the prototype and you will write some papers stating me as the original owner. We sell it successfully, get our money and flee the country’. Ese was sure that this plan would work.

Ada was impressed by this new plan. As he spoke, she envisioned it with her mind.
‘You’re so smart my darling, but there is just one problem’.

‘And what is that baby’? Ese lowered himself, until their faces were close.
‘How do we get the prototype without raising dust? And after we’ve fled the country, what do with you with your brother? He would haunt us for the rest of our lives.’ She searched his eyes for answers as she spoke.

Ese had figured all her questions before now.

‘You are his lawyer, and I his brother. We have to be closer to Aniekan like never before. Concerning what we’ll do after we’ve sold the prototype, I’ll handle him once we have gotten our hands on it’.

‘How will you handle him’? Ada had to be sure what he planned would play out.
‘Don’t worry; we will not stain our hands this time around. I know of a hit man’.
Ada was thrilled by this splendid strategy; she had never encountered a plan so brilliant.
‘Come here darling, you deserve some good loving tonight’. She pulled Ese closer to her, in readiness for a kiss. Their lips were about to be united in one move, when a loud knock startled the lovers.

They pulled apart immediately.

‘Are you expecting anyone’? Ese’s eyes were fixed to the door. If his brother had come to see Ada, he needed to hide somewhere. Aniekan could never get wind of their affair.
Ada rose to her feet and grabbed her nightgown from the bed.

‘No, I am not expecting anyone’. She replied and moved towards the door to take a peek.

When she pulled the door backwards, she was surprised to see the clumsy cook.
‘What are you doing here’? Ada fired at the girl.

Idara was shaken by the harshness in her voice, and from the little she had heard from eavesdropping.

‘I…you ordered for a croissant and a cup of coffee’. She presented a silvery tray containing freshly baked rolls. Ada recalled giving the order, what she didn’t understand is why it took the cook so long to get it done.

‘You’re such a snail, give me that’! Ada grabbed the tray forcefully and shut the door to the girl’s face.

‘Who was that’? Ese noticed the tray in Ada’s hands. The delicious aroma of the snacks drew him closer to her.

‘Idara. We should get a new cook soon’. Ada fetched a roll and chewed on it.
Ese shrugged, ‘why? Her meals are delicious’.

‘I have a bad feeling about her. She has been in the white house too long. I shall find a way to convince Aniekan to fire her’.

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Her Christmas Desire - Season 3 - Episode 13

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Her Christmas Desire - Season 3 - Episode 15

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