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Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 13

Episode 5 years ago

Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 13

Elena hadn’t seen this coming, but he released her hand like something that bugged him, once they reached the end of the corridor. Something about his action didn’t sit well with her. Elena hated being treated like she didn’t matter.

‘Hurry, we don’t have time to waste’. Aniekan beckoned to her as he led the way towards the garden, where the meeting was being held.

The cook was seeing the lady who’d been locked by Ada for the first time under daylight. She held her breath as she watched Elena walked past her. How could two people share this sort of resemblance?

Idara placed a shaky hand against her chest as the memories of that horrible night replayed in her mind. If only the boss knew that his lawyer was evil, he would be more careful of that woman. Together, Ada and Ese had conspired to harm her mistress. And they almost succeeded.

She cast one look at the dark corridor. Idara was the only one who knew the secret that lurked in that part of the white house.

‘I have to see her. I must tell her everything that is happening’. She grabbed the tray of apples that she held, and advanced towards the forbidden wing of the white house.

‘You greedy pig! If you planned to enrich yourself through my child, you’ve failed. We will not pay a kobo. If you really mean business, we go to court’. Tamar insisted. Anger welled up within her as she stared at Aniekan’s lawyer. The woman definitely had something up her sleeves.

Ada gritted her teeth angrily, she hadn’t seen this coming. She didn’t know Elena’s parents would be this troublesome. If she had envisaged this barrier, she would’ve asked Ese and his men to destroy them. No one could stand between her and the goals she wanted to achieve.

‘Court? I am doing you a favor Madam. If we go to court, Elena could be sentenced for many years. You should be grateful for this offer’. Ada replied, but Tamar wouldn’t hear her out.

Tamar could smell a fraud from a far distance. She was an ambitious woman herself, and she had tried to use her daughters to change her social class. Ada had tried to sound responsible, and genuinely interested in her client’s affair, but she wasn’t a good pretender.

‘Oh come off it! You are just a baby lawyer, who feels she can use backdoor tricks to intimidate I and my family. The highest I can pay for this problem is Five hundred thousand. If your client cannot accept, then he should forget about it’.

Mr. Benjamin was tired of arguing with the women; he simply remained quiet and adulated the ambience of the white house.
Ada was infuriated by Tamar’s insults.
‘I will show you what it means to be a baby lawyer’! Ada quickly moved to where Ese stood. She had to give him a new set of instructions. Already, Ese knew that the deal wasn’t going on well and it angered him too. But he hadn’t interfered. It was Ada’s part, and she needed independence to deliver her best. He always handled the dirty part of business. He was patient for his turn.

‘Go and add more locks to that room. Elena Benjamin is not leaving the white house today’. Ada carefully instructed Ese. Tamar had dared her; she would prove to the woman that no one spoke to Ada Elechi anyhow they pleased.

Just on time, Aniekan strolled into the garden with Elena closely behind.

‘Elena’! Tamar was the first to notice her. She quickly rushed towards her daughter in excitement.

Ada’s heart leapt as she realized Aniekan had found the girl. She wasn’t comfortable with the scowl on his face. She knew exactly why he wore such a look. She had maltreated Elena, and he had caught her off-guard.
Slowly, Ada dropped the papers on the large table and stared at the duo.

‘Good morning Aniekan’, she forced a smile.

‘Good morning Ada. I trust you are having a nice time with the Benjamins’. Aniekan returned her fake smile.

Ada nodded quickly, ‘they have refused to pay the fifty million’. She reported immediately.

Elena had been mad with her mother for what she’d done to Eno and Cassie. She had always planned to snub Tamar and ignore her for weeks until she was genuinely sorry for her actions. But Elena couldn’t hold onto her grudges any longer. Being away from her family, and losing the power of choice for a night, had taught her to cherish the shortest moment they had with each other.
‘I can’t believe you’re here mom’, Elena sobbed and buried her face on her mother’s chest.

Soon, her father joined them. He was also happy to see that his daughter was in good shape.

‘Elvis came home to break the news in detail to us’. Mr. Benjamin whispered.
On hearing her brother’s name, Elena stopped sobbing and looked up.
‘Elvis? How…’ she paused as she realized that news travelled really fast.

‘Your brother came with us; I should get him from the car’. Tamar suggested.
Elena grabbed her by the shoulder and stared into her father’s eyes at the same time.
‘There is something I must tell you two’.
Aniekan’s mind was far, even though he was sitting beside his lawyer who offered him the details of meeting. He could her voice, but he couldn’t understand the words. Aniekan’s eyes were pitched at the spot where Elena was meeting with her family.
She was crying! He couldn’t believe a night away from home could affect her that much. It was such a beautiful scene to see her family together again. A part of him felt bad that he had allowed Ese to keep her in the white house.

‘She is not paying the fifty million’. Aniekan raised a hand in the air. With all the strength left in him, he peeled his eyes from Elena and her lovely family and stared at his lawyer.

Ada laughed, ‘I don’t understand’.
Aniekan exhaled slowly, ‘you locked her up in the forbidden wing. I forgive you for that. But I cannot forgive your lies and pretence. Elena is a hardworking lady and I will give her a chance to prove herself to me, instead of crucifying her’.

Ada was enraged by Aniekan’s words. How could he take a decision without consulting her?

‘You don’t have to understand. I am offering Elena a job in Game Village. She would live in this house and work for a year or as long as she wants. I don’t care about your opinion on this matter’.

Aniekan was about to say more when the gate was opened, and princess Tayo walked in majestically. He was shocked to see her in the white house. He hadn’t seen Tayo for a very long time.

All eyes focused on the princess as she marched to where the Benjamins stood. Tayo’s eyes grew icier as she noticed Tamar, the greedy pig.

‘Elvis asked me to send you this note. He had to leave urgently’. Tayo offered the paper to them. Tamar’s arrogance disappeared, the minute she recognized the princess. She was suddenly filled with shame for all she’d done.

Elena observed her the silent exchange between her mother and the striking black beauty, whom she had seen before.
‘Where did our son go’? Mr. Benjamin asked.

Tayo raised her shoulders, ‘I don’t know, but he doesn’t want you to look for him’.
With this, she strolled over to the table where Aniekan sat with his lawyer.

‘Who is that woman and why did she look at you that way’? Elena asked her mother in a whisper.

Tamar was too embarrassed to tell her daughter the truth.

‘We can talk about her later. What did you want to tell us’?

Elena closed her eyes and pulled in some air. She didn’t know how her parents would react to this news. But she was happy about the job offer. It was better than paying fifty million.

‘He doesn’t want me to pay fifty million. Instead, I’ll work in his company for a year to prove my repentance. How does that sound’?

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin exchanged glances, because it was too good to be true.
The moment she reached the table, Aniekan was already up on his feet. He bowed his head in honor of her royalty. Tayo noticed a taller guy who was definitely Aniekan’s younger brother. He stood far away and under a palm tree. His eyes were cold and unfriendly, but she wasn’t afraid of him.
She noticed the light skinned woman in suit who shared the table with Aniekan. For some reason, Tayo didn’t like this woman. Tayo noticed the woman’s face was flushed, and she wore a deep frown.
‘You may leave now’. Aniekan snapped his fingers.

‘Are you sure you’re taking the right decision about Elena’? Ada clenched her jaw as she stared at him.

‘I have, thanks’, Aniekan nodded.

Angrily, Ada gathered all the papers into her briefcase and hurried out of the garden, leaving the table for Aniekan and the princess.

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Her Christmas Desire - Season 3 - Episode 12

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Her Christmas Desire - Season 3 - Episode 14

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