Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 54
The man wandered around behind Brie and hoisted her up by the arms, trying not to smear her chest makeup in the process. Once her butt was off the seat, the woman grabbed the waist of the romper and shucked it down to Brie’s knees in one swift motion, exposing her bottom and vagina to the room.
Brie’s eyes snapped open and she gasped, jolted back to reality, as the raw air of the makeup room rushed over her moist, naked body. Her head wheeled around, taking in the details, trying to decode the situation, but she was barely coherent.
The man dropped her bare butt down onto the cold, wet chair seat and again her brain fought for more lucidity. He produced again, the small box of swatches, but instead of pulling out round circles, he instead pulled out single strips, about the size of a Band-Aid. He kneeled down next to her and leaned in toward her mound. Brie became deep red as she felt the man’s proximity to her most private area. But she did not protest. Somewhere deep inside of her, she was enjoying the attention. One by one, the man held each swatch up to her vulva until he found the closest match. “Looks like we’re going redder down here.” Then, just as he had done with the nipple pasties, he smeared an adhesive onto the swatch and pressed it against Brie’s slit.
The swatch was barely wide enough to cover the distance between the peaks of her labia. Real flesh from her puffy pussy lips was exposed on either side, and the strip was only long enough to cover the gash of her vulva; it didn’t even reach back to her butt. Brie couldn’t believe the swimming suit was legal, but somewhere in her delirious mind, she supposed that it covered up anything that needed covering; just nothing more. It was the next generation of the tiny thong bikini.
The swatch, of course, didn’t stay in place for long, and slipped onto the floor. Brie had produced far too much liquid for the adhesive to stick. The man scoffed in annoyance, cleaned the fabric, and dried it against his pants. “It won’t go on if the surface is wet,” he explained, “but once we do get it on, nothing but the solvent will wash it off.” He looked to the blonde. “Hand me that face towel.” He took it and buffed Brie’s overflowing chalice dry. She groaned aloud as he dragged the soft towel up between her pussy lips and over her swollen, hot clitoris.
The feeling of having someone else getting up into her breach rocked her world, and she shuddered and bucked against his ministrations, moaning pornographically. The man grabbed her around one thigh to stabilize himself and tried again to apply the bandage to Brie’s crevice. This time he was successful in getting it to stick, but Brie had other plans. Delirious with the need for orgasm, Brie slapped his hand away and peeled the top of the fabric strip back. He recoiled onto the balls of his feet and watched her snake a finger underneath and begin to luridly swirl it around her clit in earnest.
Before the man could do anything, she was already smearing her newly generated cum over her rubescent sex. He reeled in frustration. “Lord, grant me patience! Can I get some help here?”
The blonde came over, flabbergasted, “What do you want me to do?”
“Grab her arms and make sure she can’t touch her cunt!”
The woman pulled the young girl’s arms around and held them back.
Brie thrashed and fought against the restraint, whining all the way. “Fuck me,” she begged, “Cum, cum. I need cummies. Please, give me your cock.”
The man looked up at her incredulously and said with snark, “Honey, you’re not even my type.” Once again, he cleaned the swatch and dried off the little girl’s slit, causing her whole body to stiffen in the chair and thrust out to meet him at his touch. He remained all business and, this time, he got the adhesive to stick. No matter which way Brie twisted, she could not escape her restraints; without her hands free, she could not get the swatch to budge, and she could not achieve the orgasm she craved. The man, satisfied, looked at the redhead and said, “My job is done. She’s all yours now.”
The woman looked at him wryly, “Not yet. Grab her feet, I’m not getting kicked.” She pulled the romper from the girl’s legs and spread them. She crouched between them with her own makeup kit, and meanwhile, the man sat behind her and held one of Brie’s ankles in each hand.
Just as the woman had predicted, as soon as she started blending the edges of the doll patch with the surrounding skin tone of Brie’s mons, the girl began to thrash and wail in ravishment. She so desperately wanted to cum, and the woman was teasing her, fondling her everywhere but the sensitive spots that would put her over the edge. Everything the woman did only heightened Brie’s fiery nerves all the more, while raising the bar to climax ever higher. The girl swore and burbled and demanded offerings of cum from her attendants, but they showed no mercy, remaining strictly professional, all to Brie’s despair.
At long last, the artists finished their jobs. The man and the redheaded woman retreated. Brie, with her arms still pinned behind her by the blonde, thrust her hips into the air for several moments, willing someone to relieve the mounting pressure boiling within her. But no such relief came. After a short while, without direct stimulation, she appeared to calm down considerably, closing her eyes and begging quietly, helplessly, in frustration.
The three attendants exchanged glances and at last the man spoke, “Alright, let’s get her to her room.”
“We can’t let her touch herself or she’ll ruin the suit again, and the makeup” the blonde woman said.
The ginger snapped her fingers, “Here.” She grabbed a hair ribbon from off the counter and wrapped it around Brie’s wrists, knotting it loosely. At that, they picked her up onto her feet and escorted her toward the changing room where her friend awaited. They paraded her virtually nude body throughout the backstage area, turning the heads of models and stagehands alike. Her legs felt almost useless and, with her head hung low, she looked like the victim of a kidnapping.
The group of attendants pushed open the cracked door to her green room and found Elsie, topless, sitting on her boyfriend’s lap.
Elsie was astounded. Coming through the door, she saw Brie, who appeared to be stark naked, being led with her hands behind her back by a group of older adults. She was clearly in a trance, her rangy body tottering on her tiny feet.
The blonde among them spoke up, virtually unconcerned that Elsie, herself, was bare-breasted and sitting atop the lap of one of the boys in the room, but from her angle, she couldn’t see the girl’s vagina exposed beside her bunched up panties. “Alright Zoey, you and Briley have,” she checked the time, “four and a half minutes.” She looked up at her co-workers, impressed. “Four and half minutes? We really cut that one close.” The other two chuckled in relief. She turned back to Elsie, “About four minutes before you’re needed at the stage.”
Elsie nodded, confused about what she was seeing before her.
The woman gave her a once over, “You ought to be dressed by now. What are you waiting for?”
Elsie finally spoke up, climbing off the lap of her partner, fixing the crotch of her panties before anyone noticed they were awry. “You’re mad about me? What about her?” she said, gesturing to Brie.
“We got her dressed and made up in that time.”
Elsie looked again at her friend and at last noticed that, indeed, she wasn’t naked, she just looked very close to it.
The redheaded woman released Brie, who staggered forward into the room. “Don’t let her touch herself,” she said awkwardly, “And don’t untie her hands until she gets on stage.” They retreated, closing the door behind them and Elsie could hear them talking about “teenagers.”
No sooner did they leave than Brie pressed herself against Elsie and confided, “Cum. I need to cum.”
“Whoa, Brie, what?” Elsie asked, pushing her friend away from her.
Brie sobbed, “Els, I need to cum. My pussy’s so hot, I’m aroused to fucking distraction. And I can’t go out there,” she looked down at her nearly nude figure, “like this.”
Elsie looked her friend up and down. Brie had the same sensual look on her face as she had in the dressing room the day before, only more tragic. She was flushed and panting, and beads of sweat were forming on her face and shoulders. Elsie’s eyes wandered down to her friend’s underdeveloped chest, where she noticed the barely imperceptible ridges of pasties that covered her nipples. She then found herself peering down to inspect Brie’s slit, which had been almost completely smoothed over by a bandage-sized strip of plastic. It dipped ever-so-slightly into the crease of her puffy lips, giving a subtle definition to her cleft. Despite Brie’s woe, Elsie thought she looked very sexy, and couldn’t believe Scarlet expected anyone to go out in public in such a scandalous getup.
Given their experience together, Elsie understood that Brie was backed against a wall—she was past the line between all and nothing, between holding back a little longer and cumming her brains out—and so was more than willing to try and help her friend. However, she had been ordered not to touch Brie where she needed it most.
“I don’t know what I can do right now, Brie.” Elsie consoled, while crawling into the bikini top she would be modeling. “I can’t get you off until this is over, but I promise you when it is, I will. It will be the first thing I do.” She looked her friend in the eye and cupped a hand along her cheek. “What can I do in the meantime?”
Brie pleaded with her. “Medicine. I need my medicine.” Elsie snapped her fingers and went to Brie’s bag. She found the bottle within and uncapped it, holding it to Brie’s lips. Brie quickly gulped back the tangy potion. After she swallowed the last of it, she gasped, “Thanks. But, well,” she hesitated, eyes flitting back and forth, “I need… more than that.”
“I don’t think you have any more,” Elsie explained, tipping over the bottle. A single gooey droplet dripped to the floor.
Brie interjected, “I don’t. But you do.”
Elsie was caught off guard. “I don’t understand.”
Brie took a deep breath and looked down at her feet sheepishly, “I need your… your cum.”
An unexpected voice came from the back of the room, “Whoa.”
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