Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 51
After a mere moment, Brie spun around and faced her friend. Her expression was disconnected, her eyes rolled up and her jaw hanging open. Elsie barely registered on her radar as she passed by. Brie’s only thought was ripping off her garment and claiming her deserved erotic relief. She skated toward the stage exit and, as she did, she shrugged the straps of the romper over each shoulder, one-by-one. She tugged at the legs and pulled the wedged fabric out from between her labia. This caused the elastic top of the outfit to pull down over her sensitive nipples. They emerged into view even while she was still on stage, but she didn’t care; she hoped that, with her back already to most of the audience, and their attention now on Elsie, nobody would notice. As she at last crossed though the stage exit, she yanked the top down off of her chest altogether and peeled it down over her torso. She had no care in the world that stagehands, models, and everybody else back stage could see her youthful chest bared. She was happy to have some relief from her torturous outfit, at last.
In the crowd, Ivy fanned herself. The venue was packed full and the temperature was heating up. She watched Elsie follow Brie off the catwalk and turned, wide-eyed, to her date. She was shocked by Brie’s flagrant grinding. “Did you see that?”
Her partner deflected, “Were those the two girls you know again?”
“Yeah, my girlfriend’s daughter and her friend.”
The man merely smirked, saying nothing.
“Well, I’ll tell you one thing,” Ivy muttered, “I think I know where she gets it.”
That piqued her date’s curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say I know her parents well. Her mother…” she trailed off.
“C’mon, you know you can’t just leave it at that,” the man pried.
“Down boy,” Ivy chuckled, patting his crotch. She then changed the subject. “I’m surprised they’re letting her model now. She’s so young.”
The man shrugged, “I hope she gets to come back for more.”
“You’re perverse,” Ivy jeered.
He shrugged, “What? She’s cute. She’s like a little doll.”
With warning eyes, Ivy shook her head at her date, but silently she agreed.
The man held up his hands. “Alright, I’ll say no more.”
Backstage, Brie skated over to a drinking fountain, pulling the romper ever lower, giving her pussy room to breathe and allowing the cool, backstage air to pass over her naked torso. She doused her face in the chilly water from the spigot and panted as the world slowly came back into focus. She had gotten a little too close to having another public orgasm, and a sense of shame began to grow about it.
Suddenly, Elsie came up from behind and goosed Brie’s bare sides, startling her. “You looked so sexy out there!”
“Oh, Elsie,” Brie whined, “I could barely control myself. I nearly creamed my brains out inside this fucking baby-sized romper!”
“I could tell you were barely holding it together,” Elsie snickered. “You looked so lusty. It was kinda hot, really.”
Brie blushed, “At least I didn’t embarrass myself in front of everybody this time.” She looked down at her outfit and felt the legs. They were saturated with her fluids. “Fuck, they’re going to make me pay for this.”
Elsie squeezed the crotch of the romper and wrung out a generous amount of liquid. “Wow, those things are practically a biohazard at this point,” she teased. “I wonder if that will show up in the photos.”
“Yeah, they have photographers out there. Plus, you know, anybody with an iPhone. But I mean like pro photographers. You think we’ll be on Scarlet’s website?”
“Maybe you, Els. You’re so good at this. I’m— I’m a mess,” Brie despaired.
“Hey, don’t say that,” Elsie consoled her friend. “Maybe you couldn’t tell from your perspective, but you were really getting the hang of it out there. Chin up.” Elsie pulled Brie’s face up to hers, then kissed her softly on her lips.
Brie’s heart raced and her head got woozy. “Els,” she moaned into her friend’s mouth, “You can’t do that right now. I’m still so horny, I’m gonna start climbing the walls.”
Elsie sighed, “Sorry. You’re not the only one getting a little riled up. C’mon, let’s go say hi to the boys.”
They turned to go when they noticed Heather, the woman who helped run the Libertine kiosk, briskly approaching, her face emblematically stony. Elsie, fearing admonishment, attempted to steer them both away from her, but the woman clapped at them to get their attention. “Girls, you are needed.”
Elsie jumped and they both turned slowly. “Needed?” she inquired hesitantly.
“We are down two models for the final segment, and you are two extras. We need you to step in.”
Brie’s heart sank. “But I— I really can’t,” she stuttered.
Elsie was a little disappointed, but looked over at her trembling friend, “Yeah, I think we’re done for today.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Heather spat, “You are paid professionals.”
“Hey, we only signed on for makeup. Modeling clothes was just a bonus. We’re not getting paid for that,” Elsie retorted.
Just then, Michael stuck his head around a corner. He saw the girls with Heather and immediately rushed in to intercept. “Oh thank god, girls, we need your help.”
“We know,” Elsie said flatly, “but we’re done.”
“What’s—?” Michael started, but stopped himself as he met eyes with Heather. He forced a smile at her and pleaded, “Heather, if I may have a moment with the girls?”
Heather rolled her eyes and sighed, then turned and walked off in a huff.
After she left, Michael took a big breath before speaking, “I don’t think that woman is going to last long in retail. Listen, girls, we’re in a bit of a bind. Scarlet needs two models to finish out this show. Like immediately. I know Heather hasn’t been the best hostess, but I’d like to know what I can do to convince you to take the gig.”
“Convince?” Elsie asked.
“Yes,” Michael nodded. “How can we compensate you for the extra work?”
Elsie instantly recognized the value in the offer and pulled Brie away, saying to him, “One moment.” Once they were out of earshot, she turned to her friend, “Brie, baby, I’m ready to be done with this, too. And listen, I’m fucking soaking through my panties right now, too, waiting to get back to those boys so we can have some fun, so I know at least somewhat how you’re feeling right now. And I know it’s a risk, but just think of what we could get out of this. They need us.”
Brie held a thousand-yard stare. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get through another walk down the runway in her condition. She knew that, even if she had a chance to cum before they went out that she wouldn’t be in any condition to be seen in public. But still, for her friend, she nodded.
Elsie rubbed Brie’s bare shoulders. “What would make it worth your while to do one more run, down and back? They even said it’s the last segment for the day. No more after this.”
Brie shrugged and whined, “I… I just don’t want to pay for ruining this romper.”
Elsie nodded, “I bet we can make that happen, and more. We’ll make them give us the outfits we modeled today. In fact, I think we can swap them between us. Yours is a bit too small, but it would probably fit me. And, look,” Elsie tugged at the jumpsuit she wore. “Mine is baggy around the hips and crotch, so you can have mine.”
Brie blushed, “But mine is gross right now. You would wear my cum-soaked clothes?”
“Girl, I wore your actual cum yesterday, remember?”
Even Brie couldn’t help but snort at that, “True.”
“Great!” Elsie snapped, “We’re gonna get these clothes, or we’re gonna say that’s it.”
Brie nodded and they rolled back to Michael who was tenting his fingers nervously.
“In addition to the makeup you promised, we want to be able to keep our outfits today.”
Michael smiled and nodded, “I think we can make that happen. Now—”
“From both walks,” Elsie added.
Michael laughed, “Well okay. You will each keep both of your outfits. Now—”
“And $100 each,” Brie interjected, startling Elsie.
Michael paused, then started again slowly. “Is… that everything then?”
Both girls looked at one another, smirking, then nodded at Michael.
“Right then, let’s shake on it.” He took each girl’s hand one-by-one and then continued, “Great, let’s go get your new outfits right away. We don’t have much time.” He herded the two girls to the Scarlet rack and pulled a single swimming suit off the bar. “The last segment of our show is the bathing suit segment. Always a popular one for the crowds.” He looked Brie up and down, who was still stripped bare from the waist up. “I have a hunch that you’re a bit more of an exhibitionist, so you’ll be coming with me.” That was a word that neither girl was familiar with, but with that assessment, he handed the swimming suit he had pulled to Elsie and sent her back to their dressing room to get changed.
He then guided Brie by the shoulders to the makeup room, “Come with me. Your suit is going to take a bit more effort to put on.”
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