Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 49
doing the makeup demo, right?”
“I think so?” Brie replied, clearly unsure of herself.
The woman checked the clipboard. “Yep, you’re getting made up, so the two of you need to get undressed and put on these smocks,” she said, gesturing to the sack-like garments in the closet. She looked back at the girls and tutted, “And make sure you wash your faces. You can’t have any makeup on when you go out there. You don’t have to wash your hair, though, that’s part of the demo.” Both girls nodded. “Any questions?”
Elsie instinctively raised her hand, as if she were in class. “Um, yes, we were promised that our boyfriends could be with us back stage…” Her lie trailed off and Brie’s heart skipped a beat.
“Alright, write their names down on this sheet and we’ll page them.”
With that, the woman left and the two girls could only grin and giggle at one another, having successfully snuck their new infatuations back stage.
As they scrubbed their faces with the products that had been put in the room, they heard the DJ call Hunter and Oliver over the PA. Elsie’s ears perked up. “Oop, we gotta get changed before they get here. There’s no dressing room.”
“This is the dressing room, you idiot,” Brie taunted.
Elsie stood up and, instead of pulling her shirt over her head, undid the ties of the spaghetti straps of her crop top and pulled it down until it gathered around her waist. Then she unbuttoned her shorts and, with one shimmy of her hips, slid everything but her sneakers off of her body all at once. As she stepped naked out of the pool of fabric, she glanced up and caught Brie staring at her with wide eyes. Elsie blushed uncharacteristically at her friend’s attention. “What?”
Brie chuckled softly, “Nothing. That was just… kind of impressive.” And after a pause, “Also, I can’t believe you’re not wearing panties again.”
“Hee hee,” Elsie giggled and then made for the closet. She pulled out one of the smocks and then tossed it over her head. Again, she checked herself in the mirror. The dresses were unadorned and quite shapeless, landing at about mid-thigh. She frowned, “Well, this is ugly.”
Brie turned and sized up her friend, “It’s not that bad on you.”
“I look like a waif.”
“You just gotta rock it, Els,” Brie replied sarcastically. “Isn’t that what you told me this morning?”
Elsie stuck out her tongue. “Brat.” She flung the other smock carelessly over Brie’s head. “C’mon, get naked. The boys will be here any second.”
Brie sighed and tossed her face cloth in the sink. She stood up and shimmied out of her skirt and shirt. As she dropped them to the floor, Elsie went to the dressing room door and began to open it.
Brie squealed out, yanking the smock in front of her to cover herself, “Els, what are you doing?”
Elsie turned to her. “Relax, I’m only opening it a crack. I’ll stand guard and warn you when they’re coming.”
Suddenly, the door was pushed wide open as the woman from before returned. Elsie staggered backwards from the sudden force of the door. The two boys were in tow.
“Elsie!” squealed Brie, quickly pulling the smock on over her head and pulling it down over her hips. She glared, red-faced, at her friend, who could only shrug apologetically. Brie blushed. She had moved quickly, but the two boys stared, trying to process what they had or had not actually seen in that brief moment.
“Alright,” the woman called out, oblivious to the tension, “You boys will have to wait here, though I can’t imagine the show will be that interesting from this point of view. For you girls, it’s time for y’all to hit your mark, whether you’re ready or not.” She herded them out the door.
The two boys didn’t know what to do, so they quickly resorted to their phones.
They walked down a narrow, darkened hallway, toward a brightly lit opening. They could hear the DJ rallying the crowd in the distance and getting everybody hyped for the show. Cheers and whistles punctuated the enthusiasm of the room.
As they approached their mark, they heard their introduction: “All makeup tonight is provided by Libertine, a brand new entry in the beauty arena, and let me tell you, everybody on this stage is looking young, elite, and sexy. Can I get a YES to that?” The crowd cheered in response. “Coming up first, we’re going to give you a live, Get Ready With Me demo that shows how Libertine can transform you from your average, everyday looker to the most gorgeous, most knockout, best possible version of yourself. Let’s get our two models out here. Zoeeey and Brileeeey!”
“Time to go,” the large woman said, and patted the girls on their butts.
“But. Where do we go? What do we do?” Brie pleaded, suddenly aware of how little she knew about the gig she had signed up for.
“Just down the catwalk to the end of the stage. Sit in the chairs and they’ll take care of the rest.”
The two girls exchanged nervous glances and stepped timidly out into the light. The crowd cheers filled their ears, battling with the thumping music, but as they slowly started off, they could hear the woman shouting after them, “Walk with confidence!”
Both of them stood up straight and padded barefoot down the walkway. Brie looked around at the throngs of people and felt an overwhelming urgency to hide. Despite amply covering her body, her smock was so thin that it made her feel exposed, and she tugged at the bottom hem, trying to make it go lower. She glanced over at Elsie, and noticed that she looked radiant. The girl exuded enough confidence that she looked like a professional. She was eating up all the attention. This made Brie feel even more self-conscious, but she stared forward and attempted to give it her best game face.
Meanwhile, standing in the crowd near the stage, Ivy recognized the two young faces before her. She was standing behind a row of reserved seating with a man she had brought along with her. “Holy shit,” she exclaimed.
“What?” her date questioned.
“I know those two. I had no idea they were models.”
“Zoey and— what was it? Riley?”
“I don’t know why they’re using those names, but one of them is Hazel’s daughter, Brie. The other one is her friend.”
Up on stage, the two girls strode to the end of the catwalk and found two barber-style chairs swiveled toward them. They split up and took their seats. Suddenly, two strong, male assistants appeared with cutting capes and flung them with grace around the necks of the seated models. The capes draped over their shoulders and arms, and down over their knees. Then the two girls’ chairs were spun around to face the crowd.
Brie was already overwhelmed by the spectacle. She was dizzy with fear about being judged by the audience. She glanced over to her friend who giggled at her and mouthed the word, “Relax.” Brie took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the crowd.
Over the thudding DJ music, Heather’s voice began to speak, describing to the crowd what was to go down on stage. “Today our lovely models will be going to a rave festival, and they’re going to want to look their very best. Perhaps to turn the eye of a boy, or perhaps just to bring out the confidence they feel on the inside, so they can dance without holding back. Libertine has built just the palettes for weekend occasions such as these. Let’s get started.” The monologue continued, somewhere between a narrative, a makeup tutorial, and an advertisement for the Libertine brand. As she spoke, the assistants followed her instructions and busied themselves with painting the faces of the models.
Up first was a hair wash. It was a Roman spa-style treatment, so the assistants leaned the girls back and poured basins of steamy water over their hair. They massaged in shampoos and conditioners and rinsed them off once again.
Elsie reveled in every moment of the process, thrilled to be getting the queen’s treatment. She felt a stoic peace and clarity in the situation. Despite the buzz and furor taking place all around her, she kept cool, professional composure the whole time, though her eyes scanned the crowd wildly, trying to discern faces beyond the glare of the spotlights.
In contrast, Brie kept her eyes tightly shut. She attempted to find her own kind of peace within her, by trying to focus on her breathing. And while she was successful in turning her nervous energy inward, she found the process awakening her nerve endings once again. After the wash, Heather began to narrate the makeup section, and all the while, wedges, brushes, and pads frantically applied creams and makeup, which drew the girl’s thoughts to a more sordid place.
As the spongy applicators danced across her face, she felt her lips tingling. Though the spotlights shone hotly upon her, the makeup felt cool to the touch and the contrast sparked the nerve endings in her cheeks and forehead. The strong hands of the makeup assistant grabbed her chin and turned her head this way and that, depending on the angle of light needed. She found herself, however, enjoying the feeling of being plied so, and she slowly forgot the crowd observing her.
Brie experienced the event through touch alone. A pencil scratched across her brow. A blush brush tickled her cheeks. A stick of lip color smeared across her pillowy, tingling lips. Every so often she felt the dotting of a powder pad, brought in to set the makeup and protect it from smearing. All of it served to trigger her sensitive nerves, which crackled brighter underneath the surface.
The young girl, recognizing the base urges growing within her, fought to keep herself together. But her brain had other ideas. It dawned on her that though somewhere out there was a crowd of observers, none of them had x-ray vision, and so none of them could see under the cape that was tied around her neck and draped over her body.
She didn’t want to draw the attention of her assistant, either, so she slowly moved her hand between her legs and pulled up the slight smock she was wearing. She snaked her fingers down her thighs and in between the folds of her vagina and felt her wetness. Already, she could feel her juices were dribbling out of her crack.
Eventually, Heather began to narrate their eyeliner and Brie heard her assistant speak for the first time: “Alright honey, gotta open them baby blues.”
Brie took a breath and winched her eyes open into the glare of the spotlights. She discovered that it was nearly impossible to see anything beyond them, save for some general silhouettes with darkened features in the front row. It made the girl feel more at ease, even anonymous, despite half the eyes in the room being on her.
The makeup assistant leaned in closely to her and cupped a strong hand on her cheek. With his other, he brought in an eyeliner pencil and whipped sharp wings across her lids. Brie liked being handled by the man and she giggled nervously. He was strong and also handsome, and when he got close she could feel his breath whisper across her face. He, however, appeared thoroughly unconcerned with her, and, strictly professional, put all his focus into his work. To that point, she also admired his staunch dedication.
Underneath the barber cape, she began to sluice a finger slowly up and down her slit. She knew no one would be able to see what she was doing as long as she proceeded slowly, and she followed the primal call of her wanton urges. She toyed with the silky fluid that she produced, pulling it from within her and smearing it across her pussy lips and down her inner thighs.
She told herself that she was under total control of her compulsion, but still she followed her body’s lead. Her breathing increased along with her heart rate, and she felt the cape stick slightly to her arms as they began to lightly sweat. Back and forth, she dragged her fingers through her slippery, girlish mixture, from one puffy labium to the other, passing over and swirling around her tingling clit along the way. Each time she moved back and forth, she gave in more and more to her mounting sensuality.
Brie soon decided that she needed something more, but just as she was about to plunge her fingers into her tunnel, a word cut sharply through her hazy mind: “Voila!” It was Heather, and her narration had come to a close. And just like that, the assistants unceremoniously ripped the capes from the models’ necks in one swift motion. Brie’s eyes snapped wide just as quickly as her legs snapped shut. She blushed, but the crowd’s applause and whistles signaled that she hadn’t been caught masturbating.
“Stand up, girls, and give us a twirl,” the DJ called from his microphone. Elsie was up instantly, spinning and mugging for the audience. Brie glanced down and noticed that her nipples were prominent and that she had soaked through the back of her smock and onto the barber chair seat. She pushed herself upward out of the chair, and merely bowed, keeping her gown away from her breasts and her backside out of sight from the onlookers. As the applause died down, the two girls began the walk backstage and Brie made sure that Elsie followed directly behind her, so that her friend would block any cameras from recording the wet spot on her garment.
Once they were safely out of view, they both breathed huge sighs of relief. Elsie hung her arm around Brie’s neck and laughed, “Can you believe that? We got to be models!”
Brie, too, chuckled, “Yeah, but I’m so glad it’s over. I was so nervous. I had my eyes closed practically the whole time.”
“Not me, I just stared straight ahead, like I’ve seen on fashion sites.” This was at least partially true.
“I saw that. You were so good out there. You’re a natural.”
“Aw, Brie, so were you.”
They burst back through the door of their dressing room, still giggling and talking about the experience, startling Hunter and Oliver who were sitting, still affixed to their phones. Oliver looked up from his device. “Oh hey, so, how’d it go?”
“It was so much fun.” Elsie answered.
“I can’t believe it’s over already,” Brie chimed in. “It was all a blur.”
Oliver stared a moment at Elsie. “You look so beautiful now.”
“Now?” Elsie teased.
“Well, I mean, you looked pretty before. Just, the makeup looks great is all.” Elsie could only demure. Oliver continued, “So, what are you going to do now?”
“I dunno. We could go get a shake, or we could go to Trampoline World. What are you feeling?”
“Honestly?” he replied, a sly grin saying more than his words, “I’m feeling kind of bummed that we missed seeing your modeling opportunity.”
“I don’t understand,” Elsie said, picking up an ulterior motive.
“What if we went somewhere and you can model these for me?” Hunter held out his hand and produced the geometrically themed pair of panties that Elsie had given him the previous day. They still had her phone number sharpied on them. This time both girls’ jaws went slack, caught off guard by Oliver’s boldness.
Elsie’s shock slowly transformed into a cheeky grin. “Yeah, that sounds like it could be fun, too,” she said meekly.
Hunter finally pulled himself away from his video game and climbed off the vanity where he was sat. “You could model something for me, too, Briley,” he said, fumbling bashfully for the words.
Brie stared at her feet sheepishly and said, “I… don’t really have anything to model.”
Elsie jabbed Brie with her elbow and chuckled nervously, “That’s not true. We’ll find something for you to model for the boys.” She shot a wordless glance at Brie that said, “Don’t ruin this.”
Brie brightened up and gave in, “Oh, well, okay, let’s go do it, then. But first, I gotta… go to the bathroom.” She rummaged through her purse and found the medicine bottle.
“Right,” Elsie said and winked, “We can wait here while you take care of that.”
Brie started for the bathroom when the dressing room door suddenly swung open and nearly knocked her on her butt. The large room attendant entered; over her shoulders were slung some outfits. She said cheerily, “Well, well, girls. Nice work. Sounds like you had quite the reception. The people really loved you out there. Especially you,” she nodded in Elsie’s direction. The young girl swelled obviously with pride. The woman continued, “The folks at Scarlet were impressed and they’d like to see you two walk the runway in one of their new pieces. You up for it?”
Brie was stunned, “Scarlet wants us to model for them?”
“That’s the idea. Might be a fun opportunity, right? But there’s not a lot of time, so you have to decide now.”
Elsie jumped up and down, her hands on Brie’s shoulders, “Obviously, let’s do it!”
“Okay!” Brie agreed.
“Alright, here.” From one shoulder she handed Brie a small romper, and from the other, she handed Elsie a sleeveless jumpsuit. “Get dressed in here. There will be some people coming by with shoes momentarily. And try not to mess up your hair and makeup. You’re on in five.” With that, the woman made her exit.
Brie couldn’t help but smile, “We’re gonna be Scarlet models?”
“I can’t believe they liked us!” Elsie turned to the two boys and added, “This is our first time modeling, ever.”
“Really?” said Oliver, “Could have fooled me with the way you pulled strings to get us back here.”
“We basically acted like we knew what we were talking about and just lied to them,” Elsie grinned. Hunter chuckled.
Elsie tugged at the neck of her smock, ready to pull it off right then and there, but she came to her senses when she heard Hunter grunt in surprise. “Whoops!” Elsie blushed, “I almost changed right in front of you.” A look of disappointment flashed across the boys’ faces. Elsie smiled sheepishly. “I’m just so used to changing in and out of whatever when it’s just the two of us girls.”
Brie chimed in, “You could change in this closet.” She pointed to the small alcove where the smocks had come from. A ragged curtain hung from rings on a bar, offering a reasonable amount of privacy.
“Good idea.” Elsie glanced back at Oliver, who still held her underwear. “I’ll take these.” She snatched them away, but didn’t miss his disappointment. “Don’t worry, you might see them later.” She winked coyly and ducked into the closet. Over the curtain she flung the smock, and got to work putting on the jumpsuit.
Meanwhile, Brie rolled the bottle of medicine over in her hands. She appreciated the distraction, but she noticed the gauziness of her condition was starting to creep back into her mind. “Els, uh, Zoey, I don’t think I have enough time to… take care of myself, but I’m wondering if I should take this medicine now or afterwards.”
“Well, do you think it will help?” Elsie inquired from behind the curtain.
“I dunno. Sometimes it makes things… worse, I guess.”
Elsie thought for a moment. “I’d say take it now, that way you’re ready for after we’re done. Anyway, this won’t take long.”
Brie silently mulled the idea. She glanced toward the two boys who both seemed utterly perplexed by the girls’ cryptic dialogue. Oliver shrugged. Brie sighed. “Yeah. You might be right.”
She unscrewed the top and tipped back the bottle, drinking down the viscous concoction. She felt a little bit obscene slurping it into her mouth in front of the boys. She couldn’t help thinking that, as her mom had told her, the medicine was just cum. And while it didn’t taste exactly like her mom’s cum, there were notes of it in the flavor. She squeezed her legs together, feeling her insides squish slightly at the thought of her carnal tryst with her mother, and once again she wondered where her mom had gotten the extra medicine that was in the bottle.
She drank about half of what remained. She was unsure how much it would work, but she at least felt an immediate satisfaction as she swallowed.
Elsie yanked the curtain and strutted out in a sleeveless, pink, floral jumpsuit, humming a tune vaguely reminiscent of “The Stripper”. She kicked one leg wildly into the air and cried out, “Pow!” Brie and the boys giggled at the performance. Elsie’s one-piece jumpsuit clung tightly against her torso, much like a leotard, but around her belt-line it was cinched, and the area around her hips, butt, and crotch was let out a bit, which made it just a bit more billowy and allowed for some flexibility. Going downward, the legs of the suit once again contoured against her body, as tights would. At her sides, three vents were cut at waist level, exposing her skin underneath, and down the front, a row of buttons traveling down to her belly button held the whole thing together. “I feel like a 70s spy girl or something,” Elsie giggled. She looked at Brie and nodded, “Show us what you got, Charlie’s Angel.”
Brie stepped into the closet and pulled the curtain closed. She held up the romper in front of her and examined it. It was a straightforward cut in deep blue, with a paisley print to match the ’70s vibe of Elsie’s jumpsuit. It looked pretty small, even for her size, and with her orders not to wear close-fitting underwear, she was concerned about the crotch of the piece pulling up against her pussy. She reached down to feel her well and shuddered. After her time in the makeup chair, it was already brimming over with juices. Her inner thighs were slick and her goo was slowly traveling down to her knees.
She pulled her smock over her head and shivered, fully naked behind the curtain. She balled up the flimsy clothing and spread her legs slightly, then unceremoniously wiped her sopping vagina with it, cleaning up as much moisture as possible. A groan escaped her mouth as the cheap fabric dragged across her pussy lips and into her crease, stoking the crackling fire smoldering in her nether region. The devil on her shoulder bid her to keep going, to finish off her orgasm right then and there behind the gossamer curtain, but Brie kept her eye on the goal. After all, it wasn’t every day that Scarlet asked her to model.
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