Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 40
The fourth appointment went quickly and quite boringly.
When I told Ryan about my twirl in the short skirt and the bikinis he laughed and told me that I should have let him have a good look and my pussy; that he wanted the whole world to see my pussy.
I thumped him and told him that there was no chance.
I worked the following Friday evening and only had 2 appointments.
The first was a woman in her late thirties. She had lots of outfits for me to try on. About half way through she told me that things would move faster if I stopped going behind the screen and just changed in the main room.
My first reaction was, ‘no way’, but before I said it I changed my mind and said,
After all, we were both girls.
It felt strange stripping naked in front of her, but it was quicker; especially as she kept changing her mind, frequently when I was only half dressed.
That was my longest appointment and I’d only just got dressed again when the manager brought my other appointment in. It was a man on his own and he was looking for clothes for his 15 year old daughter who was coming to live with him. He too had a mountain of clothes with him and when I saw them I realised that I it was going to take quite a while.
Everything started out okay, but the man started walking around the room whenever I was getting changed. The screen only protected me from view if the customer was sat on the chair and this man kept walking to a place where he could see me changing. Whenever I saw him I turned my back to him. If he was going to see me naked then it was going to be my back.
The outfits got shorter and tighter and the man talked more and more, telling me all about his daughter.
Just when we’d just about got through the pile of clothes he told me to wait there and he went and got some more clothes. When he got back he had an arm full of what looked like bikinis. He gave one to me and asked me to put it on. I went behind the screen, changed and modelled it for him. It didn’t take long for him to decide that he didn’t like it and gave me another one.
I took it behind the screen and took the first bikini off. I stood there naked looking at the new bikini; but it wasn’t a bikini; it was some sort of one piece swimsuit. The problem was that it seemed to be all straps, and they were tangled up.
As I tried to make sense of it the man asked me if there was a problem. When I said that I was just sorting out the straps he said,
“Here, let me help.”
Before I knew it he was stood next to me with his hand out. I was so shocked that I just put the swimsuit in his hand and stood there as he tried to sort it out.
After a couple of minutes he said that he thought that he’d cracked it and held the straps open and told me to step into it. I lifted my leg up but I couldn’t reach so the man got down on his knees. His face was right in front of my pussy. He held the straps open and I lifted a leg and put it through a strap, then my other leg.
Instead of telling me to pull it up he did it for me. I was so embarrassed as he pulled the suit right up to my crotch. He even stopped when the suit was at my waist to adjust the way the small piece of material sat over my pussy.
The stupid thing was that I opened my legs wider so that it was easier for him.
As he stood up he said,
“It’s a good job that you shave; do you think that my daughter does?”
The man then pulled the suit the rest of the way up, even adjusting the small triangles over my minute breasts.
As I stood there letting him decide if he liked the swimsuit I was thinking,
“This man has just dressed me. How did I let that happen? Why did I let it happen?”
I was still in a bit of a trance as the man started to undress me saying that he didn’t think the suit was right for his daughter.
Stupid me just stood there and let him strip me naked; even opening and lifting my legs to make it easy for him.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the main part of the room saying,
“It will be much easier if you come out to the clothes.”
I then stood there and let the man put another bikini on me. This one was a tie-side one and he had to tie and un-tie the sides to get it right.
The last 3 items were knickers. He said that he couldn’t make up his mind which sort to get her. He slid a pair of bikini style knickers up my legs. He’d picked up pair that were way too big and they just hung there looking stupid.
“Never mind, it gives me an idea of how they would look.” He said, then took them off me.
The last item was a pair of thong knickers. They fit me, but he pulled them up high, too high, giving me a front wedgie.
He said that he was worried that his daughter might accidentally expose herself and he wanted to know just how much would show if she sat carelessly. He told me to sit on the customer’s chair and open my legs a bit. As he stood there looking at my exposed lips he said,
“Hmmm, they do show a lot; but teenage girls want to wear knickers like that these days. I guess that I’ll have to tell her to be careful if she goes out wearing those.”
With that he pulled me up and took them off me. Before I knew it he picked up the pile of clothes that we was going to buy and left me standing there naked wondering what the hell had just happened.
When I told Ryan he said that perhaps I should tell all the customers that they had to dress and undress me.
To Be Continued....
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