Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 36
Life gets back to normal
And it did. It took a week or so and the first week back was not good. I felt so ashamed of my behaviour in London. So much so that I even wore clothes in our apartment. Ryan slowly pulled me round and it wasn’t that long before I was bouncing round our apartment totally naked.
A couple of weeks later we looked for a place to get my nipples and clit hood pierced. We managed to find one that looked clean and hygienic and was a member of the British Body Piercing Association. We made an appointment for the next Saturday afternoon. I was hoping that it would be a woman, but it wasn’t. It was a big man with tattoos all over. He was quite nice actually, and very professional. I suspected that my nipples would be painful so I took a soft cotton top.
The man talked to me before hand and explained what he was going to do. After asking if I still wanted to go through with it he told me to undress and lay on the couch. I was nervous and embarrassed as hell when I was naked and getting onto the couch. Ryan was stood beside me holding my hand.
The man then told me that he’d have to inspect my nipples and clitoris to make sure that I was suitable for piercing. As he closely looked at my nipples and clit, and pulled them in all directions, I have to admit that was getting turned on. When he pulled my clit hood all over the place I could feel that I was quite wet.
Satisfied with what he saw, he again asked me to confirm that I wanted to go ahead. He then got some cotton wool and rubbed my nipples and all around my clit with some alcohol, then local anaesthetic. By the time he was ready to do it I couldn’t feel a thing.
He told me that I might like to close my eyes. I did. Within a couple of minutes he told me that I could open my eyes. He was just fitting the little barbells in my nipples. I was just about to say something when he said,
“I know. The barbells with stirrups are in a little bag over there. I strongly suggest that you just wear just these little barbells until there is no pain then swap them over.”
Without waiting for me to answer he moved straight to my pussy and pierced my clit hood. My eyes were open by then and I cringed as I heard the machine go through my flesh. It didn’t hurt.
The barbell went in quickly then he said,
“That’s it, all finished.”
He gave me a tissue then looked at Ryan and said,
“Be gentle around those areas for a few days and remember to gently wash them at least twice a day. It’s best if they aren’t tightly covered with anything until they’re properly healed.”
I was surprised that there was very little bleeding, especially as those areas have a lot of blood flowing through them at times.
I got dressed while Ryan got the barbells with stirrups and paid the man.
We had a slow walk home and that night was one of only a few nights that we didn’t have sex.
The wounds healed quite quickly really, and after a week or so Ryan replaced the barbells with barbells and stirrups. It was another month or so before Ryan could lead me around the room by the Stirrups without any pain.
One thing that we did start doing every Sunday was going to the big leisure centre in town. Thankfully, and much to Ryan’s disappointment, swimming costumes are compulsory everywhere. When Ryan first suggested it I told him that I’d need to get a proper swimming costume, preferably an old fashioned one piece. Ryan laughed and said that there was no way that he’d let me wear one of those. His girlfriend would wear a fashionable bikini. By fashionable he meant one like the yellow one that he’d got me for Christmas – with the bottoms that his parents and brother had seen.
I was nervous as hell when we first went, I was sure that my bikini would be classed as ‘inappropriate’ and that I’d get thrown out. The changing rooms were cubicles in one big room, ladies at one end, family in the middle and gents at the other end. We went in a family cubicle.
Once we’d got changed we walked out to the swimming area. There were hundreds of people there. We looked round and saw quite a few girls in bikinis that were just as skimpy as mine so I relaxed a bit.
We got in the water and joined in the fun on all the rides and waves. I kept checking the top with my hands to see that my nipples were still covered and only occasionally had to make adjustments.
After a while Ryan wanted a drink so we went to our locker, got some money and went to the little café. Sitting at a table I leaned back in the chair and realised that Ryan was looking at my pussy. I looked down and remembered how see-through the thin material was and how much it moulded to the shape of my vulva and clitoris. I quickly clamped my legs together.
Ryan laughed.
I told Ryan that I’d forgotten about that and that we’d have to leave. Ryan asked me how many people I’d seen staring at me and how many complaints I’d had. I had do confess that the answer to both questions was none.
“Right then, “he said. “What’s the problem?”
“But it’s indecent.” I said.
“That’s not the word that I’d use but it’s only ‘indecent’ if it’s not covered, and your pussy is covered.”
He made some good points and I dropped it.
The big slides did give me a wedgie, front and back, but the pools at the bottom are big enough for me to be able to straighten up without anyone knowing.
The big slides did give me a wedgie, front and back, but the pools at the bottom are big enough for me to be able to straighten up without anyone knowing.
We didn’t go the weekend that I had my piercings done. We didn’t know what the chlorine would do to the wounds.
The following Sunday we went again. I only had the little barbells in. I could see the shape of them through the bikini material but only just. Ryan said that if you didn’t know they were there then you wouldn’t know.
The week after it was different, the barbells and stirrups were clearly visible; well the shape was. The clit hood one was the worst. It stuck out like I had a dildo sticking out of me. The bikini top wasn’t that bad although once when I’d gone down one of the big slide and straightened my bottoms at the bottom, I hadn’t realised that one nipple had escaped and the bikini hadn’t slipped back into place because it was caught under the Stirrup.
I was so embarrassed by the whole thing that I persuaded Ryan to take me home early, even though no one had stared at me.
Ryan solved that problem for me by getting a new bikini bottom for me from the same place that the bikini came from. I was wondering what could possibly cover something like that. The only thing that I could think of was a panty liner but there was no way that I was going to wear one of those.
Ryan’s solution arrived the day before we were due to go swimming again. It was a swimming skirt. My first reaction was ‘No Way’, but Ryan persuaded me to try it. It’s only 10 inches long but it sits low on my hips and flares out. When I tried it at home it felt very much like my tennis skirt. Ryan persuaded me to try it at the leisure centre the next day. We left the bikini bottoms at home.
I felt quite decent walking out to the pool. When we jumped in and swam around it felt good to have the water rushing passed my bare pussy. When it came to get out of the water for the first time the skirt fell into place quickly and didn’t cling to my skin. I felt good.
I did of course realise that it would be easy for someone to look up my skirt and see my bare pussy; I just had to be careful.
What I hadn’t thought about was the slides. As soon as I started going down the first one the skirt flew up leaving all my pussy exposed. The water pounding my bare pussy felt good as well. The slide that I was on wasn’t a really scary one so I could hold it down with my hands. When I told Ryan at the bottom he just told me to hold it down. Sometimes I’ve come off the bottom of a slide with my swimming skirt up round my waist, and had to put it straight before I’ve got out of the water. I don’t think that anyone’s noticed.
Whenever we went to the café for a drink I had to be careful whenever I sat down. Unlike the other girls who just flopped down leaving their legs open, I had to remember to cross mine or keep my hand strategically placed. Sometimes I forgot and gave someone a look at my jewellery. Whenever I saw someone looking and I realised I would get all embarrassed.
At the end of that first Sunday in my swimming skirt I decided that I preferred the skirt to the bikini bottoms. I was less embarrassed. I’ve worn that skirt every time that I’ve gone swimming in England since.
Ryan liked to fuck me in the changing cubicles there. He said that it gave him a kick knowing that strangers were just the other side of a thin wall and that I had to stifle my moans. He kept telling me to ‘let it all out’ but he knew that I’d try to be quiet.
The leisure centre does have a sauna, steam room and a jacuzzi, but costumes are compulsory and everyone just sits there; do we don’t go there.
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