Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 39
Nearing the home stretch, Melody intensified her pleasuring, swirling her tongue and increasing the speed of her bobbing. Mike persevered through it all, though with much more difficulty than in that morning’s session. Finally finishing the audition material, he lowered his horn and breathed a sigh of relief. Melody, however, didn’t let up on her sucking one bit. Grinning mischievously, Mike leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“I wish for you to be completely naked.”
Instantly, her clothes disappeared. Tapping her forehead lightly, Mike signaled that he was done with the blowjob. As she stood in front of him, he ran his hands down her chest, eliciting a few chills of excitement. Grabbing her with more force than he typically showed, he kissed her passionately, causing her to fling her arms around his neck. As she did so, he cupped her ass in his hands, and she squealed in surprise as he lifted her up off the floor.
Wrapping her legs around his waist, Melody carefully impaled her pussy on his throbbing rod, moaning in pleasure at his unexpected exercise of control and dominance. He kept his hands firmly on her slim waist as she hung on for dear life, spacing his feet ideally for a power stance as he began to pound her. Slowly increasing the speed of his thrusts, her incredible tits began swinging and jiggling with his every movement.
As her moans increased to full on screams of ecstasy, he moved forward carefully to pin her back against the wall, his cock jackhammering her for everything he was worth. She ran her fingers through his blonde hair, now tussled from their rigorous fucking, and locked her emerald eyes onto his, both full of lust and desire for each other. Ramming his last into her, Mike finally felt his long awaited climax approach and, giving himself over to it completely, unleashed a torrent of his cum into Melody’s convulsing pussy.
Panting and leaning their sweaty bodies against each other, Melody could only say, “I like when you take control…”
Without a word, Mike swept her up into his arms, kissed her lovingly, and brought her over to the sofa, laying her down on her side before joining her. Now lying face to face, the couple napped and lazily made out for quite some time before growing hungry for dinner. After consuming a couple of TV dinners, Mike introduced Melody to the joys of Super Smash Brothers. She quickly discovered that this might be her best game of all, as after only an hour of playing, she was constantly defeating Mike with little effort. Growing tired of getting his ass kicked, Mike switched over to Pokémon for some online matches, with Melody watching intently to understand his strategies. After a couple of hours, it was nearing 11:00, and they decided to turn in for the night. As they drifted off to sleep, Mike asked Melody not to wake him early so they could sleep in, to which she happily agreed.
Melody awoke around 9:00 the next day feeling extremely well rested, and rolled over to cuddle with Mike, only to find his side of the bed empty. Hearing a noise in the living area, she dressed in her favorite black satin robe and found Mike in the kitchen, pulling a pan of fresh cinnamon rolls from the oven.
Wrapping him in a tender embrace, she laid her head on his shoulder, saying, “You take such good care of me. You just better hope I don’t get spoiled.”
“I thought you already were,” he replied with his signature smartass grin.
As the pair ate breakfast, Mike asked, “I assume Darcy is ok after her date with Stephen last night?”
Nodding, Melody replied, “Yes. He continued his sweet talking ways and did try to convince her to come home with him, but she held firm, saying she wanted to take things slow.”
“And how did he react to that?”
She shrugged. “Outwardly, he seemed very understanding. Inwardly, he was mad as hell. She’s always been strong and self-assured, but he apparently never saw just how much.”
Mike snorted, responding, “Cause he’s never cared about what was inside her head or her heart.”
“Well, regardless, Darcy is in no danger, at least not right now. Down the line, I fear your suspicions about Stephen may prove correct, and that he may become violent and abusive.” Looking directly into his eyes, Melody continued, “Master, this situation does bring up an important aspect of my powers that we have yet to delve into. If you wanted to improve their relationship, so that Stephen could become more caring, or end the relationship, knowing that he is not the right man for Darcy in his current state, a wish would accomplish either of these things.”
Momentarily halting his chewing, Mike asked, “You’re able to affect other people’s relationships like that?”
“Absolutely. A wish of that nature would be well within the realm of love and sex, so it would be quite easy to grant. What do you think?”
Mike sat in silence for at least ten minutes, pondering the right thing to do in this situation. On the one hand, he wanted to look out for Darcy’s wellbeing, and firmly believed that Stephen was completely wrong for her. Still, using a wish to alter a relationship between any human would amount to interfering with free will, something that stood in direct contrast to one of the cornerstones of his faith: free will is God’s most precious gift to humanity, and it should never be interfered with. As he explained this to Melody, she nodded in complete understanding.
“I must commend you, Master. This dilemma is not unlike the one you found yourself in upon first releasing me from my vessel. Your decision then reflected your dedication to freedom and free will. With that in mind, I believe you may have already figured out what the right thing to do is. Am I correct?”
Mike’s eyes brightened, stimulated from Melody’s statement. “Well, look at you. Using logic and reason to know exactly where I’m going in my line of thinking. That’s so hot…”
“Why, thank you,” she replied, giggling and twirling her hair.
“Ultimately, you’re right. We need to help Darcy, but I won’t mess with her free will and her right to make her own decisions.” Thinking for a moment, he suggested, “How ‘bout this? Friday, you come pick me up after the audition. Darcy will almost certainly be there too, wanting to know how everything went. She and I already will be hanging out in some way shape or form, and I know she will want to know more about you, so she’ll definitely invite you to come as well. If it’s the three of us, that may provide an opportunity to probe her relationship a bit and see if I can convince her that she needs to move on. If Stephen is there, that could be trickier, but we may still have a chance to highlight his true colors in some way. Sound good?”
“That’ll work. I really hope you can convince her. I can tell she’s a sweet girl, and deserves much better than Stephen.”
“Me too. Oh, and I’m not sure exactly what her first reaction to you will be. I kind of told her that I wouldn’t be having any contact of the female variety until after the audition, so she might interrogate me some over that. I doubt she would show any jealousy towards you, but she will want to make sure that you have good intentions, not unlike your chat with Sandra.”
Nodding, Melody replied, “I’d expect nothing less. I can tell she’s been a close friend of yours for quite some time. She cares about you, just as much as you care about her.”
“That basically sums it up…”
Throughout the rest of the day, the pair decided to relax, watching the remaining three Star Wars movies back-to-back. In-between each film, Mike conducted short practice sessions, checking the various problem areas of the audition that could trip him up, but keeping the sessions to no more than fifteen minutes, so as to keep his lips in prime form. Too much practice the day before ran the risk of him being too physically worn out to be in optimal condition.
As they watched the movies, Melody agreed with his assessment: not as good as the original three, though each still had their merits. Despite the annoyance of Jar-Jar in Episode I, she really enjoyed seeing old Obi-Wan as a brash young Jedi, not unlike Luke. She was also a huge fan of Liam Neeson’s portrayal of Qui-Gon, calling it the high point of the film.
As they continued with Episode II, she did enjoy the well-written action scenes throughout the movie, particularly the large arena battle with the entire Jedi Order fighting for survival. The villain, Count Dooku, was also fantastically played, being both sinister and charismatic. Unfortunately, she was far less than enthusiastic with the romantic scenes between Anakin and Padme.
“Remember, I’m a sex genie, master of all matters of physical love and romance. This depiction of ‘love,’” she said, using air quotes, “makes even me want to barf all over the floor!”
As they moved on to Episode III, the third installment of the prequel trilogy quickly became her favorite of the three. She absolutely loved seeing the transformation of young Obi-Wan into the Alec Guinness character from the original story. In spite of more terrible love scenes and bad acting from Hayden Christensen, she was moved to tears during the final duel between the two former friends, Anakin and Obi-Wan. As the final scenes rolled, showing the birth of Luke and Leah, death of their mother, and complete rebirth of Anakin in the fearsome suit of Darth Vader, she turned to face Mike. In the best James Earl Jones impression she could muster, she uttered a few words.
“The circle is now complete.”
The pair completely lost it, cracking up laughing at her final descent into total nerdom. As they made out playfully for the next several minutes, hunger eventually began to take over. Melody went to microwave some frozen chicken patties and canned green beans, while Mike finished up one last short practice session in preparation for his big day. As he played his final notes for the day, Mike couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous, yet still ready for anything.
They ate their dinner of chicken sandwiches, still laughing and talking about the movies they had watched. After finishing their food, they curled up on the sofa to the news and Seinfeld reruns, spooning and lazily making love throughout the evening. After his fourth orgasm and God-knows how many of hers, they began to doze in and out of consciousness, one occasionally waking the other up with a few playful kisses. Around 10:30, Mike decided an early bedtime was in order, ensuring he would be well rested for his audition.
Climbing into bed and cuddling with Melody a bit more before turning the lights out, Mike asked, “I know that you are able to interpret my wishes. Just how vague of a wish are you able to properly interpret?”
Eying him curiously, she replied, “Pretty vague. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I want to be awoken tomorrow at a time and in such a manner that will let me be perfectly well rested and in optimal mental preparation for the audition. Is that enough for you to go on, even if I can’t actually tell you what that would entail?”
Tingle. Flash.
“No problem at all,” Melody said with a smile. “I’ll take great care of you tomorrow. By the time you walk onto that stage, you’ll feel like you could wrestle a grizzly bear and come out on top.”
Switching off the lights, Mike drew her close, kissing her lovingly for several minutes. “You really are the best,” he said, drifting off to sleep.
“I know,” she whispered back with a smile.
To Be Continued.....
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