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Unforgettable Melody - S01 E37

Story 1 day ago

Unforgettable Melody - S01 E37

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 37

After a casual dinner of frozen chicken tenders and instant mashed potatoes, the pair settled onto the sofa, deciding to continue their movie streak with The Empire Strikes Back. As with the previous installment, Melody was completely sucked in from the very beginning. She absolutely loved the ice battles on Hoth, and came away impressed with the growth Luke’s character started showing from the whiny farm kid in the first film.

Mike watched her face intently as the movie approached the climax. She jumped and squealed as Luke and Vader fought their epic duel. Brought nearly to tears as Luke’s hand was cut off, those tears were completely halted by the shocking revelation of Vader as Luke’s father.

“No. Fucking. WAY!”

Mike chuckled next to her all the while, fully enjoying her reactions to a film that he considered to be one of the greatest ever made. As the credits rolled, she was again hyped and excited, ready for the next installment. Assuring her that all her questions would be answered, Mike still refused to give anything away, bringing out Melody’s pouty face, to no avail. The pair spent the rest of the evening playing Call of Duty, dominating quite a few online matches before deciding to head to bed around 11:30. A short time later, both were passed out in orgasm-induced comas.

Tuesday brought more of the same. Waking up horny, a hot shower together, they were becoming as natural to them as breathing. Through it all, none of it grew boring or monotonous; Mike still gazed on Melody as intently as the moment he fell in love with her. As he worked through his morning practice session, Melody continued setting up her photography business, managing to land her first job, filling in for a sick student photographer for a basketball game at the local college in two weeks. She bounded into Mike’s studio, bouncing in pure giddiness at her first booked job as a professional photographer.

As the day became night, both called their work done for the day, and finished the original Star Wars trilogy over a dinner of frozen lasagnas. Return of the Jedi was a lot of fun for Melody from start to finish. She marveled at how strong Luke had become, rewinding the movie to re-watch the scene where he mind tricked his way into Jabba the Hutt’s palace. She also grinned contently as she watched Vader, now mortally wounded from saving his son’s life, finally find redemption in his last breaths.

Turning to Mike, she asked, “Didn’t you say there are three more of these?”

“Yep,” he responded. “As far as films go, they aren’t nearly as good as the three we’ve seen here, but the story they tell is extremely important, and fills in some of the blank spots from the original trilogy.”

Passing the rest of the evening by watching NCIS reruns, they soon started fondling and making out on the sofa. Eventually, they returned to their newly discovered favorite position, beginning to have sex while spooning on the sofa. Thanks to a few stamina wishes, they we able to leisurely make love constantly throughout the evening before finally retiring to bed content and relaxed.

Wednesday began with their now familiar morning routine, however Mike felt a little celebration was in order for Melody’s first job. Driving them to Waffle House, Melody took quite a long time to decide what she wanted from the enormous menu. Finally deciding on a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with a side of hash browns, Mike got his traditional waffle with a side of scrambled eggs. After arriving home, Mike procrastinated a bit with news and social media, though still making mental runs through his music all the while. Around 10:00 in the morning, as he was about to begin practicing, he heard a knock at his door.

“Braxton! Time for a fire drill! Open up!”

He immediately recognized the voice as Stuart McKay, the principal tuba player from the ASO. Turning to Melody, Mike quickly asked her to slow time, which she immediately did.

“Melody, some of my friends are here. It sounds like they want to help me in my audition prep. I don’t want to sound mean, but having my new girlfriend here would only distract them. Is there any way you could, ya know, not be here temporarily?”

Giggling, she replied, “You mean like this?” Instantly, she vanished before his very eyes. And don’t worry about a thing. I will never be mad at you for needing to give your friends the proper attention they deserve. And, of course, I’m still only a thought away. A quick kissing sound in his head, and time suddenly reverted to normal.

Opening his door, he was greeted jovially by three ASO musicians. Stuart was his usual goofy self, wearing a tuxedo T-shirt and flip-flops. His tall, lanky figure and hilarious ability to reverse his double-jointed fingers at will were but a few of his many eccentricities. Next was Seth Ivy, the second chair trombonist. Similar in personality to Stuart, though a bit more down to earth, many who knew him were surprised to learn of his Mormon upbringing. He typically responded with a line about how Mormons have a fantastic sense of humor, though it’s not always seen publicly due to the church’s introverted nature. Behind the two guys came Darcy. Greeting Mike with a smile and a hug, he couldn’t help but notice that she seemed somewhat less chipper than she had last Friday.

“Ok, let’s get down to business,” Stuart said, clapping his hands together excitedly. “Braxton, you’ve done fire drills before. You know the rules?”

Fire drills were a preparation method for auditions, taking place at a time completely unknown to the candidate, which forced them to be prepared at all times. Typically, the candidate would play through an entire mock audition as if it were actually happening right then and there. Meanwhile, the candidate’s friends would attempt to distract them in any way they could conceive of, with the caveat of being unable to touch, blow on, get close to, or physically interfere with the player or their music and equipment in any way. Additionally, distractors were usually not allowed any sudden outbursts or actions meant to scare or startle the player, though this was still not unheard of. The premise behind this preparation method was the idea that, if a musician could perform a high quality audition under such conditions, then they would have no problem with nerves and intimidation in the controlled environment of the audition room. Having friends willing to do this for each other was considered a mark of strong camaraderie amongst professional musicians.

“Oh, I’m very familiar with what you guys are capable of,” came his reply. Stuart, Seth, and Mike had worked together to help Darcy prepare for her principal audition last year.

Stepping into his studio, Mike suddenly remembered his wish from Monday to soundproof it. Melody, I need you to temporarily disable any and all magical qualities of my practice studio.

Tingle. Flash. Done.

Beginning his mock audition, Mike started down the list of orchestral excerpts to be performed. As he placed his music on the wooden stand, his friends stood just outside the small sunroom, ready to test his concentration. Starting the first excerpt, Stuart pulled out the latest issue of Penthouse from his book bag, beginning to describe the Penthouse Pet of the month in all her sexual glory. Mike, however, was unfazed, even as Stuart turned the magazine to show the pictures as if he was reading a book to children.

“Not good enough,” Darcy mused. “We gotta up our game.”

Taking the magazine from Stuart, she flipped to the back pages and began reading the letters to the editor aloud. The steamier the stories became, the sexier she made her voice. Although this began having more of an effect on Mike, he maintained his ironclad concentration, pushing through the second and third excerpts.

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