Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 95
Finally, the day was here. The four of us got everything ready and then Cindy and Suzanne sprang a surprise on us about two hours before the party
Suzanne turned toward Bill and I. "Okay, in order for you two to get into character, from now on we will call you Jack and Bobby." She grinned and I saw the two women exchange a look. "Also, you have to be shaved."
I looked at her and then Cindy. "You mean you want to shave our pubic hair off?"
Suzanne looked at the two of us. "Exactly."
I was not sure about this, and I knew she had purposely waited until the last minute to tell us. "Look, the last time I tried something like this it itched for a long time because I don't like to keep it shaved. Can't we just trim it a little?"
Suzanne and Cindy exchanged another look. "Okay, deal. I know how much it itches and not many men keep themselves shaved, so we'll let you off this time."
Suzanne led us into the bathroom and got out the scissors. She then told Bill to go first. He took off his pants and stepped into the tub as she indicated. She leaned over and sucked his mostly limp dick into her mouth. He got a hard on instantly. Suzanne pulled back and smiled up at us. "It's easier to trim around a hard dick than a soft one." She then went to work trimming Bill. Once she had him appropriately short, she took a good look. "Bill, this is a good look for you. It makes your dick look longer."
"Yeah, thanks." Bill answer sarcastically and he rolled his eyes as he looked at me.
"Okay, next!" Suzanne held up the scissors. I took off my pants and stepped into the tub. She looked at my already mostly hard dick. She looked up at me and smiled. She leaned over and sucked on me for a few seconds. "Just making sure." She grinned and started trimming me close. I was usually fairly closely trimmed, but she started making it real close. I had barely any hair left showing when she was done. She leaned over and kissed my dick on the tip. "Much better."
Bill and I got dressed and went into the bedroom. Cindy handed us each a beer and told us to stay in the bedroom. We waited and watched TV and I could tell that Bill was getting a little nervous. So was I. I wasn't sure about serving 8 women.
Finally, we heard the doorbell for the first time and then several times afterward. It was about 3:30 when Cindy came back in and told us that everything was ready. She looked at us and said "Good Luck!"
Bill and I shrugged our shoulders and stripped. Once we were naked we both put on our hoods that protected our heads completely except that the hood ended at the end of our nose, leaving us able to breathe and drink (and maybe some other things). We looked at each other, took deep breaths and left the bedroom. We entered the kitchen and Cindy was there waiting. She grinned and came over to us. "Thanks for playing with us, Bobby." She put her mouth by my ear. "In case I forget to tell you later. You look fantastic and I love you so much. Thank you for doing this." She patted us both on the ass, put her hand up for us to stay there, and then walked into the other room. We could hear her clearly.
"Ladies. You all know that this is a sex-themed party." There was a light murmur of approval and one woman shouted out ‘Fucking A'. "There is a part of this that nobody knows about until this moment. My husband has agreed to stay away today so that I could have this party. I have also arranged some special entertainment." We heard some snickers and guesses on what the entertainment would be. "No, these are not strippers. These are normal guys who have agreed to help us have a CFNM party." She waited. A couple of women knew what she was talking about and whooped it up, but a few were confused. "CFNM stands for Clothed Female, Nude Male. These two guys will serve us and wait on us while naked. They are not slaves, they are servants. Please treat them nicely and they will take care of all our needs." Cheering.
"Ladies, I think we need nametags so that the servants can properly address us." She went to our desk drawer and pulled out some stick-on nametags and a marker. She went to the large square coffee table that we had and put the items down. "Ladies, please put Miss and your first name on the tag. For instance, I'll be Miss Cindy. That way the servants know who we are and can properly address us." I could hear the movement and scribbling as the ladies all put on their nametags. After a few minutes, I heard Cindy address them again.
"Without further ado, here are our two servants. Bobby, please come out."
I watched Bobby as he walked out and moved around so that I could see him from the kitchen. He no longer had an erection, and was a little tentative, but walked out and faced the audience. There were a couple of catcalls. These women were pretty bold and Cindy had told me that most of them were married. Cindy was seated closest to the kitchen and motioned Bobby over.
Cindy addressed them again. "Ladies, I need to show you how to meet and greet your servants. They will walk up and introduce themselves, with their hands behind their back. Bobby, come over and do so."
Bobby walked over in front of Cindy striking the appropriate pose. His dick was almost completely erect now. "I'm glad to meet you Miss Cindy. I'm Bobby."
Cindy reached out and grabbed his dick and shook it like she was shaking hands. "Happy to meet you, too, Bobby." She finished and pointed to her right. "Now greet all the other ladies." Bobby moved down the line and each woman shook ‘hands' with his dick and introduced themselves. When he was done, Cindy pointed to the center of the room. "Please wait in the center of the room, Bobby."
She turned to the ladies and pointed to the kitchen again. "And now, here's my favorite, Jack."
I took a deep breath. I had a little chubby, but was not fully hard. I was excited and a little apprehensive, but after being on display in the hotel room at Cindy's conference, it was a little easier to walk out in front of this new group of women. I walked out and stood in front of Cindy. "Glad to meet you Miss Cindy. I'm Jack." She shook my dick and pointed me to the next lady. By now I was fully erect and bouncing. I approached each woman and introduced myself. I was handled by warm hands and cold hands. They all smiled and giggled as they handled my dick. By the time I reached Suzanne, who was last, I was leaking a little precum. She looked at it as she shook ‘hands' with me and then leaned over and took a long suck. Everyone stared at her.
"Sorry, but it seemed a shame to waste it." The other ladies just smiled.
Miss Mary laughed and looked at her left hand. "Shouldn't a married woman be a little careful?"
Suzanne giggled. "Yeah, I guess so. I'd sure hate for my husband to see me sucking another man's cock!" She was staring at Bobby as she said this and I could see him smile.
Cindy stood up and went over to Bobby. "You mean like this?" She leaned over and gave his cock a quick suck. "Yeah, I see what you mean!" Everyone laughed. "Ladies, we are now ready to start the party. Anyone need another drink?"
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