Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 273
And then I heard her sob.
If I was being honest, the last thing I wanted to do was hole up in my apartment for the rest of my life. I’d just found out about the house in the Catskills. I was about to hire a PR person. I was training to be healthier. Despite the trip to Nevada taking a turn for the worst, the initial trip had been fun, and I wanted to try it again somewhere different. I wanted to visit Atlantic City. I wanted to go see exotic destinations… I wanted to lie on an island in the Caribbean and make love to the women in my life.
And I’d gotten a taste of winning at the corporate game today. I knew all days wouldn’t be like today, but getting one over on Kelly Maddox, Amber Bell, and Hiro Tanaka had been fun, and the thought of building something with Chandler sounded exciting. I wanted to take my family on vacations and spoil my nephew and any future kids my siblings had. If I locked myself inside my apartment, that wouldn’t be living. It would be dying slowly inside a gilded casket.
I closed my eyes, threw my head back, and let out a long sigh. God… there had to be a better way of doing this.
Still… I’d made a deal.
“Cancel the driver,” I said to Chloe. I whirled and stalked back over to the table, Carla looking up at me with shining eyes as I returned. It looked like she really had started to cry. She looked at me, her brow knitted in confusion.
“Vegan steak better be fucking amazing,” I snarled, cutting her off as I plopped down in the chair.
“Shut the fuck up,” I said as I leaned forward and pointed a finger at her. “We’re in this mess together, but we’re not fucking equals, understand?”
She simply stared at me.
“Say you’re right,” I said. “Say Hiro’s pissed, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. You sure you can give me insight on how to keep him from nuking me?”
Carla bit her lip and nodded.
I huffed and looked around. This time, both the waiters were watching me openly, not even bothering to hide it. “Okay,” I said, glaring back at her. “Chandler’s looking at positions for you. We’ll go talk to him tomorrow afternoon.”
Carla nodded, and we just stared at each other for several minutes in absolute silence. Eventually, she asked, “What changed your mind?”
I thought about telling her that her crying had gotten to me or that the idea of vegan steak was just too interesting of an option to pass up. In the end, I decided to be completely honest with her, which was something I doubted she’d been with me. “Your husband—”
“Ex-husband,” she corrected.
“You haven’t even drawn up the papers yet,” I retorted. “He’s been stupid rich a lot longer than I have. He’s smarter at this than I am, and that scares me. I’ve already been kidnapped by someone, and I don’t even know who that is. The last thing I need is enemies on multiple fronts. Thanks to you, that’s what I have.”
Carla opened her mouth to say something, and I cut her off. “And, frankly, I don’t know that getting my choice in CEO over VistaVision was worth it, but here we are. If you can help me, then I can’t just throw that away.”
“You can’t keep staying wherever you’re staying,” I said. “It’s not safe.”
“He doesn’t know where I’m staying,” Carla said. “Besides, I’ve hired security.”
“I’m sure it’s only a matter of time till he figures out where you’re staying,” I retorted. “And my security is better. My building is basically a fortress.”
Carla bit her lip and considered that, but she didn’t immediately argue with me, which I felt was a win. Before she could say anything, though, our dishes came, and I decided to turn my attention to the food for a moment.
I was wrong about vegan steak. As much as I hated to admit it, the chef had prepared a piece of meatless delicacy that was every bit as tender, juicy, and tasty as a slab of red meat, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t taste the difference between this and a piece of actual animal carcass. Despite how good it was, that fact served to annoy me a little more.
As the pair of us ate over the course of the next twenty minutes, the air around us became less tense. Carla eventually went back to being her flirtatious, charming self, and I reluctantly ended up enjoying her company. Once we were both finished, the waiter returned and asked us if we were ready to order dessert.
Mrs. Tanaka looked back at me, placing her elbows on the table as she leaned forward, showing off the exquisite pair of tits that threatened to spill out of the top of the draped gold material holding them at bay. The pair of tits that Hiro Tanaka had paid for.
“We could eat dessert here,” she suggested, “Or we could go back to my room and have dessert there.”
I tore my eyes off Carla’s cleavage and looked into her eyes, immediately sucked in by the heated gaze she was giving me. Like I said, she was a gorgeous woman, and I’d never been with anyone who’d had work done before. I wondered if everything felt as good as all-natural did.
Tanaka was already pissed that I beat him at his own game. It was made worse that I used his wife to do it, even though it was unwitting. Now, he was going to be even more mad when it got back to him that I’d had dinner with his wife the next evening. Did I really need to give him any more reason to hate me?
Something in Carla Tanaka’s eyes softened as she gazed back at me, and I saw a touch of sincerity in them. “It’s been months since I’ve had anything good inside me.”
On the other hand…
To Be Continued....
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