Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 423
Sam Soun – Jerusalem, Israel
I yawned, careful not to exhale on the fragile scroll fragment before me. I sat in the study room in the Shrine of the Book, the wing of the Israel Museum built to house the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was a clean room, with atmospheric controls to keep the humidity, temperature, and pressure at just the right values to preserve the delicate books.
“ We...the knowledge...the hidden room...behind the red rock.” is what I thought the scrap of Aramaic read. There were several holes in the parchment, leaving the text incomplete. The Aramaic word used for 'hidden room' shared its roots with the Hebrew word Matmown. There had a been a number of fragmented texts pointing to a hidden vault somewhere. This was the first scrap that was intact enough to read a location.
“Candy, do you have the survey maps for Qumran?” I asked.
Candy pulled out her I-pad and tapped it a few times. “Here it is.”
I glanced at the screen, looking for anything that might be a red rock. I touched the screen at a large boulder on the survey map listed as red sandstone. “Did they ever do any ultrasounds or excavations in this quadrant?”
Candy frowned, and started reading through the notes. “No, it's pretty far from any of the caves. About a kilometer from cave 5. Why?”
“I think we need to take some survey equipment out there,” I told her. “I have a hunch that there's something there.”
“I'll go make the arrangements,” Candy smiled, and gave me a brief kiss on the lips, before turning back.
I rubbed my lower back, stretched, and pulled the next scroll fragment and began translating the faded Aramaic.
Friday, May 2nd, 2014 – Mark Glassner – Good Sam Hospital
At 12:03 AM our daughter was born.
She was so beautiful. 7 lb 2 oz and 16 inches long. Mary had been in labor seven hours, and we were both so happy to finally hold her, wrapped in her pink blanket. She was so light, and I kept staring into her face. She was so tiny, so cute, her little hands balled up into fists.
Chasity Alberta Glassner.
Mary smiled fondly at me as she rested on the bed, watching me pace back and forth, gently rocking our daughter. I missed my other two children's birth, but she was special. She was my daughter with Mary. She had my deep-blue eyes, and her mother's cute nose and auburn hair. The whole family had paraded in; both of our mothers had their turns holding Chasity, along with our sisters and Mary's dad.
Little Chasity started crying and I froze, not sure what to do. I glanced at Mary. “Maybe she's finally hungry?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said, and gently handed my newborn to my wife.
Mary unbuttoned her gown, exposing her full breast and gently placed our daughter to her teat. A huge smile blossomed on her face. “She sucking, Mark.” There were tears glistening in her emerald eyes as she smiled down at Chasity.
I climbed on the bed next to my wife, cuddling with her and resting my head on her shoulder as I watched our beautiful daughter nurse. “We made her,” I whispered in awe. “Our own little miracle. And we didn't have to use any dark powers to do it.”
Wednesday, May 5th, 2014 – Noel Heinrich – Patriot Headquarters, Montana
“Innocents are going to die,” Wyatt pointed out as I went over my plan.
“They always do,” I admitted sadly. Innocents already had.. At least one. I touched the sword resting on the table. It was never far away, not after the cost... I pushed that memory out of my mind; dwelling on it wouldn't help. “It's our last chance to do something.”
“We could try summoning demons again,” Wyatt countered.
“If those demons we summoned couldn't crash his plane, what chance do they have against him on the ground?” I asked.
“None,” Wyatt admitted, a frown creasing his weathered face. “We should wait for another opportunity. One where there won't be crowds.”
“I don't know. What's his schedule looking like?”
I shrugged. “This is the only public appearance scheduled for a month. Our attacks have driven him to be secretive.”
“Then let's wait and see what his next appearance is like,” Wyatt cautioned. “The golems are indiscriminate.”
“And what happens if they find us?” I asked. Who'd have ever thought Alison and Desiree would be leading commando teams and hunting us down. Slutty, little Alison. Our members had been scattered about, supposedly safe thanks to our wish to mask our auras, but those two had killed a dozen of us.
“We fall back into the shadow,” Wyatt answered stubbornly. “They'll never find the fall-back site. It's not even in this country.”
“We're being hunted down like dogs. Those bitches of his keep finding us no matter how well we hide. Half the world is already part of his damned Theocracy, and I bet in a year he will have his fist around the entire planet.” I slammed my fist on the table. “We swore to do whatever it took to save America, to save the World! Do you want to back out now?”
Wyatt sighed. “Fine. God help us, we'll unleash the golems tomorrow.”
I snorted, “God can't help us. He already failed to stop him.”
Tomorrow, Mark Glassner's blood would water Liberty's tree.
Alison de la Fuentes
I was crouched on a low ridge overlooking a ranch in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Montana. This morning, my dowsing had led my team of commandos and me here; the next Warlock for us to capture or eliminate. And not just one; according to the dowsing, there were multiple warlocks here. At least a dozen.
I hadn't spotted any Warlocks, but I had seen three Thralls with the auraculars, the enchanted binoculars Sam whipped up last November before she jetted off to Israel. They mimicked the Mowdah spell, allowing me to see auras like Master and Mistress.
You should be with Master, my subconscious whispered. I did wish I could be with Master and Mistress all the time, but this was too important. The Warlocks had to be stopped before they could hurt more people, so I ignored that voice like I had the last six months I had spent hunting the bastards down.
So far I had only see the three Thralls, all carrying heavy weapons, patrolling the collected buildings of the sheep ranch. They all looked military or law enforcement, and I had an excited feeling in my stomach. I think I just hit the jackpot!
“Mi Sirenita,” a beautiful voice whispered behind me.
I turned, and smiled to see that my wife had crawled up the hill. She was wearing scrub camos and looked more than a little butch. She joined me on the hill and I gave her a passionate kiss. It was a little awkward kissing her while we lay on our bellies, but I hadn't seen her since baby Chasity's birth last week. I missed my wife. Our prolonged separation had been rough, but there were just so many Warlocks that needed to be put down.
If you just stopped hunting Warlocks and went back to Master, you'd see her all the time. I was really tempted to listen to my subconscious, but our work was necessary.
“What is so important?” Desiree asked. “I was close to a Warlock in Portland.” There was a hard edge in her voice. Desiree positively hated Warlocks.
“I think I found the Patriot's headquarters.” I couldn’t contain the excitement in my voice. “I've taken out enough Patriots to recognize their phony Thrall auras. I've seen three on guard, and I have a predator drone orbiting overhead. Infrared shows another ten or so people milling around in the house.”
Desiree peered at the ranch with her auraculars. “Hmm, maybe. What's up with all the statues?”
One of the yards was filled with what looked like over a hundred statues that were roughly human-shaped, but built like tanks, and looked to stand nearly ten feet tall. They were made of the same red clay that was underneath all the grass in the area; there was a large pit in a field that had been dug out. I had no idea why they would build them. Cover for their base? Some sort of terracotta statue business?
“I'm not sure,” I admitted. “But if this is the Patriots, we have the chance to obliterate them!”
“So a joint operation?” Desiree asked.
“Yeah,” I smiled. “Sounds fun, huh.”
“Hmm, it sure does.”
To be continued...
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