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The devil's Pact - S01 E417

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The devil's Pact - S01 E417

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 417


As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore dark Pacts to Lucifer. Oppressed peoples and beleaguered governments turned to Mark and Mary Glassner. And the Tyrant's price was simple—submission.
–excerpt from 'The History of the Tyrants' Theocracy', by Tina Allard

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 – Mark Glassner – Air Force One, Over the Bering Sea

“My Lord,” Cindy, one of my maids, said through the door to my private cabin on Air Force One, “it is time for your broadcast.”

“Okay,” I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I lay sandwiched between Korina and Lillian, napping after fucking both sluts. I slid out of bed; Lillian sleepily cuddled up to Korina.

The last six months since the plague had broken out had been hectic, and I was flying home after a trip to Japan. I had to deal with a Warlock that had been trying to reinstate the Bushido code, and had conquered half of Japan. He was easy enough to attend to, I challenged him to a duel, and his blade was unable to penetrate my Celestial Gold armor. After he was dead, I spent a week in Japan and brought the country into the Theocracy. Warlocks across the world had taken advantage of the plague to try and carve out their own kingdoms. While the disease seemed to have finally run its course in April, there didn't seem to be an end to these Warlocks.

I wished my wife was here, but Mary was too close to her due date. She could give birth any day now, and had to stay home. She was busying herself decorating the mansion. It had been finished right before I flew out to Japan. I'm glad it was completed before our daughter was born so she could grow up in a proper home, and not the hotel we spent the last six months living in.

Korina, April, and Violet all bore their children in April. Korina gave me a son named Silas, named after her father, and April named our daughter Andrea. Violet's daughter, Delilah, turned out to be Mary's daughter, not mine. It was pretty obvious when we saw her green eyes. Mary had been so happy when she held little Delilah. She never said anything when Silas and Andrea were born, but I knew she was just the tiniest bit jealous that other women bore me children first.

I left my two sluts to sleep and passed through the main cabin. It was full of my servants. The fifty bodyguards that protected me in foreign countries; Leah, my chauffeur; ten or so maids, the women and teens that Willow recruited through her clinic; and a few former, female Air Force officers that ran the plane's systems. All the women were bound to me and sluttily dressed; chokers about their necks. Some were sleeping on the rather comfortable seats, while others were talking quietly with each other, playing a game of cards, or watching movies on portable DVD players.

'Masters', 'my Lords', and 'sirs' followed me up the aisle and I smiled at my servants. They were all beautiful, and my cock stirred as I admired an entire plane full of women who were all more than willing to please me. The boldest women would even reach out and give my cock a stroke, smiling archly up at me.

Once through the main cabin, I climbed up a tight stairs to the plane's communication suite where three women – dressed as sexy stewardesses with very short skirts and low-cut blouses – manned the equipment. All three used to be in the Air Force, retiring to serve me and run the gear. One of the women turned in her swivel chair, her mostly bared legs crossed. She had a small, predatory smile on her doll-face, framed by platinum blonde hair.

“Sir, we're all set for you,” she purred.

“Thank you, Roni,” I smiled. Her full name was Veronica, but everyone called her Roni.

She stood up from her seat, her naked ass flashing before her short, navy-blue skirt fell down. I sat down, and she plopped down on my lap, wiggling her ass against me. Her blue eyes were full of heat. My cock became rock hard beneath her ass, and I gave her a kiss on the lips. She rose up, grasped my cock and sat back down, sliding my cock into her juicy cunt.

“Umm, doesn't that feel nice, sir?” she asked, squeezing her cunt on my cock.

“It's alright,” I said as casually as I could.

“Hmm,” she frowned, rose up, and shifted a bit. When she came down this time, my cock pushed into her tight ass. Her eyes widened, and a soft moan escaped her lips. “How about this?” she asked, her voice an octave higher.

I smiled, “That's more like it.”

Roni handed me a headset, and I placed it over my head and adjusted it. Then she handed me a set of notebook cards. It was Polish written phonetically in English. I didn't know exactly what I was reading, but I knew the gist: worship Mary and me, obey our laws, do not make pacts with demons, love and respect your fellow human. Standard stuff, but if a person didn't speak English, our powers were useless on them.

Mary and I try to spend at least an hour a day doing these broadcasts, trying to put more people under our power. It worked; crime in the US has plummeted. Anyone arrested doesn't get released from jail without hearing our broadcast. All government employees had to listen to them, and public school students. There were still holdouts, of course, mostly Christians and Muslims who fled the cities for rural communes, but they were harmless and isolated. If it wasn't for Lilith and the Patriots, America would be a perfect country.

The Polish broadcast lasted 15 minutes. It was monotonous, and Roni became quite distracting before the end as she raised and lowered her tight ass on my cock, flashing saucy smiles over her shoulder, and cooing with obvious pleasure. I'm sure you could hear her moans over the broadcast.

“It'll be a few minutes before Germany is ready, sir,” Roni panted, bracing herself on the console to pump her ass on my cock. “However shall we pass the time?”

“Saucy, little whore,” I growled, and her grin deepened.

“For you, my Lord.”

She rode my cock, moaning loudly, still bracing her hands on the console. The plane shook, hitting a patch of turbulence, and she gasped as my cock was driven deep inside her tight ass. She let the rough air do the work, bouncing up and down on my cock for a minute as I sucked on her neck above the silver choker. My hand reached around her body and shoved roughly down her bodice to grasp her ripe breast.

“Oh, my Lord!” she gasped. “Your cock is driving me crazy! Is my ass pleasing you?”

“Yes, it is, slut!” I gave her tit a squeeze; her ass tightened on my cock as I rubbed my palm across her hard nipple.

A particularly hard turbulence dropped the plane a few feet and Roni nearly came off my cock, only the very tip still stuck in her ass, before she slammed back down hard on me. “Holy shit!” she cried out. “Yes, yes! I love your cock! Gonna cum!”

“Cum, my saucy, little whore!” I growled.

“Fuck!” she howled, and her bowels became a vice as she bounced up and down on my cock. Between the turbulence and her orgasm, she thrashed wildly atop me and stoked the fire in my balls. I grabbed her and shoved her down, holding her tight as I erupted three large loads into her ass.

I gave her tit one last squeeze, and said, “Nice fuck.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” she panted. “Umm, they're ready for you in Germany.”

“Good.” I gave her ass a pinch. “Get off and...” I looked at the other two communication sluts, “Ami, come suck my cock clean.”

“With pleasure, my Lord,” a petite Japanese slut said, a smile on her delicate face. Like Roni, she was from the Air Force, a Forward Air Controller.

Roni grunted as she slid her ass off me and took Ami's chair. The Japanese girl knelt before me and gently licked at my dirty cock, her almond-shaped eyes looking up at me. She looked younger than her twenty-seven years, and could easily pass for a Japanese schoolgirl. She looked so cute as she daintily licked my cock, a mischievous glint in her almond-shaped eyes. Roni handed me cards written in German, and I started reading through them.

By the time I finished my first commands, Ami had sucked my cock into her tiny mouth. It was so obscene watching her suck my dirty dick into her mouth and hear her purring moan. Her tongue felt wonderful, and half-way through my third reading, I trailed off and came in her mouth. She smiled up at me, licking her lips clean. I rubbed her short, black hair affectionately.

After Germany, I did the Spanish broadcast, covering Spain and much of Central and South America. Finally finished, I yawned. There was still another five hours left in the flight, and I walked back to my cabin to get some sleep. More of my servants were sleeping as I passed through the darkened cabin. The bodyguards had earned their rest, they had to be alert most of the time in Japan, and were finally able to relax on the plane ride home.

I found Lillian and Korina awake when I entered the cabin. Korina leaned against a pile of pillows, cradling Lillian's head to her breast. Korina's doll face was contorted in pleasure as Lillian's fingers worked her cunt. Between her fluttering eyelids, I saw her blue eyes; she smiled at me.

“Umm, my breasts were getting full,” Korina purred, hefting her left breast, a drop of white milk glistening on the dark red nipple. “Would you like to help, Master?”

Lillian looked up from Korina's other big teat, smiling lustily at me; white milk stained her lips. Her black hair, streaked with blue and purple highlights, fell loose about her shoulder. Normally she wore them in pigtails, but not to sleep. Silver piercings dotted her face: on her lip, her eyebrow, and nose. Both sluts were naked, wearing only their gold chokers.

As I crawled on the bed, Lillian grabbed my head and aggressively kissed me. Her mouth was full of sweet breast milk, her hand sliding wet down my torso, leaving a trail of Korina's pussy juices on her way to grasp my cock.

“Umm, doesn't she taste wonderful?” Lillian purred.

“She does,” I smiled, enjoying her hand stroking my cock. “I bet she tastes even better fresh.”

“She does,” Lillian purred.

Together, Lillian and I each took one of Korina's large tits. The pregnancy had swelled them from her D's to DD's and her nipples became redder. I latched on, tasting a trace of her sweet milk. I sucked; Lillian's hand still pumped away on my cock, while I enjoyed Korina's warm breast milk squirting into my mouth. I nursed, reveling in the delicious flavor.

My hand slid down Korina's taut stomach, down between her legs and felt her hot, wet, and shaved cunt. “Oh, yes, Master!” Korina gasped as I slipped two fingers up inside her, probing her wet depths as she writhed on the sheets.

Lillian jerked me off faster, her hands tight silk as she rubbed up and down. Korina's arm wrapped around my head, stroking my cheek as I kept nursing, swallowing mouthfuls of her sweet milk. My thumb found her clit and she bucked, went rigid, and gasped loudly as she came. I pulled my fingers out, smeared her musky juices on her nipple, and enjoyed some pussy cream with my milk.

Somehow, sensing I was about to cum, Lillian quickly moved down; her wet mouth engulfed my cock, and I filled her with my cum. I rolled onto my back, breathing hard and feeling tired after my cum. I lazily watched Lillian crawl up Korina's body, and share my jizz with the doll-faced slut. Korina slid down the bed, and Lillian straddled her face. Korina noisily began to munch her muff. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep to the sweet sounds of women making love.


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