Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22
After a quick think I said that I would. Ryan put his finger back inside me and we fucked on the sofa.
The next day Henry was in the reception when I walked in. I walked straight passed him and headed for the stairs.
“Forgotten something Tanya?” Henry called after me.
I was hoping that they had; but my luck wasn’t good. I slowly walked to the back office and Henry watched me get undressed.
Luckily I was able to get on with my jobs without seeing anyone other than Jane. In a way I enjoyed the day; I was on a bit of a sexual edge all day; on the one hand I was scared about being seen by a guest; but on the other hand I was excited about being seen by a guest. Explain that if you can because I can’t. What I do know is that my pussy was wet all day.
When I got home that night I tried to explain my feelings to Ryan. He told me that I wanted to get caught. I didn’t believe him.
The next few days went the same then the weather cooled down a bit. I told Ryan that I was going to dig out my old duffle coat to wear to work, but I was worried that I might be too warm. The reason why I kept the duffle coat was that it’s a very warm coat; not too good to look at, but warm.
Ryan suggested that I wear just the coat and shoes to travel to and from work. He said that it was daft wearing a skirt and blouse underneath since I would be taking them off just as soon as I got there. It would cut down on the washing.
I said that I couldn’t do that; it wouldn’t be decent, or right. When he asked me to expand on that I realised that I didn’t have a good argument so I said that it wouldn’t feel right.
His answer to that was for me to strip off and put the coat on. Then we went for a walk round the streets.
It felt weird at first, but after a few minutes I felt okay. We walked for a while and came to the park that I’d jogged through. As we walked in I reminded him about what I’d done at the kids play area there.
He asked me to show him where it was. When we got there he asked me to climb up the frame. I started to climb, but he told me to take the coat off first.
Feeling a bit naughty, I looked round, it was dark and I couldn’t see anyone else around, so I unfastened the toggles and passed the coat to Ryan.
When I leaned back to hang upside down my head was close to Ryan’s cock, and his face was near my open pussy. I reached out and unzipped him while he started eating my pussy.
It didn’t take long for Ryan to cum and I swallowed every drop. I didn’t cum, so Ryan told me to climb up one of the ropes. I knew that sliding down a rope would soon make me cum. I did, and I did – twice.
When I got to the bottom Ryan had to hold me because my legs were feeling weak. We’d only been stood there for a minute when we heard someone approaching so I quickly put the coat on and we headed back home.
On the way we passed a pub and Ryan decided that he wanted a drink. He ignored my complaints that I couldn’t go in dressed in only a coat and shoes and in we went.
It was crowded in there and we had to stand facing each other. After a short while one of Ryan’s hands started playing with the bottom toggle on my coat; the one that’s at pubic area height. The inevitable happened and he undid it and slid his hand inside. As his hand slid round to my bum the front of the coat, below the still fastened 3 toggles, opened. I asked Ryan to stop because my pussy was visible, but he just said that we were too close together for anyone to see anything.
I wasn’t sure and got a bit worried. The annoying thing was that I started to get that tinging feeling in my pussy. My brain didn’t want anyone to see, but my pussy certainly did.
So next morning I left for work wearing just the duffle coat and shoes. Everything was fine until I sat down on the bus. The coat opened right up to the bottom toggle showing my legs right up to my pubic area. I think that I managed to get my bag onto my lap before anyone saw anything.
When I walked into the hotel Henry asked if it was cold outside. I ignored him and went straight to the back office. He followed me in and was surprised when I took the coat off and he saw that I had nothing underneath.
“Wow!” he said, “I’m impressed. What happens if Karen decides to stop your punishment?”
I ignored him and went and got on with my work.
My day was pretty boring and I never saw any guests. I did manage to finish everything in time for a swim and decided to let the water jet pound my pussy for a while. Wow! That was nice; I got so close to cumming.
I didn’t want to have an orgasm there so I got out. Henry was watching me.
I decided that I’d got to the workout room and try to work off my sexual excitement. It didn’t work. They’ve only got 2 machines and 1 is an exercise cycle machine. I got on it and was immediately reminded of the fun I had on Ryan’s father’s bike. I got off it and raised the height of the seat so that I had to slide from side to side as I peddled.
It didn’t take long for me to cum. Just as I was calming down, and still peddling slowly. Jane walked in. With a big grin on her face she said,
“I’ve done that a few times; it’s nice isn’t it? Be careful that you don’t let Henry see you cumming; I did once and it was a week before he stopped asking me to ride him like I rode the exercise cycle. He’s just too creepy for me.”
It was in my third week that I was there that I bumped into a guest. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was making the bed with the door open when I heard a sound behind me. I was bent over so I stood up and turned round.
“I didn’t know they employed child labour in this hotel.” The man said.
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll come back later and finish.” I said as my hands moved to cover my bits.
“That’s okay,” he said, “you can finish up now. Are you old enough to be working here; and why haven’t you got any clothes on?”
I stood there covering my nipples and pussy and said,
“Yes, I am old enough, and I’m being punished.”
“And what did you do to deserve having to work with no clothes on?” He asked.
I told him and then told him what Karen had said about guests being able to spank me. Why I added that part I will never know. I’m sure that I could have got away without telling him that he could spank me.
“Is that right?” the man asked. “And do you think that I should spank you?”
I really was going to try to get out of being punished by saying that I didn’t think that stealing an apple was a spanking offence, but when my mouth opened I said,
“Yes sir,”
“Okay then,” he said and went and sat on the end of the bed. “You’d better lay across my lap then.”
Why didn’t I just walk out of there right then? What’s wrong with me? Do I really want to be spanked?
I walked over to the man and stood next to him.
“You won’t be able to lay comfortably with your hands there.” He said.
I put my hands to my sides, letting him have a clear look at my little tits and pussy. I got that tingling feeling and felt my pussy get wet. As I lay over his lap I could feel his hard-on pressing on my stomach.
I’d just got comfortable and was waiting for it to start when I realised that my knees were a few inches apart. That man must have had a great view of my butt and wet and swollen pussy. I felt horrible and horny all at the same time.
Slap 1 hit my butt without warning.
“Oww!” I shouted as I jumped a bit.
Slap 2
That one hurt like hell. I felt my eyes well-up.
Slap 3
The tears started and my butt was burning.
Slap 3, 4 and 5 came in quick succession.
The tears were in full flow.
Slap 6
“Please, no more. It hurts too much.” I said
“Only 4 more,” the man said, “I’m sure that you can take it.”
Slap 7
Slap 8
I didn’t say anything; in fact, it didn’t hurt anywhere as much.
Slap 9
I just lay there and felt a wet rush in my pussy. Why was I getting so aroused? I could feel the start of an orgasm.
Slap 10
I didn’t move. I’d been counting the slaps and knew that it was over. I was happy and sad. I was really happy that the humiliation was about to end, but my stupid body wanted that bit more so that I’d cum.
“Stand up.” The man said.
I did and stood in front of the man. My pussy was inches from his face.
“Right,” the man said, “you can tell your boss that you’ve had your punishment. Oh, forget finishing the room.”
“Thank you sir.”
I walked out of that room with very mixed feelings. One thing that I really did know was that my butt was hurting like hell.
Fortunately I had only one more room to do before I could go and cool my butt in the pool.
Unfortunately, Karen saw me as I headed to the pool. I knew I had to tell her what had happened, so I did. Karen could hardly stop laughing. She grabbed my butt cheeks and said,
“Wow! They are hot. Does this hurt?”
“Yes, it does.”
Karen walked off laughing.
In the pool I headed for the water jet; I was still feeling horny and the jet pounding on my pussy felt good; so good that I came after a few minutes.
I had to sit down slowly on the bus and my butt still hurt when I got home. Ryan noticed my butt straight away and he gently rubbed cream onto it as I told him what had happened.
“I guess that we’re going to have to explore this pain pleasure thing TT.” Ryan said as he turned me round and bent me over the table. I got what I’d wanted for hours.
Another time that I got caught by a hotel guests was about 30 minutes before I was due to finish one day. I’d decided to have a go on the exercise cycle and had really got into it, sliding my pussy from one side to the other.
I was close to cumming when the door opened and in walked a man in his thirties. I was so close to cumming that I just didn’t care who saw me, and I kept going with my head down.
I think that the man was a bit gob-struck at the sight of a naked girl peddling away, and on the verge of having an orgasm. He just stood there and watched me.
Seeing him watching me brought my orgasm even closer and I started to cum. I tried to stifle the moans, put a couple of them escaped.
As I slowed down I heard the man say,
“Was that as good as it looked?
I didn’t answer him, and as the embarrassment took over from the pleasure, I hurriedly wiped the cycle seat and left.
The rest of my time at that hotel was pretty much uneventful.
Ryan took me to the pub a few times in the next few weeks, and each time I had to wear that duffle coat with nothing underneath. We often went shopping on a weekend with me dressed the same way.
One time when we were stood in a queue in McDonalds Ryan was behind me with his arms round me. I didn’t realise that he’d undone the toggles until he pulled the coat off my shoulders. My whole front was exposed to the ‘extra fries’ guy. I was sooo embarrassed. It wasn’t until I sat down that I realised that I was horny and all wet. I told Ryan and he said,
“I told you that so you are a little exhibitionist.”
I said that I wasn’t, but I had to confess that I’d been turned on by it.
A few weeks later it was December and Ryan was invited to their companies Christmas bash. What’s more, I was going as his ‘plus 1’.
I had nothing to wear so we went into town to see what we could find. After quite a search and a bit of fun in the changing rooms we found this beautiful dress. It’s grey and made of very thin, silky material. It’s so light that I feel naked when I’m wearing it. I was worried that my nipples would stick out too much but Ryan said that I looked great.
Finding some heels to go with it was a lot easier.
The big night came and I felt really proud walking in on his arm wearing just my new dress and new shoes. Lots of his colleagues and his boss wanted to meet me.
They had an official photographer there and I was sure that he was taking a lot of photos of me; the flash was going off all around me for ages. I couldn’t imagine why, I was only the ‘plus 1’ of the most junior person there. There must have been lots of more interesting people there than me.
I found out a couple of days later when I went on the company’s web site. There I was in quite a few photos, and my dress was see-through; you could see my tiny tits and even my pussy slit. In one my legs there slightly apart and you could see the inverted ‘V’ of my pussy and my clit sticking out.
Ryan wasn’t home from work but I still blushed. I went and looked at the dress. I put my hand inside and looked at it. I could see the shape but that was all.
What the hell had the photographer done to the pictures? Had he photo-shopped them? As soon as Ryan got home I opened my laptop to show him.
“Oh! I thought that you knew; the material goes see-through whenever a really bright light shines on it.” Ryan said.
“You’ll have to get another job; I’ll never be able face those people again.” I said.
“Yes you will, everyone said that you were wonderful. When they saw the photos they all wanted to know when they could see you again.” Ryan said.
“You mean see my naked body again.” I said.
Ryan grinned and said,
“Well, you can’t blame them for that, you just so beautiful.”
My anger disappeared and I kissed him.
Christmas was great; we spent a couple of days with Ryan’s parents. One of the things that Ryan got me was a proper bikini. I say a proper bikini, but it wasn’t what I expected. We opened all our presents at his parent’s house on Christmas morning. When I opened the package with the bikini I was so embarrassed. The bikini is just 4 triangle of material fastened with strings. It’s unlined and made of very thin, yellow material. Ryan later told me that he’d bought it over the internet form and Australian company.
When I opened it I held it up to work out what it was. Ryan was saying nothing, but his brother realised straight away and told everyone.
“It’s so small I said.”
“Where is she supposed to wear that?” Ryan’s mother asked.
Ryan told everyone that it’s what all the girls are wearing these days.
Tom – Ryan’s brother asked if I was going to try it on. I said that I wasn’t, but Ryan pleaded with me. In the end I gave in and went and changed in to it.
Now I’m a small girl, but this looked like it would be about the right size for a 5 year-old. Okay, the top just about covered my thimble sized breasts, but I could see the shape of my nipples and all the little bumps on my areolas.
As for the bottoms, half my butt cheeks were exposed. The little triangle at the front was so small that if I’d had pubic hair it wouldn’t have been covered. The thin material moulded itself to the shape of my pussy lips. I had a perfect camel toe.
When I looked in the mirror I realised that I couldn’t go and show it to Ryan’s parents or brother; it was bordering on the obscene.
I was just about to change back into my skirt and top when Ryan came in. He loved it; he said that I looked fantastic; and that everyone would be so disappointed if they couldn’t see me in it.
I pointed out what I described above. But Ryan insisted.
My face was so red when I walked downstairs with Ryan.
Tom and Ryan’s dad loved it and he asked me to do a twirl. Ryan’s mum wasn’t happy. She agreed with me that there was just way too little material. She said that I’d get arrested if I went out in public dressed like that.
All the time that they were talking about me, and looking at me, I was getting more and more embarrassed. But the crazy thing was that I was getting turned-on by it. I had to get changed back into my clothes before the wet patch that was forming became visible to everyone.
I asked Ryan if I could go and get changed, but he told everyone that we should go back to opening the presents. I had to endure another hour of embarrassment as the 3 men there spent most of that hour looking at me; or should I say my breasts and pussy.
When I finally managed to persuade Ryan to let me go and get changed, I stood up and saw a wet patch on the sofa where I had been sat; the other thing was that the bikini had worked itself in between my pussy lips. Both Tom and Ryan’s father really did get a great view. I had been so embarrassed, but my body was loving it. Why?
To Be Continued....
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