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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E17

Story 4 days ago

He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E17

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17


WTF was I thinking, Of course I wasn’t ready. I’d NEVER be ready for that. I just couldn’t do anything like that. Shit, was that my body trying for control my mind again?

I turned round and headed back home. I was 2 streets from home when I felt the orgasm building. I wasn’t sure that I could make it home so I looked round and, seeing no one, I ducked behind a parked car.

I leaned against a wall and bent forward putting my hands on my knees.

A few seconds later it arrived.

“Aaaarrrgggghhh.” I uttered and started shaking.

Just as I started to come down I heard something behind me. I stood up straight and turned round.

Shit, there was a big, fat, ugly, caring traffic warden stood behind me. I saw a camera in his hand.

“Are you all right Miss?” he asked.

“Err yes. I was just getting my breath back. I’ll be okay in a minute. Thank you for your concern.

“Are you sure? I can call for an ambulance if you want.” He said.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine in a minute thank you.”

“Right, I’ll be off then.” The man said and he turned and walked away.

Shit! I was bent over; he’ll have been able to see my naked butt and pussy. I hope he wasn’t bright enough to take a photo.

That thought triggered a mini orgasm. I shook myself and started jogging again.

The next afternoon when I went jogging I decided to go into the park. Again, I couldn’t stop myself from pushing the vibe up my pussy and turning it on; this time, up a notch. I think that going into the park was a sub-conscious decision; I must have known that I was going to cum at least once.

The park turned out to be quite big. It had a football pitch, wooded area, a small stream train running through it and a big kids play area.

I jogged round the football pitch and the through the woods. Just as I got to the end of the woods the first orgasm hit me. I stopped and leaned against a tree until I could get going again. Fortunately, the park was really quiet. I’d only seen one old couple walking through.

I ran on, passed the kids play area and came to the other end of the park. There was a little car park (empty) then a main road. As I turned to go back I felt another orgasm building. As I got to the kids play area I had a crazy idea. There was no one there, and no one in sight anywhere.

I went over to the climbing frame and climbed up a bit. I wasn’t sure that I could hold back until I got into the position that I wanted.

I sat on one of the crossbars (it was cold on my butt) then slid back so that my spread knees were over the bar. Then I lowered myself backwards so that I was hanging upside down. Gravity had sent my skirt close to my face and I was total exposed from waist to ankles.

I wanted to experience an orgasm while upside down. I reached up and touched my clit. Within seconds it hit me. It was slightly different – still good. I think that the extra blood in my head caused it. I wondered if having one after being upside down for a lot longer would make it even better. I thought about bringing Ryan there late one night and letting him fuck me while I was upside down. I didn’t work out how we could do that.

As I calmed down I looked round. I saw swings, a see-saw, climbing ropes and a little fort with little slides for the little kids.

The climbing ropes looked interesting. I pulled myself up, climbed down and went over to the ropes. Could I climb up and then slide down with the rope pressing against my pussy?

I looked all around and couldn’t see anyone. I jumped up and grabbed the rope. It was hard work, but I managed to get to the top – only about 15 feet.

Holding onto the top bar with one hand, I adjusted the rope so that it went over my pubic bone and pussy (it pressed on my clit). I wrapped my legs round it and gripped it with my legs. I let go of the top bar and gripped the rope with my hands.

Hoping that I wouldn’t get rope burn on my pussy, I eased my grip and started slowly sliding. I’d only got about a third of the way down when I got hit with a big one. I gripped the rope hard.

“Fuck that was good.” I thought.

As the orgasm subsided I loosened my grip. A couple of feet later another one hit me.

Shit, I’m going to come here every day. I’ve got to bring Ryan so that he can see the effect it has on me.

Another couple of feet lower and I had another one.

My feet reached the ground and I stood there calming down.

Then I heard a voice,

“Hello little girl, where’s your mummy? You shouldn’t really be climbing those ropes without your parents being here.”

I looked round. It was an elderly man with a dog on a long lead.

The dog walked over to me and started sniffing at my pussy. I pushed it away but it came back. I had to push it away again before the man pulled it away.

Putting on my best little girl voice I said,

“My daddy is just over there, he’ll be here in a minute. He lets me climb on these ropes and he knows I’ll be careful.” I said.

The man told me to be careful then walked off.

I decided that I’d had enough for that day and headed back home. As I jogged I felt a bit guilty, thinking,

“What a slut! Why did I do that? What’s wrong with me? I’ve got to stop doing these things; but I just knew that I wouldn’t stop.”

When I told Ryan all about it that night he told me that we were going to go back there one night.

I went back there on a few of my afternoon jogs. Most of the times I couldn’t have any fun because there were people around; but I did manage to have some fun a couple of times.

There was one time when I was hanging upside down on the climbing frame with my legs spread wide, my skirt round my chest, and my right hand bringing me to climax when I saw a man cycling passed. He saw me and nearly ran into the fence round the play area. Knowing that he was looking at me made my orgasm come quicker.

The rope was (still is) my favourite. Sliding down with those rough, nobly bits rubbing against my bare pussy is pure pleasure.

My problem is that I always feel guilty afterwards. Ryan says that I shouldn’t, but I always do.

The first few weekends there we decided to go into town and have a look round. We knew of a few things that we wanted but didn’t have the money. They would have to wait, but there was nothing stopping us looking.

We trawled around a few shops then saw that the city had an Ikea so we decided to get the bus out there.

When it’s a double decker bus Ryan always wants to go upstairs. When we’re going upstairs he wants to go up first; going downstairs he wants me to go first. He says that going up, he wants to see where we’re going to sit; and going downstairs, he says that he wants to be able to grab me if I slip.

I suspect that he wants anyone following me up to be able to see up my short skirt to my bare butt and pussy; and hoping that anyone going down in front of me will turn round and maybe see my pussy.

Anyway, Ikea; we got some great ideas. One thing that we need is a new bed; we’re both not all that keen on sleeping on a second-hand mattress.

Ikea has lots of beds on display, and you can lay on them to try them out. Ryan wanted me to lay on lots of them. He wasn’t at all worried by the fact that I had a very short skirt and no knickers on. He told me to lay on each bed, flat on my back, on my side, and curled up in a ball. In each position I had to tell him if I was comfortable.

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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E16

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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E18

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