Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30
#Author's Note:
For this chapters, I decided to have a little fun with the fantasy in the first half, setting it in the Star Wars universe. In case it isn’t clear, for the first portion, Burke is Mike and Kana is Melody. No song titles for this chapter, so please sit back and enjoy!
Sand. Sand. Sand everywhere. Such was life for Burkateer Lark.
Eighteen years ago, he had been a promising seven-year-old Padawan learner in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. That, of course, was before the betrayal of Darth Vader and subsequent formation of the Galactic Empire. On that fateful day, his master, Cin Dralig, had gotten wind of the betrayal and impending attack on the Jedi Temple. Though his master had tried to send the boy away on his own to train, Burke had convinced Dralig to come with him. He reminded him that it was the prudent move, finally convincing him upon receiving an emergency transmission from Master Yoda that a plan was in the works, and that the pair should flee. They went into hiding on Tatooine in the desert surrounding Mos Espa. For five years, Dralig taught Burke all he could, before finally succumbing to disease and old age. Though a talented Jedi, Burke’s training was nowhere near complete. He improvised as best he could, learning to use the Force in any way he could think of. Ten years after first arriving on the planet, Burke’s experience with the Force had increased to the point that he could sense the presence of other Force-sensitives. One day, while practicing this ability, he was able to detect a strong presence on the same planet, out beyond the Dune Sea.
Deciding to investigate, he traveled for three days before finally detecting the source of the presence in a tiny, ramshackle hut. The occupant clearly felt his presence as well, as Burke soon found himself under attack, his lightsaber clashing with the blade of none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the great general of the Clone Wars. His mood immediately brightening at finding a fellow survivor of the Great Jedi Purge, Burke introduced himself as the pupil of the late Cin Dralig. The news of Dralig’s death caused a great deal of sadness in old Kenobi, who had served alongside him many times over the years.
Burke trained for several months with him, quickly becoming more proficient in his use of the Force. Unfortunately, both of them knew that, as hard working as Burke was, he would never be powerful enough to stand up to the Empire. Raw potential had never been his strong suit, not like Master Yoda or Anakin Skywalker. Kenobi confirmed for him that Yoda’s plan was still in the works, and involved an individual with sleeping potential in the Force, greater than even Skywalker himself. Proclaiming his training complete, Kenobi bid the young Jedi farewell, and he returned to his makeshift home in the desert canyons near Mos Espa.
A few years later, Burke could no longer sense Kenobi’s presence anywhere on the planet. When word arrived in town a few months later of the destruction of the Empire’s super weapon, the Death Star, Burke couldn’t help but chuckle. That wily old dog still managed to get one over on them.
Now twenty-six and content in living a simple life, Burke spent his days working as a mechanic for a local junk dealer in Mos Espa named Watto. He had a rough outer shell, but Burke rather liked him, and could that tell the poor Toydarian had lived one of the unluckiest lives imaginable. Many years ago, he was the most successful junk dealer in town, until he lost his best mechanic and slave, along with his life savings, in an ill-advised podrace bet. Though still gruff, Watto’s heart had softened with a large amount of humility in the years following the loss. He paid Burke as best he could, enough for him to make ends meet.
Outside of work and keeping up his Jedi skills in secret, Burke spent his free time at the local cantina. While he normally tried not to associate with the seedy individuals frequenting such an establishment, he kept coming back, mainly for the owner and barkeep, Kana Croft. She was a stunning vision of loveliness, kind and welcoming to boot, and was right about his age. He could sense that she was very infatuated with him from their first meeting. However, Burke knew full well the oath of celibacy inherent in being a Jedi, though if any could bring him to turn away from the oath, it would be her. On many occasions, he had considered doing just that, seeing little reason for him to still hold firm to Jedi principles, but still, for some unknown reason to him, he resisted.
This particular day seemed as uneventful as the last. He had just finished work for the day and walked into Kana’s cantina. She waved him over to his favorite barstool, smiling and running her hand through that gorgeous red hair of hers as she did so.
“The usual, sweetie?”
“Not today, thanks, Kana. Been really hot out there, so just some ice cold water for now,” he replied.
No sooner had she delivered his drink did Burke sense a dangerous presence approaching. Glancing over his shoulder casually, he saw a trio of Stormtroopers entering the cantina. Keeping his mannerisms as casual as possible, he quietly used the Force to listen in on their conversation.
“Who are we after again, Captain?”
“A Jedi. Vader found out that Kenobi was hiding out on this planet, so there’s got to be more. He said he felt the presence of one in this town.”
“Dead or alive?”
“He doesn’t care, and personally, I’m keen to go with whichever option gives us the best chance of surviving. So, dead then.”
Turning back towards the bar, Burke could now see the concern and worry spreading across Kana’s face. Casually signaling her to come close, he whispered to her, “Don’t worry, they’re here for me.”
Trying to keep as straight a face as possible, she replied, “You? What do they want with you?”
Sighing, he sensed that after knowing her for three years Kana could be trusted with his carefully guarded secret. “I’m a Jedi.”
As she silently pondered his revelation, he continued, “I have to get out of this system as fast as possible. I have a ship hidden out in the canyons. Please, I need your help. Do you have a back door I can use?”
Considering her options momentarily, she made her decision. “I’ll do you one better. I’m coming with you.”
Glaring at her with a look of concern, he said, “No way, this isn’t your fight.”
Gently placing her hand on top of his, she leaned even closer. He could smell her sweet perfume wafting from her neck. “I helped two rebel spies escape capture last year,” she revealed. “It’s only a matter of time before they come for me. Please, take me with you.”
Relenting, Burke nodded slightly. He stood up, moving as if he was going to relieve himself. As he approached the back door, he heard Kana say to her coworker, “Take over for me please, I’m going on break.” He then heard her whisper to the worker, “The twin suns are setting.”
Catching up with Burke, Kana explained, “My friend has known for some time I’d need to make an escape at some point. That was my goodbye to her.” Before they exited out the back, she pulled out a DL-44 blaster from a drawer in her office, holstering it at her right side.
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