Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23
Taken aback by her forcefulness, he gazed at his reflection again. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really want to change his appearance much. He could wish to be taller, but that would make everyone suspicious. Nobody in his family was taller than 5'8", plus Melody already said she couldn't provide clothes for him unless it was for protection, which would immediately make all of his pants useless.
Thoughtfully, he responded, "Ok, let's try this. I don't want to change my facial appearance or height at all. Let's have my body be in perfect health and slightly above average physical condition, on the condition that all of my clothes will still fit me just fine. Wait, you can undo any changes we make, right?"
She nodded in confirmation.
"Awesome," he continued. "Additionally, I want my perfect health to remain intact no matter what I may eat or how little I may exercise. As far as outward appearance to others, I don't feel the need to hide these changes, as long as they look realistic and believable enough to anyone who knows what I looked like before. Does all that work?"
Tingle. Flash. "Done."
Immediately, Mike felt the same tingling sensation over his entire body. As he watched the changes to his body in the mirror, his vision suddenly became warped. Afraid he might fall over from the sudden change, Melody instinctively removed his glasses. "Perfect health, remember? That includes eyesight," she said, kissing him on the cheek.
Checking out his new body in the mirror, Mike was impressed. Still the same height and build, his arms, legs, and shoulder were now notably toned with slight muscle definition. His stomach and chest, while not bulging with muscles, were completely flat and lacking any excess flab, feeling quite firm to the touch. Flexing his right arm in front of him, Melody chimed in, "I was able to make your body stronger than it actually appears to be by enhancing the efficiency of your muscles. Some would refer to this as being 'scrappy and wiry' Based on your description, it seemed like a result you'd be pleased with."
He smiled, and channeled his inner James Earl Jones.
"Impressive... most impressive." Seeing the confused look on her face, he replied, "Don't worry, It's just from my favorite movie series ever. I'll show it to you sometime here."
Giggling from behind him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and asked, "Is there anything else you wanted to alter?"
Laughing at himself for what he was about to say, he decided there was no going back now. "Honestly.. I'd really love a bigger cock."
As she kissed him sweetly on the cheek, she replied, "That's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, seriously, how many guys would've made that wish first thing out of the gate?"
Nodding in agreement, he said, "I guess that makes sense. Ok, let's see... I'm currently about an inch wide, maybe 4.75 inches long, right? Let's Increase the girth to just below two Inches wide. For the length, how about five inches when soft, seven inches erect? Would that feel good for you, or would it be too big?"
Her eyes glazed over lustfully, before she snapped back to reality. "Sorry, I was just... ahem... picturing it for a moment. No, those dimensions would be absolutely perfect for me. You ready?"
Glancing down at his best friend in the world, Mike said, "Hold on to your hat, little buddy." He nodded to Melody.
Tingle. Flash.
Mike's eyes immediately widened, examining the high-caliber weapon he was now packing. Gently tilting it in all directions, he could see that his balls had increased proportionally as well. Melody chimed in, "I did take the liberty of shaping it slightly differently as well. The slight upward curve should hit my g-spot perfectly." A wicked grin spread across her face. "When do we get to take a test drive?"
Laughing to himself, he moved to his rack of shirts. "After lunch," he said, slapping her on the ass playfully. After slipping into a black dress shirt and tan khakis, he put on his brown loafers, took Melody's hand, and asked her, "Ready to really go out into the world?"
As she nodded excitedly, the left the apartment, heading to his CR- V. Once in the car, it took quite a few minutes before they were able to drive away. Much like her first meal and her first video game, Melody was excitable and curious about every little button and switch in the entire car. After she had played around enough to satisfy herself, Mike cranked up the engine and they began the drive to his church.
Along the twenty-minute drive to Woodlane United Methodist, Mike began to wonder more about Melody's powers. He asked, "So, I get that most wishes you are able to grant have to be erotic in some way shape or form. You did mention, though, that your powers of protection and privacy have very few limits. What sorts of things are you able to protect us from?"
Virtually anything," she responded. "It doesn't matter if it's a freak accident, a wild animal, or another person attacking us. I have full authorization to use any and all means necessary to protect my master and myself. For example, if the wire holding that traffic signal ahead of us decided to suddenly snap, falling on our car in such a way that would normally kill us, we would certainly survive."
"There are several options available. First, I would likely slow down time as much as am able to upon detecting danger. The most desirable outcome would likely be me grabbing the wheel of the car to swerve into another lane, avoiding the signal altogether. However, if this was not an option, perhaps if there were cars all around us who would be hurt by this action, there might not be an option available to avoid the lights completely. In that scenario, they would hit and damage the car in exactly the way you would expect, except that we would walk away completely unharmed. I would likely add some temporary cuts and bruises to lower suspicion, making it easily plausible that we escaped by good fortune alone."
Mike was awestruck. "Wow. You can affect time?"
Grinning she responded, "To an extent, yes. I can't stop time; no creature that I am aware of is powerful enough to do that. However, I can slow it down drastically, as long as it is for the purposes of love, protection, or privacy."
Thinking for a momerit, he then said, "Ok, how about a more extreme scenario? Let's say we were walking down a sidewalk, when a murder walks up behind us, no warning whatsoever, and stabs me in the back, directly hitting my heart. What would happen then?"
Thinking for a moment, she responded, "First of all, there would certainly be warning in that scenario. I am able to read people's thoughts to some extent, particularly on something they may be acting on in that moment. In addition, my protection powers would allow me to sense that a threat was approaching, resulting in us being able to prepare to fend off the attack, or disappear to a safer location.
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