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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E11

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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E11

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 11

Another fucking phone camera I thought, but the blowing had pushed me to the point of no return. I tensed up then started shaking. My back arched and with a long argh, then sigh I had a very intense orgasm.

"Fucking helll" One of the men said.

How the hell I managed to keep my eyes shut I will never know, but I did. With another satisfied sigh I turned over and curled up into a ball with my back to them. I forgot that my pussy would be staring at them.

"Click! Click! Click!"

"Click! Click! Click!"

"Okay gents, I think that we'd better leave her alone now."

A few seconds later I heard the door shut then Ryan saying,

"TT, they've gone now," and he put his hand on my butt.

I rolled over and pulled him to me. I opened my legs wide and said,

"Fuck me, NOW!"

Afterwards Ryan told me that I'd been brilliant. He'd loved watching me cum and squirt."

"Squirt!" I said, "What do you mean squirt?"

"When you were cumming some white liquid shot out of your pussy.

"You mean I pissed myself?" I said.

"No, no, it was white and it definitely came out of your vagina. It was wide open and convulsing." Ryan said.

I blushed, that had never happened to me before.

"It was nice," Ryan said, "I want to see you do that again."

"I hope that they keep those photographs to themselves." I said, "I'd hate for anyone I know to find them on the internet.

"I'm sure they'll stay on their phones." Ryan said.

I wasn't convinced.

About a week before the others were due back we had a talk about us and the others. We both knew that we'd all promised not to hit on each other and neither of us knew what we should do. In the end we reluctantly agreed that it would be best if we both pretended that we were not an item.

We both hated it and knew that it would be hellish difficult to keep our hands off each other.

We made the most of those last few days hardly ever getting out of bed.

Sophie was the first back. It didn't take her long to comment of how happy I looked, and the fact that I was wearing skirts not trousers. I told her that I'd been away for a couple of weeks, met someone and had a good time.

Sophie was pleased for me. We had a great time talking about what she'd been up to while poor Ryan played on his Xbox for the first time in months.

The next few weeks were difficult for Ryan and me; we did manage to sneak into each other's room a couple of nights and relieved the frustration. The other thing that was difficult for me at first was going to university every day in a short skirt and no knickers. I say at first because was surprised at how quickly got used to it. After about 2 weeks I never even thought about being knickerless. It was only when I caught a man staring at my legs that I checked that my pussy was covered.

University life soon got us back into the routine, but it would have been so much more bearable if I'd had Ryan on my arm and in my bed more often.

We even had a few games of strip poker. Everyone was surprised to see that I wasn't wearing knickers when I had to get naked. Well, not everyone, Ryan obviously wasn't and Sophie said that she suspected that I'd stopped wearing them as she hadn't seen me washing any.

James said that he was pleased that I'd become more relaxed and liberated about being naked.

Harry said that I must be getting fucked on a regular basis.

"If only!" I thought, and looked at Ryan.

The next day I managed a few minutes alone with Ryan and asked him if he was okay with me playing strip poker, losing and having to get naked.

"Of course I am, I want everyone to see my beautiful girlfriend and her gorgeous body. I want them to know how lucky I am." He said.

I quickly kissed him, squeezed his cock through his trousers and whispered,

"I'm coming to get that tonight."

Just before Christmas, after a trip to the pub, we played truth or dare. At my first T or D, James asked me to tell us why I'd started wearing skirts and stopped wearing knickers. Even though I was half pissed I confessed that my boyfriend wanted me to.

The game went on and Sophie, Ryan, James and I ended up naked. At my next T or D Sophie asked me how long I'd been fucking Ryan.

Everything went quiet and I blushed. I looked at Ryan who nodded.

"Since July." I said.

"Well good for you." Harry said.

"How did you know Sophie?" I asked.

"Well I could easily tell that you were getting fucked; it was just a question of who by? Body language gave me my first clue. The way that you and Ryan touched each other as you moved past each other, and the looks that you gave each other. The final clue was when I saw you sneak into his room late one night with no clothes on." Sophie said.

"Sorry guys!" Ryan said; we wanted to tell you but we remembered what we all agreed when we first moved in here. We didn't want to cause any trouble.

Harry then told us that he'd suggested that rule because he wasn't sure what we were all like. If he'd known then what he knew now he wouldn't have mentioned it.

Sophie spoke next,

"Well I for one am happy for them. They make a great couple and I think that we should let them get on with it... On one condition; that they don't keep us awake with headboards banging against the wall and load moaning and screams of pleasure."

"You can fuck each other in front of me anytime you want." James said.

"Is that all agreed?" Harry said.

Three hands went up and both Ryan and I breathed a sigh of relief; and all that was said with the 4 of us stark naked.

That night Ryan slept in my bed, and we managed to keep it quiet.

Early in the New Year we had another game of truth or dare. Before we started Ryan announced that no one was to dare him and me to fuck in front of them. He said that it was okay for someone to dare me to frig myself or fuck myself with a dildo, even a blow-job, but not for us to fuck.

I was a bit shocked by that statement, didn't want to fuck Ryan in front of the others, and I'd never even thought about masturbation or dildos. No one had ever mentioned that before.

The game started and as usual I ended up naked first. Then it came to Ryan's turn to Tor D me, he dared me to make myself cum.

I looked at him wondering why he was doing this to me. The others looked a bit stunned at first. Then Sophie said,

"Yeah TT come on, get those fingers working for us."

Now I've never refused a dare. It's like a bet; a bet is a bet and it has to be honoured. The first person to refuse a dare would spoil the game for everyone so I slowly spread my legs and moved my hand to my pussy.

I was amazed at how wet I was.

Looking at Ryarı, my fingers started rubbing. Ryan was grinning, he was enjoying it. He really did get pleasure out of me being embarrassed. I have to admit, although I get embarrassed as hell, and scared, my body does enjoy these 'experiences'.

I rubbed and rubbed and found that little spot that really gets me going. As I started to feel myself getting close, I looked up and saw 4 faces staring at me. I'm sure that I blushed, but seeing them watching me masturbate made my orgasm come quicker. I didn't hold back on the noise either. think that remember shouting for someone to fuck me.

After I peaked and started coming down I looked at the others; and really did blush. I was so embarrassed about what I had just done. I remember squeezing my legs together as if that would make it all go away.

Everyone was congratulating me. I looked at Ryan. The look of pleasure on his face was amazing.

Sophie leaned over to me, kissed my cheek and whispered,

"Well done babe, that was brilliant."

Have you ever felt proud and total embarrassed at the same time? I was confused.

After that, all of us got dared to masturbate. I really did enjoy watching the boys warnk. When it came to Sophie's turn she really went for it. Her legs were wide open and her right hand was rubbing her clit furiously. Her left hand went from pulling her nipples to finger fucking herself - with 3 fingers. When she came she must have woken the neighbours. I was quite impressed, so were the boys. The ends of their cocks were covered in pre-cum. Harry had been the first to wank, and he did it again while watching Sophie,

I love the way the boys cum goes flying across the room.

Ryan was spending every night in my bed, and he got back into the habit of waking me up each morning by playing with my pussy, or if I was sleeping with my back to him he would cuddle-up and start fucking me from behind.

He also started pushing the remote vibrator into me (switched off) some mornings before we left to go to lectures. He wanted me to keep it in all day as a reminder of his cock being there. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon got used to it and almost forgot it was there.

About a week later I was in the restaurant with some friends when the vibe suddenly burst into life. After the initial surprise, which caused one of my friends to ask be if was all right, I looked round for Ryan. I couldn't see him anywhere. The vibe was on low so I knew that I could take it for a while.

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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E10

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