Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15
The girls wandered the mall, window shopping for something that caught their interests. Elsie attempted to catch the eyes of any cute boys she saw, but Brie mostly kept her head down, still a little nervous about anybody who might recognize her from school.
At last, Elsie zeroed in on a store that catered to her tastes. "Ooh, Justine's Place! Lets go in here. It's always super-cute and super- cheap, too. She grabbed Brie's hand and pulled her inside.
"Aren't we getting a little old for this store?" Brie thought they had some nice designs, but felt a bit like she was growing out of the style.
"Oh hush, I can still rock it!" Elsie defended. Brie felt a little less out-in-the-open once she was in the store, and so admitted to herself that she didn't really mind, after all. Inside, they appeared to be the only ones shopping. A single cashier, an older boy, worked the main counter.
They both poked around the racks, while Elsie piled some things up across one arm. "Ooh, don't you think this is cute? I wonder if this is in my size. Do you think could pull this off?" For penniless Brie, this was to be only an aspirational exercise.
"C'mon, help me try these on now," Elsie said, heading for the dressing room:
The cashier boy approached her, "Ready to try those on?"
"Yeah, looks like I've got..." she counted the pile on her arm, "seven things."
"Okay, just put this tag on the outside of your door before you go in." He handed her the plastic number and wandered away as Elsie stepped in.
She turned and, with a sly smirk, flicked her head at Brie in the direction of open dressing room. "Come help me try these on!" she whispered. Brie grinned, looked around quickly and then dashed into the cubicle with her friend.
"You know they can see our feet, right?"
"Ah, they're not gonna care, anyway. Besides, it's not like I'm bringing a boy in here." Elsie hung up her choices and put them in the order she wanted to try them on.
Up first was a red and black plaid. flared minidress. She flipped her Up first was a red and black plaid, flared minidress. She flipped her sundress over her head as Brie took a seat on the small bench. That Elsie was topless in front of her was nothing new to Brie. They had been close friends for a long time and, between baths, swimming excursions, sleepovers, and shopping adventures like these, they had seen each other in various states of undress their entire lives.
Elsie lifted the hanger out of the minidress and pulled it over her head. She smoothed the garment down over her body and looked at herself it in the mirror. "Hmm, what do you think?" she questioned thoughtfully.
"I think it looks nice. But you look kind of like a goth in it"
"Yeah... you're right. It is black and red, I guess."
"I bet it would look better with red tights instead of black."
Elsie cocked her head to the side, considering it. "I'd look like a peony!" she announced. Brie burst into laughter, which caused Elsie to follow suit. "Red tights are too much like midnight mass on Christmas!"
Brie conceded, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Hmm, what about no tights?" she offered, "What does it look like like that?"
Elsie nodded. "Good call." With that, she kicked off her sneakers, reached up under the dress, and pulled her tights down her legs. She stepped out of them and again smoothed down the fabric.
"That's better... buuut... I've decided I don't love it." Brie nodded in quiet agreement.
Elsie pulled the dress off and, now in just her panties, hung it back on the rack. "Nice underpants," Brie teased. Elsie glanced down at them. They were geometrically-themed boyshorts in a clashing teal and yellow color scheme. Brie legitimately thought they seemed very trendy.
Elsie looked up at her friend and grinned. "You haven't seen these before?"
"Not those. Not yet."
"Hm, I guess got them last week, probably."
Brie rolled her eyes. Ugh, you're always getting new clothes! I pretty much only get them when back-to-school comes around. And then my parents complain about how much money they have to spend."
"Oh my god, Brie!" Elsie spoke loudly, "Speaking of your parents, I totally saw your mom naked today!" Suddenly they heard a nearby dressing room door open, which startled them. The two girls froze and watched through the gap at the bottom of their cubicle door as two pairs of feet stepped by. They heard a cough from the cashier boy who had stationed himself close by. He asked apprehensively, "Do, uh, you need me to find another size for you?"
An older woman replied, "No thanks, I think my daughter and I have seen-and heard-enough here."
"Okay," he cleared his throat, "Have a nice day."
Brie reached out and covered her friend's mouth. "Honestly, Elsie, you're always so loud! That family and that boy probably heard you."
"Sorry!" Elsie whispered through Brie's fingers. She caught a familiar scent on them from earlier in the morning, a scent that matched Brie's bedsheets, but she was too distracted by her story to give it further thought. She grabbed a tee-shirt from they try-on pile. There was an artistic blue pattern screen-printed on it and overtop was a message that said, "Every day is an adventure." Her tone turned instantly conversational again, albeit more hushed than before, "But I saw her!"
"So what? I see my mom like that all the time. I'm sure it was an accident."
"It was an accident! At first. I mean, I didn't mean to catch her dressing. But then she turned to me and just started talking to me. She didn't even care that she was naked!"
Brie wasn't entirely sure what to say, but her head began to swim lightly at the thought. She did think her mother was acting a little strange lately, ever since she got out of the hospital when she helped her masturbate for the first time after the doctor's diagnosis. "Well, okay, so you've seen my mom's vag now. Welcome to the club."
Elsie pulled on a blue-patterned ruffled mini-skirt that seemed to be designed to match the top perfectly. "I didn't just see it, she practically showed it off to me. Oh shit," she spat. "I've got the wrong size; it's too big. Let me go get a different one." She bunched up the loose skirt into her hand and pulled it tight around her waist. As she reached for the door, she said, "But I will give her credit. It wasn't bad. It was...pert."
Brie guffawed, "What?"
"It was pert!" Elsie chuckled, "Your mom has a pert pussy!"
She pulled open the dressing room door and took a step forward, but stopped short and squeaked. There was the cashier, standing conspicuously close, but notably where they couldn't have seen him under the door gap. He flushed deeply and cleared his throat, looking nervously around the hallway, "Uh, is there another size I can get you?"
Elsie glared at him and shut the door, "No."
"Oh-oh-okay, just let me know if you need anything," he stammered. They heard him walk quickly off.
Elsie frowned at her friend, "The sneak! I think he was eavesdropping on us!" Brie felt her cheeks flush. He had probably overheard about her mom's strange behavior. She silently despaired at what was her life coming to. Elsie bent over and peaked under the door. "Okay, I think he's gone. I'll be right back." She gripped the too-big skirt around her waste and headed out the door.
While Brie walted, she gazed at the remaining clothing her friend had yet to try on. One was an overly long, military-green shirt with a single button at the top. She liked it and she knew that she and Elsie were similar sizes, though her friend was slightly smaller than her. She decided that even though she couldn't afford it on her own, she wanted to see how she looked in the shirt. She was attempting to distract herself from her thoughts. Thoughts about her mother's strange interaction with her friend. Was it really true? Why did she do it? Was it a misunderstanding? Either way, Elsie didn't seen to mind. And there was something about it that Brie was desperate to normalize.
She stripped off her top and momentarily the cool air of the shop caressed her naked torso. A shiver raced through her as her nipples stood at attention. Her skin began to shine with a faint glimmer of sweat and her vagina suddenly felt a little bit dewy. She thought that she'd soon have to take a personal break, to take care of herself, per the doctor's orders. She wasn't sure where she could do that at the mall, so she put it out of her mind, trying to ignore the buzzing in her head. It would have to wait for home. She put on the shirt, pulling it over her breasts, down her waist, and just over her hips. It really was quite a long shirt, she realized, but it was tight. It clung to her moistened skin and even with her slight frame, it was a bit of a struggle.
The door swung opened suddenly, startling the poor girl. "I'm back, bitch!" Elsie shouted in her patently loud way. In one hand she had a new skirt and with the other, she loosened her grip on the bunched-up over-sized garment she was currently trying on. She shimmied her hips and, as it drifted off her waist and down to the ground, she looked Brie up and down in the new shirt. "Nice! That's looking pretty good!"
"I think it's a little small."
"Well, let's see the real deal, first!"
"What do you mean?" Brie frowned.
"The way it's supposed to look!" Elsie said matter-of-factly. "Take off your pants."
"What? Why?"
"It's a shirt-dress, you idiot. You're not supposed to wear pants with it."
"Oh! I knew that," Brie lied through the fog that was quickly collecting in her head.
"Honestly, you'd be a fashion nightmare without me, Brie. Those sweats are bad enough." Brie shot out her tongue and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pants and dropped them over her hips and down to the floor. She tugged at the hem of the shirtdress to make sure it covered her. The cool, processed air of the store battled against the rapidly building heat of her exposed cunt.
"Not bad, not bad," Elsie observed thoughtfully. "How's it feel?"
Brie wrinkled her nose and shifted around. "Still tight." She turned slowly, and stiffly, like an exaggerated robot. When she was facing away from her friend, she breathed deeply and declared, "I don't think it will even keep my bottom covered. Check it out." She bent suddenly over, and the hem of the dress flipped up over her round, bare cheeks, exposing herself to her friend.
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