Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23
"It's a bit warm in here don't you think?" she asked, pulling the U neck of her dress out from her chest.
"It is," I said, removing my jacket.
Just then, a young lady poked her head through the door and said, "Ms. Liebert, your lunches are in the conference room."
The meals were laid out on opposite sides of the conference table with wine already poured, it looked like a fine restaurant place setting. As we ate, she slid a packet of paper across the table to me.
"I wanted you to see the package have prepared for your new role. Your title will be Director of Global Accounts. The base salary will be $685,000 dollars and based upon the projections for LVMH, if it all goes well you could hit bonuses and incentives of up $4.6 million in year one. In twelve months, you will be eligible for a Senior Director position and which brings a 20% increase. Does this sound acceptable Ms. Carmichael?"
My heart was beating a hundred beats a minute. I wanted to play it cool though, so I picked up the paper and pretended to study it. After a moment, I looked up and her whole face was lit up with a smile. Her blue eyes drew my gaze.
"It certainly is a generous offer. Give me a few moments." I said, looking back at it.
"Take your time. I am going to eat. I am famished." she said, digging in.
I did read over the proposal and was in awe of what was happening. I thought, I should negotiate something, but there were perks like access to private jets and limo service. I really couldn't bring myself to ask for more.
"Cynthia... Thank you," said, looking at her earnestly. "My head tells me I should negotiate something more, but honestly... This offer is mind boggling and more than generous. Thank you. I accept, and I promise I will give you my all. You won't regret this."
"I know I won't. How bout this? I will throw in lunch. Please eat!" she said, pointing at my plate.
I was ravenous and had to constrain myself from wolfing it down. After the meal she began to speak, and once again my heart pounded.
"Alecia, I know won't regret the promotion, but there is something else I would like to discuss, and I hope I won't regret this decision either." she said in a calm and deliberate tone that contradicted her body as she shuffled in her seat and looked at me nervously."
I perked up and sat up straight, "OK what is it?" I asked nervously.
She took a deep breath, "I can't stop thinking about that kiss...'
"Oh damn, I'm so sorry, Pl..."
"No, no, no, please listen to me for a minute." she interrupted and paused for a long, uncomfortable moment. 'I liked it, I wanted it. and it scared me how much it affected me."
I leaned back in my chair and felt a tingling sensation through my whole body. I began to tremble and wanted to speak but words escaped me.
"If you would please let me get this out, I need to get this off my chest," she said, taking another deep breath causing her breasts to push against the powder blue dress. 'I have never been attracted to a woman in this way..." I popped my eyes wide and shook my head indicating it was mutual, and she smiled in relief. "Friday in the Hampton's shook me to my foundation. My behavior in the hot tub was completely out of character."
"Mr. Happy!" said excitedly. "Mmmmm."
"And last night, that kiss... Nothing like that ever happened to me before
"I know, I'm still in awe, I said softly, lost in thought.
I want her so bad... But you could ruin everything! I told myself. You have to stop this; it can't end well...
"There are so many reasons not to pursue this, but just can't stop thinking about you." She paused. "There is only one way this could happen, and it is a risk. I have to protect myself and the company, being your superior. We have a mutual consent to a personal relationship form that protects the company and us in the event the relationship ends."
My mind latched onto that thought and I began to nod.
"You need to be sure Leasie. Once we sign it HR will know, and eyes will be on us." she said, looking longingly at me.
When she called me Leasie, my heart fluttered like a love sick teen. Her eyes obliterated any shred of common sense that remained.
I want to, yes! Let's do it, please!" I said, with way too much excitement.
I was panting and biting my lip as my wetness grew. I held out my hand and showed her how I was trembling. She did the same.
"Are you sure Ms. Carmichael? nodded. "Have you ever made love to a woman before?" I shook my head. "Neither have I, so we want to explore things together?" The heat between my legs was like nothing I could recall. I nodded emphatically. "I can have the form here in 5 minutes, do you want me to make the call? she said, looking at me hungrily.
"Yes!" was all I could get out. My panties clung to my wetness.
I wanted to peel that dress off her and take her on the conference table, but the conference room walls were clear glass on the upper half, giving full view to everyone outside. She dialed the conference speaker phone. "Madelaine speaking."
"Hello, Madelaine, this is Cynthia, I am going to need a personal relationship mutual consent form brought to the main conference room, right away. Please have if filled out with my name and Ms. Carmichael's please," she said, without breaking eye contact.
I swallowed, my mouth dry with excitement. A few moments later Madelaine arrived with the documents. She entered, sat next to me and placed the documents on the table. Then she pushed a button on a control panel in the table and the blinds went down, blocking any view in or out.
Madelaine broke the ice, "Hello Alecia, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let me start by saying you are in France, the country of romance. These situations are embraced here without the judgement it seems to carry in The United States.
Congratulations on finding love. It is a special thing when it happens.' I wanted to jump in when she said love, but kept quiet. 'First, I want you to look me in the eye."
I did as she asked. "Now, Alecia, are you signing this of your own free will without pressure or influence, or fear for your job?"
"Yes, no pressure at all, I replied honestly.
She looked at Cynthia. 'Same question Cynthia, are you signing this without duress of any kind?"
"Yes, I am," she said, as her foot touched my right shin and slowly caressed her way up toward my inner thigh.
I nearly jumped out of my seat and was happy to see Madelaine was looking at Cynthia and did not seem to notice. As she continued, I mindlessly spread my legs, giving her access.
Madelaine slid a copy to each of us, "Read these over, initial each page and sign at the end."
As I began to read the first page her foot pressed against my wetness causing me to moan slightly.
"Uh, Mmm," sighed trying to make it sound like I was agreeing. I nodded for effect and initialed the first page, flipping to next as she pressed more firmly, I nearly spread wide enough to hit Madelaine under the table.
Cynthia began to apply full pressure to my soaked pussy forcing the side of her foot between my labia. I took a quick deep breath through my nose and looked intently at the page, pressing myself against her firm warm foot, wanting her inside me. I initialed the next page and took a quick look with a forced smile toward Madelaine.
"I did not recall Paris being so humid," said Cynthia casually, wiggling the side of her foot as she moved it up and down, causing my labia to saddle the side of her foot through the panties. "It's flat out sticky in here," she grinned.
"Yes, it is," I blurted and gasped in a quick breath. I initialed the next page and signed at the bottom of the last page. "Th-this all seeeems she slid down and began to wiggle her toes working them in, through my panties, "straight forward so far" I said, trying to sound normal and wanting her to make me cum at the same time.
I signed and slid it quickly to Madelaine. "There you go." said, as I gripped my chair and pushed myself against Cynthia's toes.
"Great, now you need to switch out so we have two signed copies."
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