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The Love Shared - S01 E39

Story 1 month ago

The Love Shared - S01 E39

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 39

"Sorry Doc, I didn't mean for it to come out like that." she told me as Mom shook her head in disbelief.

I decided that I had better play along, "What, you're seeing someone Mom?" I asked. Her panicked eyes shot to me, she didn't want to have a conversation like this with me around, that was how secrets slipped.

"Are you kidding me kid?" Aunt Layla asked me, "This guy has been making your Mom smile! Making her feel good about herself. Given her some life again! Don't worry about her cheating on your Dad because your Dad fucked almost everything that ever moved behind your Mom's back, whoever your Mom's stud is though deserves a fucking medal! I haven't seen her this happy in years." she exclaimed.

I wanted to smile but I couldn't, it would give the game away. I knew my Mom was blushing but it was hard to look at her for too long without my Aunt catching on.

Luckily we were saved from further awkwardness by the sound of the front door opening.

"Did somebody escape from the nut-house again? There's blue flashing lights and traffic jams everywhere!" we heard Bobble call.

I knew that she was old enough to take bad news in a mature way, but her reply will go to my grave with me. After Mom had told her the news, she looked at Mom and then at me with a solemn expression on her face. Aunt Layla had gotten up and passed her on the way to the toilet. Once the door had clicked shut, Bobbie jumped into my arms and simply said "Perfect"

We were all in the lounge together, Bobbie was putting on quite the performance with being upset. I was certain that at some point the very real realisation was going to hit her and she would have to deal with the loss, but it wasn't going to be tonight.

"Mommy can I sleep in with you tonight?" she asked, "I don't want to be alone." she added with a sneaky smile aimed in my direction. As Aunt Layla finished the bottle of wine and put the empty down on the floor she almost slipped off the couch. "Sure honey." Mom replied.

"I guess Doc can have the couch then, our Aunt told us both, "Because Doc has the only other available double bed"

'I'm sure Doc would be fine with that," Mom said, "Or he can have Bobbie's bed." she suggested.

It was a conversation that failed to hold my interest, I wasn't going to be in my real bed tonight and because of that I didn't care where I slept. My real bed being Mom's of course. I picked up the empty wine bottle and took it out to the kitchen, once there I whipped out my phone and sent a text to Faye.

"Hey, hope you're doing okay. If you need anything I'll be right over." I hit the send button and opened the refrigerator. I gazed into it with no hunger or thirst. I didn't understand why I even opened it to begin with.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I read Faye's reply, "I'm fine, hope you are too! Come over tomorrow, Mom needs me right now.

Well that was something, I thought to myself. Her father drives into

a tree and dies, and she's just fine. I started to think about what

would have happened if our Fathers had made the journey safely,

they would have pulled up at Fayes and continued their plan.

Something somewhere in the back of my mind thought that it was lucky break for Faye, and of course when they were done with her they were going to be doing the same to Bobbie. Karma isn't a thing I've ever believed in, but tonight it seemed to strike first.

'Bobbie and I are going up," I heard the hushed voice of my Mother behind me. I turned around to see her learning against the door frame, "Needless to say there worn't be any school tomorrow." she said with a faint smile.

Her cleavage called to me from the low cut top, I moved towards her and slipped my forefinger down the front of her jeans and pulled her closer to me. Our lips met for a moment as our hips collided. We tried to cancel out any noise that would alert Layla, it was hard to kiss the woman you love without the sound of lips smacking together.

"I want you to cuddle up with tonight." she whispered. I smiled and lightly kissed her neck, "Bobbie will keep you company." I whispered back to her. I continued to lightly pepper her neck with kisses as she brought her hand up to the back of my head.

"She text me today, she got her period halfway though an exam." she replied. I raised my eyebrows and met her gaze, "Well that sucks for you." replied. We kissed again as she backed away, "Til text you if I get hungry in the night." she said smiling like a devil.

I saw Bobbie follow her up the stairs as I walked back into the lounge to join my Aunt, she was laid out across the couch so I tapped her on the leg and she raised them both allowing me to sit down. She then dropped her legs across mine and ran her hands through her hair.

'So you really didn't know about this mystery man that your Mom has been seeing?" she asked.

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The Love Shared - S01 E38

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The Love Shared - S01 E40

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