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What A Deal - S01 E09

Story 1 month ago

What A Deal - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9

Cindy was looking at her closely. She pointed to her own mouth. "You have some cum over on the side of your mouth."

"Where?" Diane licked around her lips.

Cindy stared at her friend and slowly leaned toward her. I don't think Diane or I were sure she was going to do it until the last second. Cindy just leaned closer and closer while the two women stared at each other. Finally, Cindy's lips met Diane's off to the right side and Cindy licked Diane's upper lip where there was some cum on it. They hesitated as she did that and stayed like that, with just their lips touching. They stared... and stared... and then Cindy moved her mouth over Diane's more directly and edged her tongue out a little. Diane opened her mouth and they went into a light exploratory kiss. It only lasted about 10 seconds, but I was enthralled with it. When they pulled back, Cindy was still starting at Diane.

Cindy finally said one word. "Wow!"

Diane actually appeared to blush a little. "Yeah, it was kind of nice. Strange, but nice."

Cindy looked at her friend. "Your mouth was so soft. The kiss was so tender. It was very different."

Diane looked away. "Yeah."

Cindy put her chin under Diane's face. "Hey, It's okay between us, right? didn't mean to freak you out."

Diane finally looked up at Cindy. "No... I mean... well, I wasn't freaked out... well... maybe a little... but I kind of liked it. Is that okay?"

Cindy smiled. She leaned over and hugged Diane and then sat back. I could feel the tension between the two. "It's okay. You are my best friend and have been for years. I don't want to lose that for any reason. If that made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I guess I just got caught up in the moment, the three of us naked, in bed, our first group fuck just completed. I...."

Diane put her hand out and up to Cindy's mouth to stop her. "Please don't apologize. I think... well, I mean. I wanted to kiss you, too. Is that weird?"

Cindy smiled and relaxed. "No, it's not weird. I've never kissed a woman before, either. I liked it with you though. Okay?"

Diane smiled. "Okay." She looked at the clock on the nightstand. "I think I'd better get going. It's after 11 and I have to go to work tomorrow. No telling how the margaritas are going to feel."

We all laughed and Diane got up, got dressed and left. Cindy and I got ready for bed and I didn't mention the kiss until Cindy brought it up when the lights were out.

"Honey, what did you think about me kissing Diane?"

"I was a little shocked. You had never mentioned anything like that."

I could feel Cindy moving closer to me. She put her arm across my chest and snuggled up to me. "I've see porn scenes like that, but I guess I never really believed that I would do that until tonight. Then the mood, my best friend, the sexual tension, it all led me to kissing Diane."

"Having second thoughts about it?"

Cindy chuckled. "Well, not like you mean. I don't regret it at all. In fact, what would you say if I said I'd like to have sex with Diane?"

I had to admit that I had been thinking about her comment and actions, but it was still a shock to hear her say that. "I think I would say that it's okay. If you want to pursue this, I'm okay with it."

She leaned up and kissed me lightly. "Thanks." She put her head back down. "Should we set some rules first?"

"What kind of rules?"

"Well, if we are going to have sex with other people should we make a rule that it has to be only when the other person is present or has given permission or something like that?"

"You've been thinking about this, haven't you?"

"Yes, ever since she left, I've been thinking about it, but I don't want to do anything that will upset our marriage. I love you and we have a wonderful life of over 20 years together. I want nothing to come between us."

"Well... I think that's a good rule then. I would not have had sex with Diane at all if you had not told me to. If we decide to have sex with someone other than each other, we have to discuss with the other and get permission. Is it just Diane and the sex we had, or have you thought about women sexually before?"

"I really had never thought about it. I didn't think it was good or bad. It just was not in my mind. I was always happy with men. I don't understand it."

I smiled at her and pulled her close. I kissed her on the forehead and she put her head on my chest. I could feel that between the alcohol and the sex that she was completely spent. She had no energy left. "It's late. Let's get some sleep and we can talk more tomorrow, okay?"

"Hmmm." She was asleep almost instantly.

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What A Deal - S01 E08

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What A Deal - S01 E10

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