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Curious Siblings - S01 E03

Story 1 month ago

Curious Siblings - S01 E03

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

After a while of playing with them I was eager to examine her pussy again. I carefully slipped my finger under her waistband and even more carefully then with her bra, began to lower her panties. until I had an unobstructed view of her young sex. I couldn't help myself. I ran my hand slowly over her mound, feeling her soft. pubes on my palm. As far as I was concerned, that was her pussy.

Little did I know what I was about to discover. As I looked closer | noticed her small slit and pink little lips tucked in between her legs. With my index finger I touched her clit. Just barely applying any pressure. I rubbed that for a little while then decided I would explore lower. I used my middle finger this time and ran it down her tight pussy until I froze. It felt wet. Soaking in fact. I pulled my finger up and noticed a stringy substance on the tip of my finger. Not grossed out in the slightest I stuck it back between her legs and felt around her young hole. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I did small circles with my fingers around her cunt until I noticed she started to breath a little heavier. Panicking that she would wake up i quickly stopped and laid back down pretending I was asleep. She rolled over and I didn't even get a chance to pull her panties back up. There was no way I would be able too the way she was laying so i decided to just leave it hoping she wouldn't notice anything in the morning.

I threw the sheet back over us and brought my finger to my face to smell and taste the wet substance on it. I stuck my finger in my mouth first and was pleasantly surprised with how good it tasted. Sweet mainly, with the tinlest bit of bitterness at the end. It smelled amazing to me too. Again, something I couldn't even describe. Completely new to me. I fell asleep with my finger by my nose, not being able to get enough of it as I drifted away into sleep.

Morning came and to my surprise I woke up in an empty bed. My sister nowhere to be seen, I got up and like always, noticed my hard cock pushing through my briefs. I needed to pee. Still half asleep I stumbled into the bathroom with my cock already out ready to pee when I noticed my sister sitting on the toilet peeing.

"WHOA, sorry, didn't see you there!" I said.

"Haha you're a dork" She playfully responded as I turned around bright red with embarrassment.

She came out of the bathroom shortly after and let me know that it was all mine. With my head down, still embarrassed and both hands hiding my boner I passed by her and into the bathroom. I released a loud sigh as I began to pee and the surprises wouldn't end there. Just as I finished peeing I noticed a long stringy substance hanging from my pee hole. It clearly wasn't pee but what was it? It reminded me of the substance I had discovered on my sisters pussy the night before. I pressed my finger to it and naturally tasted it again to see what it was. Salty. A very different taste than the one on my sister. I was excited about it nonetheless.

I figured it had something to do with my excitement but this was before the internet and I had no dad really so I had no real way of finding out more. I raised my briefs back up and got out of the bathroom. My sister was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

She was wearing small athletic shorts and a white t shirt. At this point she could have been wearing anything and I'd find it appealing.

I did my best to act normal as we had breakfast and had our usual small talk. I was a bit nervous she would bring something up about last night but she never did, just talked about how scary the movie was. Morm was gone all day, she worked sometimes 12 hours a day. We were used to it already and spent most of the day lounging around. We watched some Tv and talked the majority of the day. As it got late, mom would be home in a couple of hours and things began to get interesting again.

"Hey, don't be weird but I want to ask you something' my sister sald

My heart sunk, sure she was awake last night and was going to question me about it.

"Sure whats up" I played it cool.

"Why was your...erm..your thingy sticking up this morning in the bathroom She asked nervously

I breathed out thanking god it wasn't about last night and pondered on my answer.

"haha you noticed that" I nervously responded "it does that when i need to pee in the morning"

"Really??" She responded, seeming unconvinced by my answer

"Yeah, I think so' I said

Well it sure does get big when you need to pee"

Feeling proud hearing that but not wanting to seen it I responded "Yeah it gets a little bigger"

"A little?" She again responded with the same tone as before.

"I noticed when we showered the other day it was a lot smaller when you first took your briefs off, then when I glanced down in the shower, it was sticking up again....much bigger

I couldn't believe she had actually noticed it, and as I was hearing her say it I could feel my cock begin to tingle in my briefs.

"Yeah, I guess I'm going through some changes.. and so have you! Don't think I didn't notice your huge tits in the shower too

She blushed immediately: "Michaell, they are so not huge, how embarrassing' She exclaimed

"Well they are huge to me.. they are the only ones I've ever seen in fact I responded

"Aww, well thanks big bro.. moms are a lot bigger and I see hers all the time so I don't feel like they are big"

"Well I don't think my dick is very big either, but I don't have anyone to compare myself too'

"Are you kidding me?" she responded 'I think its huge, I couldn't believe how big it was in the shower... She bit her lower lip a bit as the words escaped her mouth.

The conversation had me so excited now that my cock was bulging through my shorts, I hadn't even noticed it until my sister said:

"Bro, by the looks of it, I think you need to pee again!"

I glanced down and noticed just how obvious it was sticking straight up building a teepee in my shorts.

I umm...uhh..uhh... don't even have to pee actually. Im not sure why its hard

"Does it hurt? She asked

"A little when it presses against my shorts" I responded

"Well.. why don't you just let it out then?" She asked as if it was nothing

"Umm... really? Do you want to see it again or are you just being nice?" I asked

"Well.. id be lying if i didn't say both. I don't want you to be in pain but im also curious about looking at it again.."

"Hmm..okay, but only if you take off your clothes too' I responded "Im curious too

"Ok" she said without hesitation "You first though"

'Fine' I responded and took off my shirt first, then my shorts and lastly I dropped my briefs to my ankles..my cock sprung up to my waistband immediately. I looked up at my sister and she was glued to my cock. Her face looked like mine did when I first saw her come into the shower.

"Okay, your turn" I said

She nodded, took off her shirt and undid her bra, once more giving me the view I had been thinking about non stop for 24 hours, then dropped her shorts and remained in her underwear. She was wearing the same cotton white panties she had on the day before.

"There" She exclaimed

"No way" I said "You need to take your panties off too

She looked away from me, clearly shy. Seeming very unsure about it.

"Whats wrong? asked "You showed me in the shower yesterday'

"yeah but umm.. well don't know how to explain in but.. yesterday in the shower I wasn't wet she responded

"Wet? What do you mean you weren't wet?" I asked "Of course you were in the shower"

"Not what I mean..." she responded "For some reason yesterday when I saw your hard dick it made me curious, and after my shower when I put on clothes I noticed my pussy was slimy.. and wet. In fact last night when you were pressing against me I could feel my pussy dampen again... and it feels wet again now.."

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Curious Siblings - S01 E02

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Curious Siblings - S01 E04

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