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The Love Of Money - S01 E257

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The Love Of Money - S01 E257

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 257

God, she was beautiful, with her smooth complexion, almond eyes, and slightly plump lips that always seemed to have a smile. Her face was still marred by bruising, and her bottom lip was healing from a split. They were reminders of what those assholes in Vegas had done to her, and my anger toward Amber flared again. The only thing that tempered it was the concern I had for my relationship with my sister and Natashya.

"Are we okay?"

Natashya's expression melted into one of pity. "Oh, Marcus. I was going to make you squirm, but I cannot when you look at me like that."

"So, you're not mad?"

The dancer shook her head, "No. Maybe I should be, but you have been too good to me and have become too dear, but you know why she is, right?" She asked.

I knew. My relationship with Bobbi must have triggered Emily after what happened with Natashya, and I couldn't blame her. The moment she'd walked out of the room this morning, I'd considered throwing Bobbi out. The last thing I wanted was to cause a rift between me and my sister because of Bobbi fucking Nanford. If I had to choose between the submissive that made my life hell and Emily, I'd choose my sister every time. Hell, I would have chosen Natashya over my former coworker without hesitation.

At least... if I believed they had a good reason to be that mad at me, I would have.

However, I'd done a lot of thinking in the last few hours since my conversation with Emily. My relationship with Bobbi didn't mirror what had happened to Natashya in Vegas. For one, I'd tried to make Bobbi leave, and she'd practically assaulted me for it. Since then, she'd balked at my commands and even pushed back at times, but she willingly submitted to me at the end of the day. She wanted to be here.

Maybe it was because she had nothing else. Perhaps it was because she liked the comfortable life I could afford her, but the fact of the matter was, she wanted to be in this fucked-up situation.

And, truth be told, I wanted her to be here. She was smoking hot, she could suck a mean dick, and I really enjoyed her fire. Training her with Helen had been a nice bonding experience between the three of us, and I felt like we shared something the rest of us didn't quite have because of those experiences.

I didn't love Bobbi. I didn't even like her. If there had been a legitimate reason to get rid of her to preserve my relationship with my sister and Natashya, I would have done it.

There wasn't.

"Yeah," I said. "But it's not the same thing. We've had rough patches, and it may not always seem like it, but Bobbi wants to be here. What's more, I think she likes it in some perverse way."

Natashya studied me for a long moment and said, "I would like to meet her and judge for myself."

"I can get her for you if you want." The thought of making Bobbl crawl in here on all fours and demonstrate her willingness to do what I told her was a turn-on, and I could feel my cock stir at the scenario playing out in my head.

The dancer smiled and snorted, "Give me some time. I am still.... recovering."

"Yeah. Of course," said, kicking myself for not being more sensitive about the fact that the events in Nevada had only happened less than a week ago and were likely still fresh.

"I'll stay with Emily," Natashya sald, "and try to talk some sense into her."

"I'm going to miss you," I said.

She gave me another soft smile, "Oh, Marcus... I won't be far, and I can be very persuasive. It won't take me long to bring her around."

I simply shoved my hands in my pockets and nodded.

"I want you again," she said, her rich brown eyes shining as she bit her lip, gazing up and down at me. "And I do not like these..... complications."

I knew what she meant. I missed holding that beautiful dancer's body against me the intense rough sex.... kissing her... tugging on her hair as | fucked her from behind. Natashya was a goddess; honestly, I couldn't blame my sister for falling prey to her advances.

"Yeah," I said. "I miss you too. It's a little weird, though, with my sister, and I don't want to do anything with you without Emily knowing. Especially with everything that happened this morning."

Emily also finds it strange, but it doesn't have to be," she said, approaching me until she stopped inches away, her left shoulder almost brushing my right as she looked up at me.

"What are you guys to each other?" I asked.

She reached up with one hand and caressed her fingertips along my cheek. "Like us just friends. She wants more."

"What did you tell her?" I said, pressing my cheek into her hand. I shivered as I felt her thumb slide along my jaw.

"The same thing I told you," she sighed. "I am not a good girlfriend."

"What makes you say that?"

Her eyes were full of sadness as she said, "I have disappointed everyone I've been with, I am selfish. I do not always enjoy the antique shopping or the long walks on the beach. I do not like dates.

"You hate romance?"

"Only outside the bedroom," she said.

That made sense. I recalled some really intense moments with her that almost felt romantic, but outside of that, she'd been more like a pal than a lover, I could see how Emily would have an issue with that-my sister was a hell of a romantic. It was one of the reasons the loss of her fiance hit her so hard.

I nodded, understanding Natashya's frustration with our situation. There were obviously intense feelings between the three of us, and the nature of my and Emily's relationship only added to the complexity. Siblings didn't share a lover. Despite that, I found my lips creeping closer to Natashya's, drawn by the way her tongue darted out to lick them and her perfumed scent's earthy, spicy smell.

She pressed a finger to my lips and whispered, "Not yet. I just need a little more time."

I nodded and straightened; as I did, she gently kissed my cheek.

"We'll be back," she said.

And then she was gone.

I looked around the room, staring at the artifacts left behind by its I looked around the room, staring at the artifacts left behind by its occupants and feeling melancholy about the whole situation. Emily's remaining belongings gave me hope that they would retum, but as I left the room, the loss of their proximity began to dim that small hope.

To Be Continued...

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The Love Of Money - S01 E256

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