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My Life - S01 E66

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My Life - S01 E66

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 66

30 years later.

My senior year went by without incident. I rarely dated, I didn't see the point. Mom encouraged me to, she wanted me to live a normal life, and maybe meet someone that I could see a future with. But I was too young to worry about that. Lacy was relieved that I wasn't interested in meeting anyone, she never said it, but I know she looked at me as more than just her brother, or even secret lover, she loved me.

That girl Nicky asked me out when she and her boyfriend broke up again. She told me she "wanted that big dick again". I wasn't really interested, she wasn't a good cock sucker, and wasn't a fun lay. Id rather go home and get the best head and pussy on earth.

I took Kelly to all our school dances. She was confined to her wheelchair of course, but she loved it. Her ALS continued to deteriorate her body, and she died the next year. I had still been fucking her grandmother, Mariola, regularly, but after Kelly's passing she lost interest, and understandably so. I tried to keep in touch with her, but of course weekly calls turned to every couple months, then only holidays, until nether of us kept up. She died ten years after Kelly, she was in good health, but she just never had the love of life to keep on living.

But I graduated, and chose to attend an in state university. In fact it was in our home town. I did this on purpose of course, there was cheaper tuition, I could always go home to do laundry, oh and while I was there I could blow a couple of loads into my beautiful mother and adorable little sister. I was actually home more than I was gone. I got a dorm room that first year so that I could get an authentic college experience, but like most, had an obnoxious roommate, so going home had multiple benefits.

I tried dating that year. Got laid a few times, I told my mom about it but not my sister. Nothing serious happened until my second year. I took dating more seriously my sophomore year, I started really looking for someone that wanted to be in a relationship with, not Just screw. Although I wasn't as bad as most guys I knew, they were horn dogs constantly looking for someone to Fuck. Maybe it was because my sexual needs were already being met by my mother and sister, but when I went to a party it was really just too have fun, not try and hook up with some chick.

I ended up meeting a girl named Joni, we got very serious very fast, I honestly thought that I loved her and that she was the one. I neglected my family, only going over on the weekends, then only when I needed to do laundry or something else also. I regretted it after the fact, because just before the end of the year Joni and I broke up. I should say Joni broke up with me. There wasn't any good reason for it, she just wasn't ready to settle down, and wanted to end it now so she could play around all summer. I went home for the summer crying, I was sad about being dumped, but also for mistreating my two girls. Mom didn't mind, she knew that her boy was going to meet someone eventually, so she was prepared. Lacy on the other hand was hurt. She had taken her anger at me and lashed out that year by finding a boyfriend of her own and screwing his brains out. She wanted to get caught, wanted me to find out, so instead of doing him from the privacy of a bedroom, they would do it in store fitting rooms, or movie theaters, eventually getting caught by the cops as she was being bent over a park bench.

She got grounded of course, which put our mother in an awkward situation. She hadn't ever needed to punish us, which made having sex with us so easy, it was like a daily reward for not misbehaving. When I wasn't around, she and Lace had been pleasing each other constantly, but when Lacy was grounded, my mom decided to ground her from their sex life as well... this was as much of a punishment for mom as it was for Lacy, she used to call me and complain.

But Lacy got back on track and graduated that year, and when I came home broken hearted, she punished me for a couple weeks by ignoring and refusing to sleep with me. Hearing me fucking mom all day and night finally got the best of her, and one morning while we were both home and mom was at work, she crawled under the sheets of my bed naked, while I slept, and took me in her mouth the way she used to do, and told me she forgave me in the best way possible.

The next year Lacy went to the same college as me. We decided that we would both live at home with mom that year. I still dated, but it wasn't my focus. I didn't want to tell girls I still lived at home (I definitely didn't want to tell them WHY I still wanted to live at home) so when I would plan on bringing a girl over, I'd tell her that I had roommates. Lacy and my mom would then stay in a bedroom while my date was over. It worked out fine, but like I said, I wasn't trying to date that much.

The next year was my last in college. I managed to finish in 4 years, with a degree civil engineering. Mom insisted that Lacy and I move out of the house, she loved us and still wanted us to visit as much as possible, but she also wanted us to grow up and spread our proverbial wings. So Lacy and I decided to get an apartmerit together. We both had jobs at this point, but sharing a place with someone made more financial sense, and living with each other made more sexual sense.

It was like living with a girlfriend. We fucked all the time, walked around naked, stayed up late, drank alcohol, we were loving life. Living with mom was a lot of the same (not the underage drinking though), but we still had to behave because she was our mom. We did chores, didn't use curse words (except during sex), that sorta thing, but now that it was just us, we got to be young and dumb. We both agreed that we should be dating, and we set boundaries the way any roommates would, and it worked out. We would talk about who we had sex with, and would often get into bed with each other as soon as our date left. It was like we were letting the other know that no matter who we may end up with, no one would replace us.

But right at the end of school, I met Kim. She was a beautiful Hispanic girl a year behind me. She was smart, a psychology and languages major who had ambitions to join the FBI. All this and she was as much of a freak in bed as I was. On our first date she came home with me and we spent the night fucking like animals. She was a big fan of anal, which was a nice change since none of the other girls I'd met were. I didn't know it then, but she was going to be the woman I married.

She quickly moved in with me. It didn't bother her that Lacy lived with us, in fact she thought it was nice, like I was just being a good big brother. Naturally she didn't know that this big brother was getting his dick sucked by that little sister as soon as she left for class. Lacy liked the risk factor, she thought it was fun. She'd pull my prick out and stuff it in her mouth as soon as Kim would walk out the door, or get in the shower. There were a few close calls, but we never got caught. I tried to tell Lace to take it easy because I really liked Kim and didn't want to screw things up. I also pointed out to her how fucked up it would be if Kim (or anybody) caught me fucking my sister! She'd have to leave school, and we'd have to move, and that's just for starters, I don't even know what potential legal issues there might be.

That's not all, having to keep two women sexually satisfied in the same house was tiresome! When it was mom and Lacy, they knew to take tums, and that if I just blew my load in one, then I needed a bit before I could Fuck the other... but sleeping with Lacy while living with Kim was all in secret. Sure I'd tell Lacy that I just had sex with Kim and that I needed a break, but she was spoiled and wanted to get fucked when she was ready. And of course I couldn't tell Kim that I had just cum in my sister and needed a chance to refill. One time I had been fucking Lacy in my room, and just cum, when we heard the door unlock to the apartment. Lacy ran out of my room and into hers. I was completely naked, and dripping with sweat when Kim walked in, I told her I just got back from a jog and was about to shower, she was of course turned on and wanted me right then and there. She dropped to her knees and started sucking my dick to get him hard, which I knew was still covered in my sister's juices. Luckily she didn't notice anything, but it took me way longer to cum than usual, I was able to blame it on being tired from my "Jog".

I got a government job with the state right after college. I had done an internship with the office in my home town, and they had decided to hire me. The pay was OK, but it was low level. The good news being, of course, that I could stay in town while Kim finished school. She only had one more year of undergrad, but was already planning on her masters, meaning she had 3 more years total. Lacy was also happy that I wasn't going anywhere, as she had two more years to go.

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