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Abby and the ceo - S01 E04

Story 1 month ago

Abby and the ceo - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4

I'm so sorry. Do you need some time off? What do you need?"

"I haven't heard. Maybe when I hear depending."

She stroked his shoulder. "Come and talk to me any time, okay? You know you can. Until then, though, what are we going to do?" He looked up at her. His look was amazing. Here a naked woman was sitting on his desk right next to him and his whole attention was only on her the concern she was giving. "In the mean time, I want you to slow down a bit. Take some time to review your work. These things are stressful, Brad. I get it. I'll discretely move a couple things around to give you a bit more time. Okay?" She stood and leaned close to the side of his face. I thought she was about to give him a kiss but she whispered something instead, something he smiled softly to and patted her hand in reponse.

We were sitting in his office along the wall waiting on the other person for the interview. Then she came flying in. It was the same manager I had seen with the man.

"Sorry... very unprofessional of me, I know. I had a situation to deal with. She reached a hand out to me and introduced herself as Sara James. I appraised her quickly. That was one advantage of seeing her naked. She was probably 35 years old, a trim 125 lbs, shoulder length brown hair, and gray eyes. She had a nice figure and C-cup breast still firm.

She took a chair at the side of his desk. He was sitting behind his desk, the naked manager sitting at the side and I, also naked, was sitting in front of them.

I volunteered, "We overheard, ma'am."

She looked at me, then to the HR Director, then back to me. "Ahhh ... well... good. Actually, that is good." She opened the folder she carried in, scanned it, and continued. "Abby... right... well, it is good to have seen that. It must be very disconcerting to be naked among other people, especially clothed men, and be expected to act professionally. That's the rub here, Abby. What happens here is very different... VERY different. But, we are still a professional organization with the same performance expectations as any other organization. Our CEO, Board of Directors, and shareholders all expect us to return a good profit, grow our business, and provide dividends. We expect chain of command and authority respect whether the authority figure is naked or clothed. Do you understand, Abby?"

"I do, ma'am. If I may say, I thought you handled that with amazing firmness and finished with caring tact. I suspect you are a good manager."

He laughed, "Sucking up to the boss already?"

Sara looked at him quickly, then turned to me. She was red. She was blushing. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who took that remark sexually rather than figuratively. She recovered and jumped into the interview. It was really weird and the feeling didn't change quickly. Sitting in an office for a job interview answering very pointed and probing questions about my experience (such as it was in my young career), responses to 'what if' situations, searching questions about working with common business software and equipment, and interpersonal relations with co- workers and management.

Throughout it all, I was naked. I was very conscious of keeping my legs crossed but there was nothing I could do about my breasts. E- cup naturals don't get hidden by trying to subtly cross your arms. So, I sat straight backed and professional. Looking directly at whomever asked the question when I answered. And, when tried to pretend I wasn't naked, seeing Sara James across from me just about as naked was a reminder.

At a pause in the questions and I sensed they were coming to an end, I asked her, "Ma'am, I wonder if I could ask a question." She nodded. "How long have you worked in this office... this floor? I mean... how long did it take to become so comfortable like you appear?"

She laughed, glanced at Dan, and focused on me. "Comfortable? I doubt there's a woman out there who is truly comfortable. I've been here two and a half years. I rose from an entry starting position like you're applying for. Working naked, naked with clothed men, with clothed men who can and will want a blowjob or fuck from you it's always on my mind. There are certainly times when you lose yourself in the work, then someone appears at your desk and the immediate thought, reaction, impulse is, 'who wants to fuck me? We are a deadly serious business, Abby. That part is like any other office. The other... the sex... It adds something.... hard to explain really." She looked to Dan but he apparently was interested in her answer, too. "The rest of it, the nudity, the open sex, seemingly directed subserviently to the women is always there. And, it provides an energy to the office. The sex is NOT used to subjugate or to push an attitude of subservience. I know it might look that way but it's not. Mr. Cornell won't stand for it. This was his idea and started it small five years ago. As he found men and women responded to it like he envisioned, it expanded. But, no

.... the women don't get completely comfortable with it. Every woman out there is a professional with aspirations for success."

She turned and asked what the average time is for women. He responded, "That's a metric we watch closely. The average for the women on the floor is about two years. Some stay longer and some leave earlier. Men coming in at the entry level stay longer advancing in the office. We've talked about this, that we don't have the number of women in the management ranks proportional to the office. I assure you, it is not sexism. Mr. Comell reviews every promotion."

Sara continued on the thought, "It really comes down to your private life a lot of times. Sometimes someone can't handle the sex initially or after a time. It happens. Some men can't avoid the sexist, dominant attitude this environment could encourage. But usually it is that someone wants to marry or start a family and doesn't want to bring this home with them. There is a fair amount of divorce and broken personal relationships over this office. Spouses think it is exciting at first, shared wife or husband, Increased excitement in their relationship at home, but like everything in marriage it simmers out. We have a very good program of promotions to other parts of the company for those who want to leave. Like you friend Tina."

I was shocked when the questions stopped and we had been talking for over an hour and a half. I took that as a good sign. If it was a good sign, I'd have a decision to make so I may as well ask.

"The sex... I saw the blowjob but it isn't like I see people fucking everywhere."

Sara smiled. "It's an open office and that decision was purposeful, too. It adds to the stimulation but also allows oversight to watch over the women." She craned her head looking out into the open area. "There is blatant sex but there is a fair number of people out there. She pointed, "Halfway across and towards the door." I saw it. A woman in reverse cowgirl bouncing up and down on a guy in his chair. Then she pointed closer where a woman was on her knees sucking a guy at his desk as he talked on the phone. Another a woman bent over a desk being fucked from behind. The activity of the office just provided a measure of public anonymity.

"Do you do anal?" Whoa... I wasn't ready for that question. I shook my head and blushed. She smiled at seeing my skin turn red. "And that was just a question, Abby. Push your chair back and open your legs." I looked at both of them but this was a naked office, a sexual office. Sara was right, my feeling of discomfort was the indicator of how real this would be. This was still the interview. If I had difficulty with the interview, I'd never survive here. I uncrossed my legs and parted them until I encountered the arms of the chair. They smiled at each other. "Put your knees over the arms of the chair." I took a steadying breath and did as directed. "You're wet, aren't you? Damn, you might be embarrassed, but you are excited by this." I didn't say anything in response. I didn't trust my voice at the moment.

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Abby And The Ceo - S01 E03

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